Sunday, May 07, 2006

Microsoft speech recognition

so I just figured out how to use the Microsoft speech recognition in all sorts of applications like fire fox . So I'm using it to write this entire body and I'm not going to correct the mistakes that it makes . As you can see it used the word body instead of log and now it just use the word logs instead of dog and outages to use the word dog. I had a CBack spaceThe spec space backspace backspace backspace . I was trying to correct something but using backspace but that didn't go as what planned. I think I'd train the Microsoft beach recognition software for more it will be a lot of fun. Beach I like the beach two . Everybody should check it out in my opinion because it will just make life so much cooler with all of these audit mistakes that makes. And you can drive a whole bunch of blood in a hurry just by talking. And it just makes me laughAnd

Paul out .


Jon said...

i think a lot of mistakes are user error. we all know pauls grammer and spelling capabilities don't we. welding invations.

Redsaz said...

Dear Jon:
You need to capitalize the word 'I'. 'We' needs to be capitalized, it's the beginning of a sentence. pauls needs to become Paul's, as it is a proper noun and is possesive. Grammer is spelled grammar. A comma needs to be placed between 'capabilities' and 'don't'. The sentence then needs to be finished with a question mark, instead of a period. Finally, use quatation marks when quoting somebody.

A litle proff-reading never hurts anyone..

Hugs and kisses,

P.S. I could have written that XOXOXOXO, but few people nowadays realize that XOXO means hugs and kisses. Go figure.

Jon does make a good point, however. English and its ways of grammar are much too strict. That's why everyone should start writing in l33t, because, let's face it: It's awesome and totally rocks our world. There is little to no grammar to speak of whatsoever. The only thing a person needs to know is that, if they can represent a character with any other character (or characters), then it should be replaced with said character(s). Absolutely no punctuation, unless it is '!' and is repeated for the length of the sentence.

Hmm. I'm going to go shoot myself for suggesting that. But only in the foot.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Speech recognition software is always good for a laugh. I remember, years ago, I was showing off some speech recognition software to my brothers. The things I remember most from that experience: The spoken word "Flatulence" was recognized as "Flat Sheila". To cap off the session, some "wind was broken" into the mic. The speech software wasn't able to transcribe it and issued the warning, "too loud."

We cracked up for 10 minutes. I've never laughed that hard in my life. Needless to say, the mic wasn't used much after that.

Jon said...

I think a lot of mistakes are user error. We all know Paul's grammer and spelling capabilities do we? "welding invations".

serrary shhanie

Jon said...

I think a lot of mistakes are user error. We all know Paul's grammer and spelling capabilities do we? "welding invations".

sorrary shhanie