Monday, April 03, 2006

Insert Witty Title Here

Lester, that sucks about your dad. From now on I'm no longer flipping off truck drivers while I'm on my bike.

So anyways...Warm, sunny days; green grass growing; robins eatin worms--Spring has definitely sprung. You know what that's time for some good clean fun: frisbee golf, barbecues, sand volleyball, more barbecues, soccer, even more barbecues, and swimming. Oh, and barbecues, too. There's nothing like eating a piece of pig straight off the grill in 90+ degrees F while being swarmed by insects. I can hardly wait. In honor of the season, I think we need to get all the former Agnewtions back in Hays again. Lester: I know its quite a drive, but this is imporant. Jon and Shayne: who really needs jobs, anyways? In lieu of your return, I suppose I'll just eat all the brats myself for consolation.

So I had one of the shortest job interviews in history. I'm hoping that doesn't indicate a negative outcome....I didn't get chased out of the store by the Dillon's bouncer--I mean grocery boy--so it wasn't too bad. I guess I'll find out. Until then, those that read the blog: Have a nice day. Those that don't: you are not cool, so don't even ask (which is pointless, because if you don't read it, you wouldn't ask anyways...).

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