Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Boston woods

So I do not have anything to say, but I see Shayne is out Blogging me so I have to do something :). I guess I will write you all a story, or I will start a story and people can add if they want.

Sunligth filtered though the trees as brids chirpped away merrly. It was a beutfully spring evening as Robert walked under the trees of boston woods. Robert had explored boston woods since he was old enough to walk, but tonight he was deeper then he had ever been.
Boston woods was a huge old forest. As far as Robert know it just kept going on and on. He had hear of places on the other side in storys his Grandfather told him, but no one he knew had ever been to the other side. An overgrown road trailed into the woods somewere north of the village Robert had grow up around. No one know where the road went, and no one much cared.
To the villagers the woods were just a place to wake into and gather some firewood or let some childern explore under close watch on a peacefully afternoon. If any one needed anything they travel east to the city were merchance sold everthing imagiaged.
Robert did not like the city. He loved the woods instead. As far as Robert know he know more about the woods then anyone alive. What he know told him that he did not know more then anyone ever. Some time in the distance past, someone know a great deal more then Robert could ever image about the woods. It was this someone that was leading Robert so deep into the woods tonight.

1 comment:

Redsaz said...

When is your next post on the continuation of the story? What happens to Robert? Does he get eaten by a pack of vegetarian bears that confuse him for an oversized cabbage? What? I don't know!