Sunday, May 09, 2004

The day I had

Today I got up looked out of my third story studio apartment saying this will be a good day. Then I got a message from Paul's messenger service about spending time at the private pool in our private gym that has a $6000 a year membership. Then after a nice rest in out public bath I went to eat at the 5 star dining facility that is near my place of residence that I dine at daily. A few hours after my excellent dining experience I took a dip in the private pool with a few of my dearest acquaintances. Then later after my aquatic experience I dined in with my friends from the pool by ordering the food right to my studio apartment. As we ate the most tasteful food we watched a premier of a movie on my fabulous entertainment center. Some of my friends at our gathering had to leave early to see to their investments to make sure they were not faltering. Those who stayed I believe enjoyed the movie and afterwards we had some wild times with some extraneous activities. It ended with Jessie falling over into a table. It was most amusing. After the party wrapped up I took a cat nap, cleaned up and did a little reading looking out my studio apartment windows. It was a most exciting day and I had such a great time. I hope to do it again some time soon.

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