Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Yippe Skippy!

I'm so happy. The dark cloud of finals has almost lifted and I can almost see the light. I must go into the light, the light of no work that is.

I had to give a presentation this morning and those are the worst. You have to talk and people want to know if you know what you're talking about so they open their big mouths and ask questions the lousy jerks. But fortunately everyone but Dr. Z was mostly asleep for my talk and very few questions were asked. Thank goodness.

So my oldest brother, Thor as he likes to call himself, and he reminded me of an important fact. Mom's spaceship is made from Future Floorwax. That's how it stays hidden so well. She has her little alien rituals that she feels the need to perform to test our levels of alien-ness and that of our friends. Her favorite ritual is to do Volcanoes a type of special alien dance designed to release alien energy and resonate with others of her kind. Apparently all of her hybrid children (us) failed that little test. But oh well, what can she do, genetically engineer the human out of us? Shhhhhh!!! Don't give her any ideas.

I think I'm gonna go find food now. I'm hungry. Then it's back to work on stupid school stuff.

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