Saturday, May 22, 2004

A Jock?

One of my friends today categorized me as a Jock. Can you believe it!? Me? A Jock? I always thought I was a nerd......

1 comment:

Redsaz said...

In the global sense, you are a nerd. I'd have to know your friend you're talking about, but in the smaller realm, if he is a bigger nerd than you, then you could be considered a jock. Also keep these things in mind:

Jocks like to work out, and take their shirts off. Nerds don't.
Jocks usually don't care about grades so much. Nerds do (except for the uber-nerds, where college classes might interfere with their even nerdier plans).
I'd come up with more but you get the point.
Perhaps you should take the nerd test on the Internet to find out?