Thursday, May 13, 2004


Wow just about everyones has posted atleast twice in the last two days. Man I am behind. And since everyone is going today or tomorrow then there isn't much time left for me to blog. You know I was encouraging people to join the blog some my name wasn't last anymore on the names to join but now it is again...Arrrgh. I think it is all part of the squirrels plan to take over the world. They have a whole plan already in effect right now. They have reached the highest levels of our government. They took one step at a time first vice president as Al Gore. Now they have be come bolder by becoming president of the U.S. Who else would have an agenda to bring down the strongest country in the world by making them look stupid other than a red neck idiot who didn't know what he was doing. But you can see their work in other things they do around here now a days. They are in Japan making stupid game systems like nintendo and playstation and games to hypnotize and take over the minds of our youth. Why you might ask? What is their big plan you might ask. Because they are tired of gathering thier own acorns. They want to make us their helpless slaves on mining acorns of them while they get fat and lazy here on earth. Yes I said here on earth because they are the ones who are funding and planning on terra-forming mars. Then we will all be sent there to plant oak trees and pick acorns all our live with their giant robot army looking over us to make sure we work. Can you believe it a giant robot army and we are the ones who have to work. Why can't we just get along. Oh-well, don't say I didn't warn you about them. So build your bunkers quickly and stock up on weapons. Don't be afraid of making a squirrel road kill because one day soon they will be pounding down our door with their akorn-47's and sending us to mars. Peace out. DO NOT FORGET THE CAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Redsaz said...

"Acorn-47's"... Love it!

Anonymous said...

it is akorn-47!?!?!? common shayne what are you trying to pull on me