Monday, May 31, 2004

To Whom It May Concern

Hey everyone!! I am off on my quest! Where I will conquer great perils, slay dragons, and rescue the damsiel in distress. There will be much plight to over come and many obsticles to vanquish. In other words I am going to kick some ass and take some names in my summer class. I will be in Utah and Colorado, where I will be camping under the stars, sitting by the camp fire, and becoming one with nature. It will be great.
I know I will be leaving some dear friends of mine alone for a bit so I am leaving a will for the three weeks I am removed from thier presents. 1) Lester, I leave you good times with your anime but I know it won't be that great cause I won't be there to knock you upside the head and tell you to go do other things. 2) Damien I am leaving you the right to knock Lester upside the head and tell him to do things so he isn't sitting in his dorm room the whole time doing nothing. But don't get to good at it because I will be back soon enough to reclaim the position and get you two both back on track. 3) I leave you both the ability to not stupidly waste the time away completely while I am gone. This mean FIND A JOB!!!!!!!!! Both of you! 4) Come up with an idea for our movie (Yes, I will think of some ideas also). 5) All you other people I leave the ability to read this message and leave odd comments for I must go and when I come back I will probably not read them... or maybe I will. So go my serfs and do good for goodness sake.

1 comment:

paul said...

Jon you are a salve driver man