Do you like legos? Do you like porn? Check this out:
Lego PORN!
Mature content, must be 18 or older to view.
Actually, its stupid, you'll enjoy it better if you were 17 or younger.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Another way to rot your brain
Posted by Lester at 9:59 PM 0 comments
yet another way to waste time...
like spiderman? like legos?
Posted by Jessie at 7:22 PM 2 comments
just when you thought it couldn't get any worse
Posted by Jon at 1:04 PM 0 comments
why cant there be more ppl like that.....
so.... here am last night it was somtime in the evening im not exactly sure what time it was but it was 94 degrees out still i decided i was going to walk down to campus to see if anyone was around ..(i decided to walk because im trying to save gas in my car) so here i am walking ive just about made it to the railroad tracks and this guy pulls up and ask me if i want a ride at first i didnt reconize him then it hit me he was in one of my groups from one of my classes last semester he told me it was to hot to walk and gave me a ride to campus ...then this morning since it was cool i decided to walk to work i started walking down 7th street about the time i go to fort street this chick stops and ask me if i want a ride ....this person i had no idea who she was...however she was cute..... so of course i was going into the car... i was quite surprised that two ppl less than 24 hrs apart were kind enough to go out of their way ...(one being a complete stranger)... to help somone who really didnt need their help i didnt ask for and i know i didnt deserve it because i cant remember the last time i did somthing like that ....
Posted by Anonymous at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 30, 2004
My Ideal Retirement
I was thinking about my retirement, as all college kids reaching the last year-and-a-half of their college careers, wondering what I would do at whatever point when I would no longer have to work, if I'd have so much money that I don't even have to worry about it. Not worry as in I could buy Rhode Island with only my mad money kind of rich.
So I figured I would buy 15 square miles somewhere, and dedicate about 4 of those for my living space. The mansion with indoor and outdoor basketball, tennis, swimming pools and other things that I'd never use would take up a nice part of it, as well as an airstrip. The REAL piece of work though would be the entertainment room, which is essentially an IMAX theater (or theatre, if I'm feeling Endlandy) but with nice comfortable recliners and couches. Without going into much more detail, there would be so many electronics that my remote control would need a remote control. Fancy.
For the rest of the 11 miles, it would be reserved land that I could change into anything. Lets say that I want a nice dune buggy race. Blam, its done: Sand dunes, water hazards for some reason, crazy jumps, and all racing participants get a paintball gun, all confined within a nice part of the area. Then maybe I want a field of corn to reenact the beginning of Planet of the Apes (the first one), complete with very ugly and hairy men to play the apes. Some people plant some corn, and swish, it's done. Maybe I want a big statue of a Tetris block that could double as an apartment complex. Done. Don't forget about the huge, wide road that encircles the whole property, complete with a garage full of any car that can go at least 185 MPH. Over the colder months, I'd have a fleet of snowmaker machines that cover the land for awesome snowmobile rides, each also outfitted with paintball guns.
Because I'd feel a little lonely, I'd pitch in to all of my friends, give them a wing of the mansion or maybe their own house on the ranch, and give them enough money for them to retire too, so I wouldn't have to wait for the weekends to enjoy the place with company. A free ride.
If I run out of ideas, I guess I could consult that Billy Madison movie for fortune squandering activities. It'll be great.
You might laugh, but that's my dream, and you shouldn't make fun of somebody's dreams. Will it happen? No, but boy, that sure sounds fun, for at least a year or two, anyway. My wife would probably girly the place up with doilies, but that would have happened if I had 10 trillion dollars (after taxes) or not.
Posted by Redsaz at 11:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Great days
To show you people have been missing here in Hays I would need a video camera. I don't have one but Shayne does, but still he is one of you people. So I will just have to tell you about it. Yesterday I call my work to see if they needed help and they said yes come in in a hour. I just sat there and waited about five minutes and they called back to come in right away. Little to my knowledge the streets were running rivers out here. As I drove up to Vine Street trucks were floating back to Hall Street. It was awesome and if I wasn't working I would have probably swam across Hays. But I would have rather worked because I made big bucks in tips. Too bad I spent it all today buying food and watching 'Stuck on You'. That is a great movie! It was no where near what we expected. I thought it would be personally completely cheesy. I was hilarious and nothing like 'Dude where's My Car' (which is a good movie also just really cheesy). Soon I will buy that movie and make you all watch it. Until then you can only dream of being here. So I urge you to make that dream come true and come back to Hays. Come on, I have a couch. We are only a little bored. Please come back. And if enough of you come back we can make Lester clean his couch so you can sleep on it.
Oh yeah apparently in the flood yesterday many squirrel troops were lost to drowning. They must have pissed God off some how. Peace I'm out.
Posted by Jon at 11:00 PM 4 comments
What I think about
I once knew a man by the name of Bob. I kept saying his name backwards just to annoy him.
Don't you hate it when people pile different topics into one sentence, and when they eat cheetos and talk to you three inches from your face?
If you don't know what to do for your Valentines Day date, here's a great tip: McDonald's.
I hate it when people complain.
If you are looking to save time in the mornings, feeding a cow 40 lbs. of coffee will last you for weeks. It's already warm, and there is plenty of cream.
In Mexico, is Pepsi called Pepyes?
I was walking in town the other day, and a crazy man told me to watch for the next coming. He got hit by a train.
My psychiatrist said I have multiple personalities, but unfortunately they are all deaf mutes.
One of my friends said I was blind as a bat. I didn't take it seriously until I was hit by a baseball.
Speaking of friends, I have a buddy that has no arm. It is really hard for him to find his brand of soap, "Lever 1750"
Two electrons were talking to each other.
"What are you eating?" One asked.
"A photon," the other said. "I'm on a diet, I'm trying to eat light."
A QWERTY keyboard walks into a bar and orders a drink.
The bartender takes one look and says "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."
Do you know how Intel makes computer chips?
They use computators.
I was going to marry a daughter of a multimillionaire landfill tycoon, but I don't think I could handle being filthy rich.
If two midgets start a riot, would it be known as a Little Deuce Coo?
I've noticed a disturbing trend in earthquake activity.
Posted by Redsaz at 10:44 PM 3 comments
I am tired of everyone littering all over the place. So from now on when I catch someone littering I am going to straight out tell people to "Get the fuck back here and pick up this shit you ass hole." This anger comes from being a Boy Scout and a Eagle Scout for so many years and picking up other peoples trash all the time. And now that I live in the dump of America (a.k.a. Hays, KS) apparently I am sick of seeing trash every 2 mm when I go places and I am tired of clean up after slobs. So do us all a favor and throw your trash away and if there isn't a trash can in site put it into your pocket till you can. That goes for smokers also, if you don't want to put the butt in you pocket then quit smoking cause I don't want to see it.
Posted by Jon at 5:04 PM 3 comments
I can't spell!
Especially when I'm watching TV while I'm writting.
I also have horrible grammar and a small vocabulary.
I blame Canada for this.
Posted by Lester at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Reasons Lester will eventually be wrong.
Read up on Lester's I am, therefore I eat article before you read this, so you know what I'm talking about.
Case 1: In the future, brains, the whole human essence, can be transplanted into robotic shells (Man, that seems really familiar somehow...) Thus, you do not NEED to eat to EXIST. Sure, your batteries may need charging every once and again, but you didn't say "I am, therefore I get my batteries recharged", so you will be wrong in that case.
Case 2: Humans, believe it or not, will become SO LAZY that they won't even waste energy to: Get food, chew food, swallow food. They will have it transported a la Star Trek right into their bellies, skipping right over the eating portion of the food process and skip right to digestion. The bodies get so huge that it eventually explodes and then you find yourself back at case 1.
Case 3: We invent AI and it enslaves us to produce their energy inside the Matrix. In the "real" world, tubes are shoved down our throats, so technically we are not eating. In the "fake" world, we are eating food, but not for real. And since others have learned to hack the matrix, they know that they do not need to eat to survive, and so they don't (but some do it for the taste).
So it will NOT be a case that "I eat because I exist" (as the way you put it) because in the future people will not need to eat to exist. Even "I exist because I eat" (I eat, therefore I am) is wrong because your eating didn't create your existence, it can only extend the time of your existence to a certain point.
Hey, it was either this, or talk about something more boring.
Posted by Redsaz at 11:38 PM 5 comments
I eat, therefore I am
Me: I am, therefore I eat.
Friend: no, cause not everyone eats.
Me: but people who do not eat, become no longer, therefore to be, you must eat.
I know that didn't make sense
but neither does this: change happens to foody eat eat kind of like monkey people slash Transition
Enjoying the fact that I don't have to make sense to entertain people. Of course not everyone will find this funny. If you don't find this funny, you're probably a loser...but I forgive you.
Posted by Lester at 6:41 PM 2 comments
"Oh Yeah!"
Kool-Aid Man
My good friend showed me this, and I thought it was awesome, so here it is. The things you learn on the internet.
Posted by Lester at 5:00 PM 2 comments
tap water kills
did you know that 51% of Americans prefer George Bush's hair to John Kerry's?
it's going to be a tight race...break out the mousse, kerry.
Posted by Jessie at 4:25 PM 2 comments
Funny stuff
Redneck Neighbor
Check it out, its pretty funny.
Posted by Lester at 11:24 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
FHSU Bloggination
Shayne get online asap. I got something you need to see
Posted by Jon at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 26, 2004
Cows belong in the slaughter house, meat is good
I am just sitting here in Hays again on another Monday evening think that the high school summer life was the shit compared to this. Hays sucks monkey balls. No one here wants to do anything and what they want to do cost money. I am thinking I need to start a good game of... something going. Tomorrow I get to work again, finally I get to say that. I hope I get some more free pizza. I am going to save up some money and goto Golden, Colorado to hang out for awhile cause this place sucks.
Posted by Jon at 11:04 PM 1 comments
Die Wagenschenke - Das Partyzelt am Albanifest in Winterthur.
Die Wagenschenke - Das Partyzelt am Albanifest in Winterthur. It's a game. About being drunk. I've been able to go 53 meters. Good luck.
And remember: don't drink and drive. Or in this guy's case, don't be exposed to open flames.
Posted by Redsaz at 10:31 PM 1 comments
I just got my camcorder in today, and I have a neat idea for a movie to shoot with it. Beyond that movie, I have nothing. So if any of you have any ideas, just let me know.
This camera has so many cool features, most of which I'll never use. I have a memory card, but no cassette (I bought it off Ebay), so all I can do at the present moment is take 640x480 pictures, and shoot movies at 320x240 with 10 Frames per second. My question: WHY? Why have a camcorder that can record nice home movies shoot subpar, digital camera quality stuff? Dumb.
"But Shayne, when you do it this way, it is easier to take off of the camera and upload onto the internet."
Also dumb. You know how to fix that problem? Learn how to use the camcorder. Simple, problem fixed.
"It keeps movies in neat, different files and is great for spur of the moment happennings."
Rebuttle: Sounds like you need to buy a regular digital camera. Camcorders are great for spur of the moment things, provided you lug the thing around.
Bottom line: So far, I love this camcorder, and it will (hopefully) be a dependible product for years, and able to record all of our zany exploits.
But for those of you looking for a neat little camera/camcorder type experience, maybe the Sony Digicam W1 is for you. While technically a digital camera, it has the capability to take upperly decent 5Megapixel pictures and record 640x480 movies at 30 frames per second, which hasn't been seen by any other camera that I've known. It still doesn't compare with a dedicated movie machine though. The price: $340 to $450.
Posted by Redsaz at 9:30 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2004
And another detailed review of a moive
Went and saw the new Bourne moive. For the most part I liked it, some of the action scenes were a bit confusing (they did that whole "shake the camera so it looks like you're in the fight too" effect, which is stupid). I liked the story and everything, though I think Jason Bourne should have kicked more butt. He only killed one person in the entire moive.
Wow, I wrote a lot more than I usualy do. I should have just reviewed it like I review all the other moives.
"What an awesome moive, go watch it ya'll!"
Posted by Lester at 4:18 PM 2 comments
What a great weekend!!!
Hey everyone! Guess what, Sam is in town. She came to visit me! Hurray!!!! Now I just need to get Shayne out here a couple of weeks before school starts to get Lester on track so Shayne has some space to move in to when he arrives. So Shayne get your butt out here so we can goof off. Last night we watched that other Bourne movie and it gave me a headache.
Posted by Jon at 10:22 AM 0 comments
well .....
looks like its been quite busy on the blog i dont have a computer right now so its been slow for me to post anything one more week and i should have my new one but until then i have to use the computers at work right now as im writing this post its 7:30 in the morning on a sunday and im at work and im bored...really bore which sux but anyways someone has to do it also i cant wait until next weekend im going to colorado maybe depends on how much i get paid friday
Posted by Anonymous at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2004
It has a beguin.
It has an end.
But beyond these little can be see.
It is here.
It is now.
But never to come again.
It will be happy.
It will be sad.
But no one knows what is next.
One thing is constant.
That is nothing is constant.
Live it.
Seek the truth.
e^(-i*pi) = -1
Posted by paul at 6:28 PM 2 comments
Sorry - about my last post
Half the stuff I write is not meant to be taken totally seriously. When I said "I don't like emotions" I didn't mean that literally. I kind of meant it as "I hate it when my emotions get the best of me." I like emotions, its what lets me enjoy music, or relate to characters in movies, and other usefull thing. Nice comment by the way, Shayne. Hehehehe
Posted by Lester at 1:12 AM 4 comments
Friday, July 23, 2004
Man, I Just Don't Know
Things are looking up....things are looking down. I'm so confused.
This is why I don't like emotions, it gets in the way of my thinking. Of course I don't do a lot of thinking in the first place. I've decided I'm gonna try something new. I don't know if you all will like it or not, but I have to do this for my own sanity. I need to be more confident, and stand up for what I believe! Hopefully I don't turn into an ass or anything, but it is quite possible.
Man, no one really writes in the blogs anymore. Does anyone actually read this other than Jon, Shayne, me, and some of my secret friends?
Dude, someone tipped Jon $10 for delivering pizza. We're gonna go to McD's now. Food is good, though McD's isn't the best. Oh all can go to hell (not really).
Posted by Lester at 11:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
JibJab: This Land
Although I get weary posting anything slightly political on the blog, unless its clearly tongue-in-cheek or so watered down that it can't even offend a pig (a French pig (See? Tongue-in-cheek. So don't send me hate mail, frogs)), because I like to keep things light, and even then I do it sparingly. Why should I tell you what to think? With that being said, you've got to slide on down to Atom Films "This Land" which pokes fun at both Bushand Kerry. Bottom Line: You will laugh at this film, or else you have no sense of humor and you will eventually die from stress. So just watch and enjoy, for your health.
It is the works of the people at, and for Flash films, this is high quality, dude. 3.7 Megs.
If you DO get offended at some of the language, then you probably shouldn't go there. But then again, you won't know if you get offended until you go there. Quite the pickle.
Posted by Redsaz at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Dudes and dudettes I have been in Olathe the last couple of days. Man it was crazy. I had to relearn how to drive so I wasn't smashed when I was there. It sucked, people are so pushy there. But now I get to come back and work, yay!
Posted by Jon at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Miss Machine = Masterpiece
Dillinger Escape Plan = Gods of Metal
That totally blew me away, I am speachless. What an awesome album.
Now, I just have to wait one more week for Ghost in the Shell to come out. I'm so freakin' excited. It comes with the soundtrack!
Posted by Lester at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 19, 2004
Email us! Please!
The whole blog staff has one new email: , so now you can pose tough questions that FHSUB can squash with the mightest of answers. Since there are 8 of us, maybe one of us will check it every now and again. But send us an email anyway! Who knows, maybe it will be featured on the sacred blog, and you might win a free t-shirt pat on the back administered by yourself.
And you can ask us about ANYTHING.
Here are some samples to get you started:
Q:"What is the atomic weight of carbornium?"
A:"Check your vision, then look in a chemistry book."
Q:"My boyfriend dumped me, what should I do?"
A:"Date me, pretty lady." [editor's note: that applies only to pretty ladies... and possibly just regular ladies. We'll see.]
Q:"My girlfriend thinks I dumped her, what do I do?"
A:"Forget about her and move far away."
See, simple answers for complex questions.
Posted by Redsaz at 11:47 PM 1 comments - Jesus seeks loving woman
Man, I wish I could Date Jesus. That would be so totally awesome. I wish there was an opportunity like that.
What's that you say? If I were a girl I CAN date Jesus!? Awesome! I just need to go to this website. And then get a sex change. Man this is gonna be great.
Posted by Lester at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Dillinger Escape Plan, The --- Official Relapse Records Band Page
Dillinger Escape Plan, bio
Miss Machine....tomorrow baby! I can't wait.
Posted by Lester at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Thoughts of Today
Today I discovered that driving stick with only one hand is difficult, and also dangerous. It is highly not recommended. Man I wish I had a cupholder or something.
Also, today I found out that peeing while standing up on your hands is a bad idea for a few reasons.
1. Unless you are really talented, you need to use BOTH hands to stand up.
2. Its hard to aim using your feet.
3. My legs don't bend that way anyway....
4. When upside-down, default mode is "aim for face."
So next time you have the brilliant idea of showing off by peeing standing on your hands, just remember those 4 things.
Some people don't like the type of music I listen to (hardcore heavy metal thrash death metal whatever), but I think its great stuff. A lot of people criticize it saying "its not music" or that "its just a bunch of random noises" but that's not true. OK, maybe in some cases it is true, but for the most part the musicians usually know what they are doing and play music that purposefully sound horrible. That's their way of expressing their emotions or whatever they're trying to express, and I relate to that. Its good stuff.
I finally got everything out of my old room and down to the new room. Thank you Jon for helping me, couldn't have done it without you. It is really crowded in here right now, I haven't had a chance to put everything way yet. Its all just laying in the middle of the "living room." Oh well. Man its really dusty upstairs.
Mod Flanders Conspiracy
Go there and check out their new songs! Its freakin' awesome man!
Dillinger Escape Plan
Their new album comes out in 2 more days! I'm really excited about this. Sounds like its gonna be an awesome album.
I went and saw I, Robot the other day. It was a pretty good movie. I would recommend it other people. My friend said it did a good job of following the book (I never read it so I wouldn't know, though I would like to read it some day).
I also saw Anchorman. That was an awesome movie. It was very weird and very random, but I liked it. If you're in a goofy mood and feel like watching a really goofy movie, go watch Anchorman.
Man this was kind of a long blog, and really random. Oh well, that's how my life goes so, deal with it.
.....I wish I had friends....
and maybe some lady friends too.....
and ice cream, I like ice cream.
Life is a wonderful thing, don't waste I'm doing right now.
Posted by Lester at 1:52 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2004
New family member and stuff
I'm getting a new sister. She's from my mom's other side, the alien side. She was ready to be hatched about 20 years ago but refused to come out of her pod so mom just let her stay there. Now she's coming out soon and I'm finally going to have my very own little sister to boss around and stuff. I think I'll be pretty good at it cuz I learned from the best - my two older brothers.
Ok, really Suzi is one of my bestest friends and she's having family problems so my mom told her she could move in with us if it gets too bad. It's not my deal so I can't explain what is going on with her family other than they are being really mean to her.
Oh yeah, I got a new haircut yesterday. Ok well it's an old one revisited with a new flair or whatever. But it's cute and I like it and so do most people I've seen ( or they just don't want to tell me it sucks, whatever).
I guess that'll work for now.
Posted by Anonymous at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Jon The Great is back!
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! Whats up my peeps? I have finally gotten a job and worked one day. The squirrels can no longer hold me back from my plans to defeat their plans that they are planning to use when they plan on using their "Taking over the world" plan. They are still pissed about me putting their whole invasion of our world online, in that website I never learned how to make. But now I will have the funding and the transportation to try and start my counter-strike revolution. The funding will come from my paychecks at Pizza Hut and the counter-strike will be my car as I run over the squirrels while delivering the pizza to get my paycheck from Pizza Hut. There will be no stop to me this time. I will have those rebel squirrels and get back the stolen plans for my death squirrel star that they stole and are now modifiiing to use on humans. They will not inslave this race or our people just to send us to Mars where we will have to mine acorns for them. Victory will be mine and then the world will have to send me a very nice thank you card.
Posted by Jon at 12:23 PM 3 comments
Movie Review: The Terminal
This movie was 128 minutes, which was about 38 minutes too long for this movie. Conflict was also created where it wasn't needed, like Catherine Zeta-Jones almost self destructive nature with men, Frank Dixon's evil plans to get rid of Hanks character. The movie just gets more unbelievable at the end, like when he hails a cab, and he gets a cab just like that! Twice! Now, I've never been to The Big Yorkple, or whatever they call it, but that is quite a feat. And another thing: Viktor (Hanks) was from or around the Russian area, but yet we only see him attempting to get drunk once. He should have been blinding drunk the whole show for it to be believable, with breath that can glow in the dark.
But the part I don't understand the most is where he manages to go back in time to the 1980's to kill the mother of a boy that will lead the resistance to the machines.
... Oh, wait, that was The Terminator. I get confused sometimes, sorry.
It does have some cute moments, and the comedy is certainly good too. Not GOOD good, but good.
Anyways, I'd give it a 6 out of 10 movie quality units, or as some people like to call them, stars.
Spiderman 2 will be showing in our town next week, and I'm sure you know that only my opinion matters and you are depending on me to tell you what to think of it, as all of the tubs of Crisco in the world can't help Ebert to get a keener view of the movie world compared to me. I suppose it would help him burn hotter and longer in a fire, though. Wow, when did I turn egotisical and mean? Sorry people, I'll cut back, and tell Ebert to do the same.
I just can't stop myself!
Posted by Redsaz at 11:45 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 17, 2004
i checked my account this morning and my account has been charged so i will be recieving my new laptop very soon ...very soon indeed ... i cant wait this is freaking awesome and i had better get it quickly i didnt pay for the rush delivery for no reason at all darn it because if i dont get it in a timly manner im going to california and im gonna raise some **** and they arnt going to like me at all but any ways my new puter should be on its way YAY!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 16, 2004
Yo Shayne My Man!
I'm sort of moved into our room. Over half my stuff is still in my old room but I'm sleeping in the new room now (plus that's where my computer is now). Do you want the top bunk or bottom bunk? Oh, and were you gonna bring anything that needs to be put under the bed? Cause I might take up a lot of that space....
Let me know what's going ons!
Love with all of my hear,
Lester Branyan
PS I thought this was a blog...not a letter. Oh well.
Posted by Lester at 6:46 PM 3 comments
Use System Restore to Undo Changes if Problems Occur
Have you ever received an email claiming to give you money when you forward that email to people, and then those emails give you money too? I've received it several times, from a couple of my friends. Eventually it pushed me over the edge, so I whipped out my Calculus skills and showed that the exchange of money was so astronomical that there isn't enough money in the United States, let alone Microsoft, to pay all those people. Then I realized I could have just added, but that wouldn't have been as much fun.
What about the claim that tapping the side of a soda can will prevent its contents from foaming over when you open it?
've got this baby bookmarked, because not only is it funny, but it will totally blow that loudmouth know-it-all out of the water (Hmm, that guy sounds familiar). It's called, the first line for defense for urban legend stuffs.
Wow. The reason I haven't posted anything the past three days is because I installed a new modem, and for whatever reason it decided to be lazy and not connect to the internet. After going through blah blah blah (boring technical information left out, boring stuff), I gave up, and went back to the old modem, but for some odd reason, installing its old drivers results in the blue screen of death, every time I tried to use the internet, or even just to view the modem in the device manager.
So there I was. 28 to 24, seven seconds left on the clock, 4th and long on the enemy's 30 yard line. My Hail Mary play was the System Restore feature that Microsoft implemented in every version of Windows since the infamous Windows Me. I shunned it ever since it came along, because it just took up too much hard drive space. Luckily, the compy gods were merciful that night (er, tonight), and I restored my computer to the time before I installed the new modem. The receiver caught the ball in a dazzling display of... catching-the-ballness, just inside the end zone for the TD. Everything works just like I had before. I'm back on the internet, baby. I walked away with the win, although with my pride hurt and a bit humbled.
System Restore has my support now, and I guess it will have to be that way for every other digerati (digital literati: One learned in the computer arts) out there to find out for themselves. I'm still going over the aftermath of all my computer troubles, but the likely culprit is most likely the driver I downloaded, and it just doesn't play nice with... anything. (More technical stuff left out. You'll notice I left a fair amount in, but this is my post, so I'll say what I want).
Use System Restore to Undo Changes if Problems Occur
Posted by Redsaz at 12:58 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
this Bytes part two
apparently i can no longer post blogs at work im not sure why i have complete rightss to the computer i work at work but appaerenty i cant post ....i hate work but i cant wait till next week no boss WOOHOO she is going to be out of office all week next week its going to be great now if i just had my laptop everything would be perfect i do believe i solved my problem with posting now im just going to have to do it when im at home untill i figure out why my computer at work wont let me unti next time ...... X love X and \/ peace \/
Posted by Anonymous at 8:15 PM 0 comments
this Bytes
WOW..!... its been a while since ive blogged anything at all it prolly has to do with the fact i have no laptop anymore it quit working if anyone is interested in a $1100.00 paperweight let me know i can hook you up with one its made by HP and it has festive stickers on it that say stuff like "ATARI" .."powered by Corsair" ... and "fueled by BAWLS" this paperweight is state of the art it has a 1.8 intel celeron processor dont know why it needs it just does 15in display 256 mb of ram and a 30gig harddrive all of which it useless but sounds really cool in terms of paperweights though and the thing only weighs 7.5 lbs it would prolly work great if you wanted drown someone by tie-ing it around their legs and throwing them in a lake or river maybe even big creek if the thing didnt drown them the toxic waste would get them its a win/win situation............ I am however getting a new laptop its going to rock i cant wait it going to be yellow ..YELLOW!!! isnt that just awesome however im thinking about having some decal printed up from my uncle for it but cant decide if i want flames...tiger stripes ...or penstripes that way i could name it the bumble bee ..(yeah right) any way that about sums everything that has happened to me this summer so far except i have been working which really sux
Posted by Anonymous at 8:12 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Man oh man, all this free time an no time to blog!
Hey, it me, Jon. I still don't have a job which is very not cool. Oh well I think I am just going to sell used body parts. I saw a funeral going on the other day when I turned in my applications. So maybe one night soon I will sneak in and borrow some of those organs and sell them online. Or maybe not. Yeah that job is too gross for me plus Lester would always be trying to eat the body parts. But I do say it is a good thing other people have money and jobs so I can atleast mooch food off of them. Especially Tom who works at the donut factory. Well tomorrow I will be applying at the only place I haven't applied yet, the City of Hays Sewage Treatment Plant. Hopefully they need help... they gotta... who would want that job... come on some other place call me so I don't have to work there!
Posted by Jon at 8:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 12, 2004
the website
I wasted the night updating the site with links and a cooler look. Learned about html tables and i think i almost understand html. Come and see at
Posted by paul at 8:50 PM 1 comments
paul's webpage
go to to see my html ablitys or lack there of. I put a cool .gif on it and that is it. But I hope it gets bigger in the future. all have a great week.
Posted by paul at 9:04 AM 1 comments
What Happened Before the Big Bang? : Paul Davies
If you read What Happened Before the Big Bang?, you will find out that, in fact, the entire universe is a piece of gum. Or something, I can't understand where I left my shoes, let alone this.
Seriously, I found this to wrap everything up into a neat little package, which then explodes. And you should take my word on that, since I have the credentials to know everything. That's why everyone calls me "Oracle"... or maybe it was "Urkel", but I have a hard time hearing, and I think the guy that called me that was blind because I'm Caucasian.
I still have a few questions, like "What about the other 7 dimensions?", "Does motion define time, or does time define motion?" and "Who will be the next $10,000 winner of AFV?"
Posted by Redsaz at 12:51 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Enemy List
Enemy List for the Super Mario World. Good for nerds.
Posted by Redsaz at 5:36 PM 1 comments
Keep it real
I'm not sure why, but today I feel like a weight has been lifted off the monkey hanging on my back. I'm mellow, I've got a peaceful, easy feeling. Maybe it's because of my dream that I had, which I don't remember. Perhaps it's because I got to wake up later than usual. Maybe because I went to church and got some advice. Who knows, but I like it. I didn't even know I was feeling down (well, not "down", more like below average). It is good to get a reminder every now and again that you shouldn't worry about every little or big thing that happens to you or to someone else, because worrying won't help, and you only complain when you don't want to do anything useful to fix the problem yourself.
Your sense of humor is one of the greatest survival mechanisms you have, whether you are fighting stress, some crisis, or even to calm down someone about to implode your face. Hmm... I guess Roger Rabbit was right all along.
Posted by Redsaz at 4:04 PM 2 comments
Shout outs Baby!
Happy Birthday Paul! Keep it real baby! You sexy beast you!
Hey Shayne, I luv ya, let me know what is up!
Jon, keep looking and I'm sure you'll find an awesome job. Don't give up, Bitch!
Mofo what you lookin' at?
Alex! I know you aren't reading this but you have fun in AK! Don't get too cold.
Biebs, keep watchin' the anime! We should watch together sometime.
What up Jessie!? Don't forget how to swim.
Hey hey Sam, aka Mas! Make a lot of money at your aunt's!
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
Check it out, freakin' awesome man. It'll blow your mind! Ok, maybe not, but is shall redefine animation!
Posted by Lester at 12:17 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 09, 2004
How do you want me to set up the room? I'm moving in, bizitch!
Posted by Lester at 11:29 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Math by Farming
For anyone who visits this blog (heh heh, ok, I know nobody else visits this site besides us, but let's pretend anyway), they'd know that I'm currently located on a farm doing farm related things. When it comes time for me to talk about things in this blog of ours, I tend to talk about... farming. What else would I talk about, New York?
New York state's population is 19,190,115 total with 17,624,305 of those people living in metro areas as of 2003(USDA/ERS). NY covers 54,475 square miles, which is the 27th largest state in the USA. So, on average, that would be 323.5 people per mile, but that doesn't matter. Main imports are immigrant taxi drivers and gorilla stink spray (Just a guess). The state animal is the beaver. Dinosaur fossils found in New York are from the
Coelophysis, which was considered one of the geeks of the dinosaur carnivores, and was beat up daily for milk money, which explains why they traveled in packs and were able to run away really fast. I guess that's the joke: Once you've saurischian, you've seen them all...
Now to farming. Also, get your pad, pen, and calculator ready.
We're still harvesting wheat. All of that rain we got a couple weeks ago set us back, and currently we are on a 450 acre sprinkler irrigated crop. 450 acres, what's that? That is 19,602,000 square feet my friend, or 0.703125 square miles (640 acres in a mile), so the radius of this circular field is 2498 feet. To help you relate how big this is: Imagine the state of New York. Ok, now imagine it 1.29x10^-5 of that size. Yeah, that big. Seriously, for those of you who have been on the FHSU campus, imagine that area. The university grounds is about 275 acres big, or 0.430 square miles.
We have been farming on this field for four days now, and we are only 70% done (estimated). Here is where the real mathy stuff comes in, and someone might want to check my numbers, but here we go.
We cut the field with a 30 foot-wide header, but since we don't go to the edge of the header, we really only use an average of about 28 feet of that header. We have 2 combines, so you could say we cut with a 56 foot width. Because this field is irrigated, we have to go really, really slow. Instead of 5.0 mph, we average only around 1.9 mph, or 10,032 feet/hour. So, that means every hour, we harvest 56 * 10032 = 561792 square feet per hour, or 12.9 acres/hour. That means that the whole field will take 450 / 12.9 = 34.9 hours to cut a field. A whole day's work is 13 to 14 hours, but we only cut for 12 hours a day, give or take. So, the whole field can get cut in 3 days.
3 days to cut, but we've been there for four days, and, if we're lucky, only one more day. So what's the problem? For the whole harvest, we have had 6 breakdowns (or 6 unrequested interruptions of combine operations, if you want to get bureaucratic about it), and ALL SIX of those breakdowns were in this field. Irrigated wheat can do that. 4 of those breakdowns were mine, and involved the header in some way, and one of them was sort of my fault, I didn't tighten down two bolts to the required torque. How am I supposed to know how much 120 foot-pounds feel like? Are you still reading this? Or did you just skip to the end, you punk?! In any case, you shall be rewarded (or punished, you cheater) by giving you a link to the everything conversion tool:, or a kick in the head. You'll have to travel to me, and bend your head down, or you can have someone else kick you for me through proxy.
Ugh. I think my brain just died.
Posted by Redsaz at 11:53 PM 3 comments
Where is everyone?
No one is posting anymore. This is sad. I am sad. Where did everyone go?
My Job seems pretty cool (though I have only worked one day so far). I really need the money, I am running out!
Yesterday's storm was freakin' awesome! Sirens were going off the hook! The power went out and we had no radio, thanks Jess for informing us about the weather. We couldn't really contact anyone else. Happy Birthday by the way.
Mmmm mmm mmmmm IceCream.
Posted by Lester at 9:13 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Thought I mention I got a job today as well. I think its funny that Sam, Jon, and me all got a job today. I'll be working at Compare Computers, my boss is Kiel, a close friend of mine that I've known since middle school. I just like to say thanks to him for getting me this job. I know I'm not the most qualified for this job, but I shall do my best!
On a different note, Jazzcore, screamo, math metal, hardcore, thrash metal, thrashcore, metalcore, and lounge music all kick major ass. Woot (too many cds I want to buy...I love music oh so much).
Posted by Lester at 12:10 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 05, 2004
Thank you, GMail
You see, this is why capitalism is great. Competition for the dollar. Thanks to threats from Google's email service that boasts 1GB capacity, other companies are realizing that they aren't sitting as comfortably as they used to. Yahoo upped its capacity from, what, 15 megabytes, to 100MB, and now, finally, Microsoft will be upping their limits from 4MB to 250MB per account and 10MB per email attachment. 250MB? Now you'll never have to worry about deleting those pictures your family sends you.
Now would this have happened if communism was in place? No, because you'd still be in line for toilet paper. Man, I love America. Well, the United States part anyway. Canada makes a good bacon, so I guess they're good too.
Posted by Redsaz at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Its the 4th
Merry 4th of July everybody! Hope everyone is having fun. I'm grilling out with Sam and Jon (and a couple of their friends). We bought a lot of food and a bucket of icecream, I love the icecream. Mmm mmm icecream. Oh hells yeah! You two better pay me back sometime.
Posted by Lester at 3:50 PM 0 comments
what the heck
I feel it coming. Something good, like a job call hopefully. My spacebar is broken so it takes twice as long to type stuff now. I think my job delay is due to the squirrels finding out I placed their plans for world domination on the web. Oh well I will get one soon enough and then we will see who is laughing.
Posted by Jon at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Quite Interesting
Yes, this summer is starting to turn quite interesting. A lot of fun for me, maybe I won't be so bored.
I may be going to Va Beach sometime this summer, which will be so awesome. I will get to see all my friends that I have not seen in years. I'm so excited.
Posted by Lester at 12:42 AM 1 comments
Here's the picture of Kari, Me, and Lester at the mall on that glorious day in the summer. "Sketched image" my foot. $2.00 just to have a camera with an attitude problem "sketch" our picture. I could do the same thing with the equipment I have already for close to nothin'. What really tickled me though is that a copy of the picture is another $2.00, while in a store no more than 20 feet away there was a copier for 25 cents a copy. Can you say ripped off? Nice picture though.
Posted by Redsaz at 12:09 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 02, 2004
Google Search: bloggination
Google Search: bloggination
Good news everybody! We are no longer #5 for the term "bloggination". We are now #1, baby!
I can only think that it is because of all of the hard hitting articles that we are able to deliver on a consistant basis. I hear Jon's article on the Squirrel revolution is up for a Pulitzer.
And if it isn't Jon, it's Lester's total in-depth coverage of whatever he is talking about, leaving no questions unanswered that we may have.
And then there is the rest of the gang, which I was going to talk about but then I realized how sleepy I really am.
Posted by Redsaz at 12:33 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 01, 2004
MSNBC - Experts re-create stinky dinosaur breath
MSNBC - Experts re-create stinky dinosaur breath
Whats next?
Posted by Jon at 11:01 PM 1 comments
Get all of your blogs in one place
So let me guess: You don't check back here every hour of every day to see if someone put up a new post? First off: Shame on you! Second off: That's ok, because now, as long as you are connected to the 'net, you'll get updates on new posts every hour! "How," you ask? I'm glad you said that.
You get the updates by using FeedReader! FeedReader is not just compatible with Blogger feeds, but also with any other blog that provides an XML or RSS feed, like... I dunno, let's say LiveJournal. Here's the best part: It's open source, and its FREE! Wee! Here's the link to download it: FeedReader Then, after installing it, create a new blog and put this link into it:
That's all there is! And to make sure that you ALWAYS know what's going down, go into properties, and under the "general" tab, scroll down to "Startup" and select "Run program on startup", "Start minimized to Tray", and "Check msgs on program startup". Also, go to the "Appearance" tab, and change the refresh rate to "Every 30 minutes" (or whatever time frame you want), and change archive to " ALL headlines " so that you get EVERY single post, ever. It's just that simple! Now, whenever you start your computer, you are in contact with all of your favorite blogs, almost instantly.
Oh, I almost forgot: if you have some friends on LiveJournal, just create a new entry and in the URL type:
where username is the name of your friend. Repeat for everyone that you'd like to keep an update on. Now you're done!
Posted by Redsaz at 10:22 PM 3 comments
I agree things are starting to look interesting.
I am watching the Rocky marathon on amc along with the Karate Kid marathon realizing that I really need a job. So everyone write Shayne and tell him to give me a job. And you know Lester is a big goofball in more ways than one.
Posted by Jon at 9:45 PM 1 comments
Things are starting to look interesting.
Spiderman 2 was pretty cool.
I finished one of my summer classes today. Woot, now I can work in the morrings too (if I get a job).
Posted by Lester at 5:55 PM 1 comments