Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I only have enough common sense to know that I don't have enough of it.

There are certain things that people hold fond memories of. From what I gathered: for Paul, it was the ranching experience in Nebraska; For Jon, It's baseball; For Lester, it's Japan (If I'm wrong on any of these counts, please feel free to let me know). I know that there are more fond memories than just those, and I also know that I've made them very broad, but that's beside the point, Mrs. "Let's-make-an-interesting-paper-English-teacher". The point is, there is at least one memory that a person can go back to that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

That's what I had going for me heading into wheat harvest. My head flooded with memories of riding around a combine with my dad, for hours and hours and hours. Wheat harvest was us working as a team: combine drivers, grain cart drivers, semi drivers, support from home base... Everyone gave their all, practically working themselves insane. Nearly all the farm was enraptured in harvest.

And then, after my first real day of Wheat Harvest, 2005!, all I could think about was sleep.

The crew and equipment might have changed, but not that feeling of comradery.

But enough of my blabber. After perusing through my PC Gamer, I've come across a couple neato websites dedicated to abandonware. For you lazy people that didn't follow the link, abandonware is, in part, old software which has nobody to defend the copyright, and also is no longer making a profit. Enter the relm of "grey-area" legality, where "what is legally acceptable" splits from "what is morally justified".

There are cases when old software has been released to the public domain by the current copyright holders. No problem there. Other cases aren't quite as clear cut.

Abandonware: The land that law forgot! makes me feel better about the whole abandonware issue, and I'm sure it will help you too. This isn't a "warez" site, or whatever it is that those hooligians call them these days. They are interested in doing what historians have been doing for centuries: Helping us preserve and enjoy the past. Or exploit the hard work of peoples blood, sweat, and tears. I guess it depends on the spin.

Another site is It also seems to be a good site.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Does this make sense?

I was reading a C++ book and read this footnote "* This is where most texts point out that C++ is the language that allows your friends to access your private parts. We refrain from making such observations" I don't think they refrained very well. What do you think?

Monday, June 27, 2005



I found this website which has a bunch of art work. Its like a blog thingy, except the guy finds art he likes and then blogs the picture. You can click on the picture and it will send you to the artist's website.
I liked a lot of the art work here so I decided to post it. There is some nudity though (how do you think I found this site, haha).

somthing to think about

I was bored thought I'd share a poem with everyone.

Anyone can stand by you when you are right, but a Friend will stand by you even when you are wrong...
A simple friend identifies theirself when they call.
A real friend doesn't have to.
A simple friend opens a conversation with a full news bulletin on his life.
A real friend says, "What's new with you?"
A simple friend thinks the problems you whine about are recent.
A real friend says, "You've been whining about the same thing for 14 years. Get off your duff and do something about it."
A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.
A real friend has their phone numbers in their address book.
A simple friend hates it when you call after they has gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!
A simple friend will love you untill you part ways.
A Real Friend will love you forever no matter how far part you are.
A simple friend is someone you date once and awhile.
A real friend is someone you marry because they know you inside and out and have always be there for you.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I have not posted in a some time. I have been busy doing other things with all free time. I think the greatest thing I have done this summer so far is almost running to Walmart and back. That is about as wild as it gets aroung here. And everyone should learn Morse code, because it is cool. I who knows it might come in handle someday.

.. -
.. ...
-.-. --- --- .-..


Saturday, June 25, 2005

Lets see if I get the same problem..

why me ?

hmm for some unknown reason my blogs seem to not be posting correctly ....... ???

Camping Summer 2005

Camping Summer 2005

here are a few pictures I took while we were camping

Friday, June 24, 2005


I think I broke Blogger. At least, on my computer anyways....details to follow later if I ever get it figured out. Anyways, I've been reading from the Archives, back in the day when FHSU Bloggination was still an infant. A bouncing baby blog chiefly occupied by THE MAN Shayne, THE MAN Alex, THE MAN Lester, and THE MAN Jon. Ah, the good old days... Where was I, guys??? I mean were missing out on THE ROCKIN WOMAN JESSIE. Heehee...riiiight....
Oh, and I just got a can of Honey Roasted Macademias from Hawaii. It's awesome. From Hawaii! This little can is the closest thing I have to my ultimate vacation right now. It's from this girl Nora who lives on my hall - she's leaving to go back to Hawaii tomorrow :( (sniff, sniff).

ps. I want to go to Hawaii!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I get CBS on my tv now


You were #47 on AFI's top 100 movie lines!

Monday, June 20, 2005

This is the first picture I took with my new camera! Now I can join the association of people with digital cameras. I'm so happy! Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

So I'm at home in Macksville with the parents - Mom and I went to church but Dad stayed home (he was afraid for his life cause it's Father's Day and churches get a little excited about that sort of thing). I may not get back up to Manhattan until tomorrow morning. I'm not too keen on driving another 3 hours in 90 degrees with no ac...
Anyways, I saw Batman Begins the other day, and it was AWESOME. Ninjas, pyschotropic drugs, it had it all! It's kinda funny that the prequel is way better than all of the other Batman movies - but hey, at least they had one good one, right?
It's time for me to go eat lunch, so Live Long and Prosper.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Gibby's Game Room

You think your video game collection is impressive? Check out this guy's. Needless to say, I'd like to become his friend.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Weddings: Dig it!

So Lester and I visited home about a week ago, under the guise that we were going to a wedding. In reality, however, we were uncovering a major conspiracy involving Iatola MacCormliky. We hadn't heard of him either, but an anonymous letter was left at our doorstep, telling us he was the guy. As it turns out, he's planning on opening his own line of Mexican food restaurants. Another case closed.

The wedding, in related news, was great. The reception was good too; the food, while not normal fare for such an occasion, was quite good. No disrepect to my hosts, but usually I tend to dislike wedding receptions where booze is another attraction, and this wasn't an exception. Probably the smell of breath, and the increased possibility of 'that weird uncle' to start doing 'that weird dance'. It was all ok, though, because Lester and I got to talk to my cousin Candi, who is awesome. Oh, and I got to catch up with some old classmates of mine, too, which was great. It makes me realize how little I've changed physically compared to others in my class, or maybe it seems that way because I'm always with myself. Just maybe.

So what had I learned from all this? Don't provide alcohol at a wedding reception. The guests still have to give gifts if they come, and because they leave at an earlier time, you have more time for honeymooning.

Half-way through the wedding reception, Lester became possessed by some demonic spirit. We wish them the best.

Digital Clock as Thin as Paper

Digital Clock as Thin as Paper

before you know it computer monitors will be the same

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Fish Tank Photos

Fish Tank Photos

here are some photos i took of the fish tank we have up in our commons room at TMP

Thursday, June 09, 2005

badger badger badger

So there I was, in the Derby Dining Center eating a very unappetizing piece of pizza (since when does meat lovers mean that all you get is two pieces of sausage? it kinda freaked me out too, cause it looked like the pizza slice was looking at me....but that's just my normal paranoia), when I hear the table behind me start singing, "badger badger badger...mushroom, mushroom." It reminded me of the good old days - and it also struck me as a little odd that the table was singing. And then I discovered that there were people sitting there, and I'm like, well, if they're ok enough with a singing table to eat at it, then I guess I can handle it too. Did I mention that I was all alone in an 85 degree F lab all day?? And that it's been raining all day? And it's supposed to rain all weekend?? I think I need a vacation...or some medication...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Google it!

1. Think of the first word that comes to mind when you think of me.
2. Go to and search for that word.
3. Reply to this post with one of the pictures on the first page of results (don't tell me the word).
4. Put this in your own blog so that I can do the same.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

6 of 1500

The waters around Australia are home to more than half of all the shark species in the world.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

So I bought this game today for $12.99 (plus tax) and I played it some today, and it totally rocks! It is so awesome. And scary as well, Shayne and I huddled to gather while I played. It makes you jump and such. I'm glad I bought it. Also, you have a sanity bar, and each time you see a monster you lose some of your sanity! That's so freakin' awesome! The screen starts to tilt, the walls bleed, all kinds of crazy stuff. If you get a chance, play it!

Cinderella Man

I saw Cinderella Man last night (the one where Russell Crowe is a boxer during the Depression). It was really good - it reminded me a lot of Seabiscuit or Hidalgo, minus the sandstorms and the fact that Russell Crowe is most definetly not a horse. He did have a great Jersey accent though. I love true stories (as long as they are as awesome as this one). I just wish...that I could have gotten up in time to eat breakfast... :(

Monday, June 06, 2005

5 of 1500

Tarantulas do not use muscles to move their legs. They walk by controlling the amount of blood they pump into their legs to make them longer and shorter.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid

Anime News Network - Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV)

That's right, there's gonna be another series of Full Metal Panic. That means more dvds for Jon/Sam to buy. Hahaha. I'll see if I can downlaod it before it gets licenced here.

The new RA

Well I was in the bathroom today draining my tuna and the new RA comes in. He is carrying two beer can and throws them in the trash and leaves. So I was wandering if he was over 21 and then what part of not personal trash in the bath he does not get. Look like we got a winner

4 of 1500

The largest fish in the world is the Whale Shark, which grows to more than 50 feet in length and can weigh several tons.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

3 of 1500

Dog were probably the first animals ever to be domesticated by man. The dogs would warn their friends of approaching danger, and lead hunters to sources of food.

Friday, June 03, 2005

2 of 1500

Chickens are among the bird world's most embarrassingly poor aviators. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Ha ha ha, ninja burger, ha ha

You WILL experience the Ninja Burger difference!

1 of 1500

The first living creature to orbit the earth was a husky dog called Laika, sent into space by Russia in 1957 aboard Sputnik II.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I have internet again!

Hooray! The highlight of my day was A) not getting run over by a car and B) finally getting my free ethernet. OK, so work kinda sucked (I'm supposed to be building a pyrometer?!?), and...I'm not gonna lie to really sucks. The food could be better, the dorm could definetly stand to smell less, but I do have a really nice desk. It's big enough for my computer, it's awesome. I'm gonna have to steal it...Oh, and I also got my own room cause my roommate is living in town with her sister. So, no cable, but single room! Well, congrats Uncle Shayne! (I'm so proud). Come see me sometime! Manhattan is a happenin' town (not that I would know, I'm never off-campus).