Saturday, April 30, 2005

oh my........

welp here is the new computer im going to be building this summer and fall my desk will look somthing like this

click here

also notice my l33t photoshoping skills =P ...hehe i have way too much time on my hands

Edit: to make the blog prettier i changed it to a link

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Something to do....

Pick ONE word from each pair that you think describes me the best & leave it in the comments

* Anakin Skywalker or Darth Vader
* War-mongering or Peaceful
* Committed or Flakey
* Forgiving or Grudge-bearing
* Light or Dark
* Shiny or Faded
* A walk in the park or A hike in the mountains
* Stereo or Mono
* Up or Down
* Left or Right
* Old Maid or Black Jack
* Spicey or Bland
* Drunk or Sober
* Sensical or Non-sensical
*In the World or Of the World
* Toilet-et Up or Toilet-seat Down
* Valiant or Fearful
* Fruit or Vegetable
* Man or Muppet


Anwar is officially my brother now. At least in our heads...

Life is good my friend.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Make sure to hear "Hey Dude" at least. These songs are great. Love 'em. [Editor's note: may contain coarse language. In fact, it does. So if you don't like it, please disregard the downloading suggestion]

It's funny because he's an apple.

I have no idea what was being said in this 1996 commercial, but I sure could go for some apple sauce right about now.

People remember that 'Ringo' means 'apple', but then they forget that 'John' means 'toilet'. Paul and George mean nothing (or maybe you can prove me wrong. Don't use baby name dictionaries, that is cheating and dumb.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

CONFISCATED COUNTERFEITS - Counter Counterfeit Commission

Wow how stupid do you have to be!!! I mean one of these is two motorcycles duct taped together!

CONFISCATED COUNTERFEITS - Counter Counterfeit Commission

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Virtual Party

at the end of the Guild Wars Beta sunday night everyone was partying online by making their characters dance and play air guitar and air drums it was hilarious here are some screens of the online party

rock'n and a roll'n
river dance

nintendo themes, a cappella (a choir performance of classic nintendo songs)

nintendo themes, a cappella (a choir performance of classic nintendo songs) - video

OMG!!!... this is hilarious plus this group is very talented i must say one of the best a cappella groups i have ever heard

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Check it Out

Your Linguistic Profile

Your Linguistic Profile:

75% General American English

15% Yankee

5% Dixie

5% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

Friday, April 15, 2005

Nintendo Applauds The FBI

Nintendo Applauds The FBI

Amazing simply amazing your just gonna have to read this

Warning, Warning, Warning,...

Warning the Mongolian Buffet is definately hazardous to your health. Or is an extreme weight loss program. Also becareful when walking towards wiest from agnew in the grass I left a present there. I feel worse today than I did yesterday. Atleast I am getting in good with the porcelain god. Holy crap and I mean it.

Stretching is Important

Since we started working out in the mornings, I thought it be important that we stretch every day. But to make sure we do the stretches right, here's StretchMan to show us how to do it. He's a Japanese super hero here to show everyone how to stretch the proper way. We should all learn from his ways.

Ichi ni san shi GOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sometime bad things happen

When I hear the sad the news that doug lost today; one of my first thoughts was sometimes losers win. Later while talking to Brain, I decided that this was not fully true. I think the SGA election, no matter how it turned out, was a good thing. It got people invouled and they learned a lot of things. It is a little sad that those that party the most get the most votes. Comment this.

Just thought it was funny. Posted by Hello


Many people ask me why I changed my screen name to Kristen. She's a girl I used to know, and I'm writing a song about her. That's all. Hopefully that clarifies things.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Dir en grey

so I pre-ordered a CD in January that was supposed to come out on March 9th. was released on march 9th, and I finally got the cd today, over a month later! I know none of you care, but I thought I blog it cause I was happy/mad at the same time.

Happy Birthday to me!

Hey, its my birthday....I'm happy!
I'm no longer a teenager.... weird.
Have a great day...

firefox tweak

check this out do it and firefox preforms better and faster

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I am pretty sure I don't want to vote for Doug. I mean any rich guy could by the votes like last years SGA pres. And I didn't get a t-shirt, plus a t-shirt is a really bad reason to vote for a person. This is why republicans are really dumb. "Hey look at him he gave away free t-shirts, I am definately going to vote for him, plus he lives near me, amoung other stupid things he has done." Holy crap this word is going to pot.

Vote for Doug

cause he gave me a t-shirt. and he lives in agnew. and he likes blogs. and he's cool. and his hair doesn't look like a porcupine.

there you have it: five excellent reasons to vote for cure&spicer tomorrow. or thursday.


Lester and I finally have a peephole on our dormroom door, instead of just on the two doors inside the room. Now we can see who it is, plus our room is slightly less retarded. Now if they only put the room numbers outside of the room so that people can see what our room number is, then we would be all set.

Monday, April 11, 2005

IFILM - Super Bowl Ads

IFILM - Super Bowl Ads

Be sure to look at the FedEx: Dancing Burt video, and Ameriquest Mortage Company videos.

Good stuff.

Physics is soo... I don't have the hateful words to finish this phrase

I am sick and tired of freaking physics. I try hard. I do the problem right in theory and it is right except the answer and I don't get partial credit. but the class gets the wrong info so he give you points for showing work on the quiz. BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT. What a fucking hypocrit. FUCK THE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT TO FUCKING FUCKING HELL. IT IS WORTHLESS AND USELESS.

Sunday, April 10, 2005 online!

After much deliberation, I've finally found another way to waste my money: I've bought the domain name for future group project stuff. It was suprisingly cheap to do. I still feel stupid about it, though. What a waste, I could have bought a good dinner. Oh well.

In case you're wondering, I did not get the name from the musical instument, but from the fact that it makes a nice pattern when you type it into a QWERTY keyboard.

This reminds me of Jellison Bridge over Big Creek....sweet beautiful algae Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 09, 2005



Paul led me to this link. Click on the presidential debate link! The best part: Scroll to about 25 minutes into the movie and listen on the laptop 'issues', and the almost complete reversal of Kiley's stance on FHSU becoming a laptop university.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Google Search: movie: movie times

Google Search: movie: movie times

Wow! Since when does Google do movie times?

First it was web pages, then phone numbers, then maps, then satellite images, definitions, and now... movie times in your local theatre.
This is getting to be a little big brotherly now, isn't it?

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Hitchhiker's Guide

this is a really funny movie trailer. at least, i thought so.

Skype - Free Internet telephony that just works

Skype - Free Internet telephony that just works thats right it just works and if you have a mic and speakers or headset and and internet connection thats all you need to run skype its awesome


it's sunny. my firefox weatherman did not tell me that it was going to be sunny...either because it didn't know, or i haven't installed it yet...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Breaking New

There was a car wreak between Agnew and TH about ten minutes ago (1:20 p.m.). The hay police and campus ploice had 8 cars there and one amblence. I don't know why all the cops

Tuesday, April 05, 2005 - Where unprofessional journalism looks better - Windows Update V6 Gone Public? - Where unprofessional journalism looks better - Windows Update V6 Gone Public?

oh my =P this is interesting for you computer geeks out there who use M$ windoze

A Debate

One other thing on Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. there will be a SGA Presidential/Vice Presidential Debate somewhere in the union. Check it out.


Today is the Kansas election, so if you can vote. Also april 13 and 14 are SGA election. For president and vice president information check out curespicer and kileytavish.

Monday, April 04, 2005

a couple of different media player

VLC media player - Overview this one is for video

foobar2000 media player

and this last one if a audio media player that hardy uses any resources at all

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Spring is Here

This, I think, is the best time of the year. Every thing turns green, and you stop having to wear a coat all the time yet it is still not to hot. If it just was not the end of a school year at the same time.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Ms. Wheelchair stripped of title for standing up

i found this mildly funny

what's next, disqualifying pageant contestants because they CAN wear a swimming suit??

oh well, never mind....

"Don't look for a gift in the mouth." -Lester

As far as I care, that's much better than the original saying. It's just common sense.

Don't look's meaning.