Thursday, September 28, 2006

British Police Defend 'Underpants' Advice
Thursday, July 13, 2006 now part of stylesheet -->
(07-13) 14:15 PDT LONDON, United Kingdom (AP) --
A British police force on Thursday defended a magazine article advising women intent on getting drunk to make sure they are wearing nice underpants.
Suffolk Police in eastern England said the "tongue-in-cheek" advice in the police-backed magazine Safe was intended to curb binge-drinking by young women.
An article in the debut issue advises women "intent on getting ratted" to ensure they are "wearing nice pants" in case they pass out.
It also tells young women that too much alcohol can leave them looking like "wrinkly old prunes."
The force said the publication — designed as an eye-catching spoof gossip magazine and distributed free through shops, clubs and colleges — offered safety advice to young women.
It is produced by a coalition of police, local government and health organizations.
"That article is a very, very small part of the magazine," said a police spokeswoman, speaking on the force's customary condition of anonymity. "The whole magazine does not revolve around what people should wear when they go out."
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust, a women's safety charity, acknowledged the article appeared odd, but said the police should be applauded for trying to reach young women.
"When you see quotes out of context, it seems very odd. But when you see it in context you get the spoof," spokeswoman Jo Walker said.
"Perhaps it's gone a bit too far, but you've got to give police credit for trying.
"It's definitely getting attention, and I think it will get young girls talking about it."

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Google!

8 years old (check out the roman numeral candles)!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

New Weird Al Video: White and Nerdy

Watch his White and nerdy video. Trust me, this is some splendorific spectacularness.

Be sure to keep your eyes open for the Star Wars Kid reference.

By the way, its available on the 26th, and since this is a dual disc, you're getting an audio disc as well as videos.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Eat Green and Die

According to Time, the $2.6 billion prewashed salad industry is at stake, clinging to their very roots for survival. Right now, Americans are emptying out their produce drawers following an E. coli scare that would have Popeye spinning in his grave. What spawned this mass terror? Over a hundred people have eaten contaminated fresh spinach, causing mass intestinal disturbances and one fatality. California is the source of the E. coli, so this should be the perfect opportunity for Governor Arnold to test his mettle against a new kind of bad guy: non-Predator, non-Terminator, and non-Democrat. Will the Kindergarten Cop defeat the bad bug? Well…maybe with the help of the CDC. Until then, I recommend avoiding manure-contaminated spinach and opting for a healthier alternative instead: twinkies. Lard and sugar are thus far impervious to attacks by the coli family…apparently even bacteria have their standards. Ironically enough, most Americans (including me) would probably risk dropping dead at the tender age of 35 to avoid something that is already present in their bodies, peacefully digesting all those partially hydrogenated oils. Then again, if we lived long enough, we’d develop brain cancer from our cell phones.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Smooth Teddy

this is a demonstration video of a java applet that does some really cool 3D drawing can also download the applet at this site.