Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Internet Piracy

So...I was really bored. This is a picture of an Internet Pirate (the surfer) "surfing" the net and, consequently attacking Bill Gates and his Titanic Windows (for you physics geeks, Bill's body is an AND gate, hence "Gates"). Note how the grappling hook is actually ethernet cords. Yeah, it was all Paul's idea. Really it was. You think I can come up with this stuff on my own? I mean, without acid? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Lester Snowman

Merry Christmas!!!

From a really creepy Lester Snowman.

I have too much time on my hands.....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What a ride!

Well, the last semester is practically at its end for me. I've finally taken all the classes I need to in order to get that sweet, sweet honey that is a degree. Specifically in Computer Science. It's been quite a ride, and I must say that I have amassed quite a collection of experiences. Oh yeah, I also learned things inside class too, but the neat thing about college is that people who went to college usually remember everything else EXCEPT for the actual classes themselves.

These past 3.5 years were great. It has been an honor to know all the people that I call friends, even if they did do some weird stuff to my MSN IM name. It was quite a ride, and I was lucky enough not to hurl or get stuck next to a screamer. I would call the ride Cobra9000, the twistiest and speediest track this side of the Rio Grande! Watch out, it's gonna getcha! The ride would also be operated by a bunch of hicks, apparently. But it is the people inside the ride that are important, not the operators.

I think I lost track of the point inside that last paragraph somewhere. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world, even if it were possible without the intense brain surgery and a high probability of brain damage that would make it possible to trade the experience for something else, like possibly the super power of seeing 12 seconds into the future. Yeah.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


A war has started. That is the war of students agaisnt the evil rule of the tyrant Cartwells. The evil tyrant has taken advange of us long enought it is time to rise up and show evil that good will win. The leader has come to us. All we must do is follow. (if you did not get the pun read the part about the leader again and think about it) On a more real side, please write Hammond, the leader, or stop by the res life office and tell them why you do not like the food Cartwells makes. Close your eyes and let the good food roll on.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Sneeze - Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.

So I was looking up why the FedEx truck has an arrow in it (Don't ask me why I thought that was a good thing to research), and I found this neat blog, The Sneeze - Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions. Anyways, lots of great comic goodness is dispensed on this website, but my favorite section is the collection of jokes from his five-year-old son. The author prepares you though: These jokes themselves are not funny. At all. Don't apply any logic to them, it just ruins the awesomeness of the joke. Trust me.

So, when you read them, I suggest you get a friend that actually likes stupid humor (this is KEY!), and read them as the creator of the joke intended: As if it was the most hilarious thing you've ever heard. EVER. My sides were thoroughly split after reading them this way.

Oh yeah, and the website also points to a neat article of a neat, almost Grizwaldish, Christmas lights display. Hey, anything with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra has got to be good. Watch it here.

Have a good Christmas everybody!