Friday, March 31, 2006

Presenting your 2001 football team.

The 2001 Jackrabbits: Feared by many, defeated by few... one, I guess. See if you can spot me! I'm the man in a red shirt. I'm also sitting down while wearing shoes if that helps.

Why did I publish this? Well, I scanned this picture into my computer many years ago (Fall of 2001) and saved it as a '.mix' file, a.k.a. Microsoft PictureIt!'s propriatary image format, not knowing at the time that I would later outgrow the programs usefullness, and even come to despise installing it on any computer, lest PictureIt! taint the Windows Registry with horrible Mumbly-Joe. Eventually, I installed it anyway and converted all the pictures. The End.

Also, Paul, about that blog spot bar on top now: You're Welcome. And if you aren't, then it's your own fault. In any case, I'm happy that the link is back as well. Apparently, the guy that made the template surrounded the tag with tags. How about that? I have no idea what I just said.

Update: I forgot to mention that this isn't the FHSU football team, but instead my high school football team. Seems obvious, but people that are unlucky enough to find this site, without knowing any of us, may not know "What the deal is."Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A link

Someone could part a link on the blog to publish a post and I would thank hime (Shayne). I like blogging it keeps me busy, but I do not have to do my homework.

What's the sound of one blog blogging?

It's so great to see this blog reinvigorated with things other than some idiot talking about an expensive Linux handheld gaming device.

Spring is really neat.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Why did I post this, it's just wasting everybody's time. Oh well, have fun!

I Suck at Life.

I need a job. Since I'll be staying up here this summer taking Spanish classes (yay) and paying rent for the hypothetical apartment Kari and I will be staying in, money is good. If I started taking steroids and gained 50 lbs or so I could work at Orschelin's, since they're only interested in "heavy lifters." If thats not discrimination, I dunno what is. I'm also looking into being a part-time contract killer. I hear the hours suck, but the benefits are good. Staci told me I could take her job at Applebee's--but I'm really only interested in their food. Quite frankly, being forced to serve it instead of eating it would be cruel. I think I'll apply at Home Depot, but the way the roads work out there I don't know if I'd ever be able to find my way to work. Unless I get GPS and a dune buggy (I really wouldn't need a dune buggy, per say, but they are cool). My mom told me I couldn't work at Wal Mart because it is the evil corporation that will bring about the ruin of society (and yet she still shops there). Maybe I'll just forget this whole job foolishness and just fish disc golfs out of Big Creek all summer and sell them. Self employment is good.

Bringing it back to life

Yeah, its starting to finally look like spring here as well. It has stopped snowing, and the sun is actually out. I even went for a jog. Good ol' Blacksburg.

Spring is here

So in any effect to keep going on "Bring the Blog to Life" campain, I am write more today. The weater (A topic you can almost alway count on) is much more spring like as of late here in Hays. The wind could let up some and it would be better and I can not wait for a big thunder strom to roll thought. That is all I got. Wait. Dan S. told me a joke the other day and here it is. It only work if you say it out loud to someone so I am not doing it justice (o but what is Justice?). Anyway. "I don't know how to tell you this, but I am a mute". There it is.

New word of the day to use: righteous

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Life, the Universe, and Everything

Is it technically a Fort Hays blog when only roughly two of all the original members are FHSU students? And for that it technically a blog when no one blogs? Brings to mind the old question "if a tree falls in the forest but no one is around, does it make a sound?" Debating this one seems an absolute waste of time to me, so now I'm sorry I brought it up. But hey, this is one of those rambling, pointless posts that Paul was reminiscing about. Brings back fond memories of the good old days...back when I was young and...wait...

What happened?

So few blogs these day. I recall the day the blog was use for all kinds of things. Good things a few bad, and lot nothings. Somewhere live caught us up and we all are busy now, I guess. Well this is my attpemt to bring the blog back to it glory days. I think we should blog once more. Long live the blog!!! Most I should be working on my poster and I am not.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Sunday @ 2

Thursday, March 09, 2006


That last post was a waste of time

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Handheld Linux

Sure, it doesn't look quite as slick as a PSP, but it does have an air about it that smells like electronic goodness. I'm talking about the GP2X, a handheld gaming device with a Linux kernel.

Look at the screen, man! 3.5 inches, 320x240 resolution TFT LCD. The Nintendo DS screens are each 3 inches and have a resolution of 256 × 192. The PlayStation Portable's is a crazy 4.3 inches, 480x272 resolution with a 16:9 aspect ratio.

We could sit here and compare specs all day long, but that isn't why this device is getting blogged. It's the fact that they've opened up nearly all aspects of development on it. That means all sorts of homebrewed entertainment that the folks at Nintendo and Sony have tried so hard to prevent on their machines. Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega, and arcade emulators are already developed for the thing! Great stuff. They even give you a dev kit on the site, which would be great for me if I knew how to program stuff (Don't tell my employers. They don't know that I randomly hit keys until the program does what it should).

You can read more about the $200 device (as of the writing of this article) on the wikipedia article and a review of it on Blether.

What? $200? A PSP costs $250! Hmm... Well, I still like it anyway.