My cell phone is dead. May it rest in the thousands of pieces that it blew up in to.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Things I've Learned About YouTube
It's been two days since I've posted the Massacre of a Machine video, one day since I've posted The Mase-inator's Donkey Kong Country 2 Tour de Force, and just recently I've posted Lessons In Life.
In that span of one day, the DKC2 video had triple the view counts to MoaM, AND a comment to boot! From somebody we don't even know! She liked it! Too bad nobody's rated it yet. I guess fifty views isn't anything too big, considering some of the most played videos get over a million, easy. The Pokemon Theme music video was #1? Sad. Too bad it's also somewhat funny.
My brief expedition into YouTube is a roaring success. Obviously, we need to get The Mase-inator back into some video game action, if we are to climb up the ranks any.
Posted by
8:20 PM
It is done
I finshed my senor semair (sp) today. I think it is a great day. Lots of rain. Everyone should listen to a Brithish radio station for fun, it is asome. Rightoues
Posted by
3:22 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
YouTube: another way to prolong homework completion
so i found this video of lester..... check it out.
crazy guy...he just can't keep his feet on the ground.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Massacre of a Machine: Now on YouTube
I'm behind the times. Apparently this YouTube site is getting hit almost as much as Google.
Anyone can create an account and upload nearly any video file they want (registration required, videos can only be up to 100MB in size and no longer than 10 minutes). It then transcodes that video file, from whatever format that might have been, into a standardized format that can play on almost anyones computer (It's Shockwave Flash video, I believe).
So I uploaded a video. Let me tell you, the process couldn't have been less painless. They even let you either link to the webpage, or let you embed it right into your own site if you want! I'll be posting more videos to this in the future.
It's free, and it doesn't sell advertisements. I don't quite get their angle... yet.
Posted by
7:36 PM
Monday, April 24, 2006
I decided to post a few pics. I'll probably post more once my sister sends me more pics.
Went to the beach and saw this sign, thought it was funny.
I got to ride one of these things on the beach. My sister has an awesome job.
Posted by
4:45 PM
It rained!
It rained early this morning and is cloudy today. I like the break from all the heat. Everything seems so clean and nice after the rain. I also finshed my semiar paper to. A great day it is. If only school was done. Have a happy and wonderfully day.
Posted by
2:25 PM
Saturday, April 22, 2006
What's the deal with those links at the bottom of MSN IM chat screens?
As I was IMing to Paul today, I noticed a sentence that seemed a little out of place. It wasn't something Paul or I typed. In fact, it wasn't anywhere near that section of the IM window. It read "I'm pretty sure I could be your life coach." Curious, I clicked.
That's what brings me here today. In continuing with this serendipitous free music series, here is, including the songs "I'm Pretty Sure I Could be a Life Coach" and one of my favorites, "Laugh Tracks Make Me Feel Lonely." I haven't listened to them all, but some of the titles alone tended to tickle my funny bone, until the tickling went on for just too long and got annoying and painful... you know who you are, over-ticklers. Don't think it's cute. It's annoying, and very tiring. What part of "*gasp* I can't *gasp* breathe," don't you understand?... Oh, yeah, the ditties. They were good and funny. Listen to them.
Posted by
6:35 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
The REAL song that never ends (although this one does)
Play The Pi Song (If it doesn't work, try using IE, or just download it direct). Annoying at first, it somehow grew on me the more it went on. And then it stopped, which is annoying (It's one minute, four seconds long). Try to play it once every day at 3:14. Twice at 6:28. It's a smaller part of a bigger video which somehow fits rap and lasers into the mix. You'll feel geekier for having seen it, and not in the good way.
I'm not sure on this next song (it's a shockwave flash file). I've heard it before, and I may have even posted it to this blog, or someone else did. In any case, here it is for the first time or again: Mathematical Pi.
And a wikipedia entry on Pi Day. Which this blog didn't celebrate. I forgot. In fact, nobody posted anything between 3-11 and 3-29. Tsk.
But today is significant as well. April 21, 2006. That's the day that Mr. Kraztensatz decided to go for a walk and found out that his name wasn't German. In fact, he also found out that his name turned up 0 results in Google and is therefore not even a real name at all. Then he found out that he himself is not real, just a figment of Shayne's imagination. Realizing this blew his mind. It was kind of gross, because he was out walking on a hot afternoon, and exploded brains really smell.
Posted by
7:13 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Free Music
So at Weist we hear this guy playing music and he said you could have it all for free because that is how he believed it should be. So here is his website with his free musicBrooks Newton. It is slow music, no heavy metal for sure. Enjoy if you care to.
Posted by
10:20 AM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Boston woods
So I do not have anything to say, but I see Shayne is out Blogging me so I have to do something :). I guess I will write you all a story, or I will start a story and people can add if they want.
Sunligth filtered though the trees as brids chirpped away merrly. It was a beutfully spring evening as Robert walked under the trees of boston woods. Robert had explored boston woods since he was old enough to walk, but tonight he was deeper then he had ever been.
Boston woods was a huge old forest. As far as Robert know it just kept going on and on. He had hear of places on the other side in storys his Grandfather told him, but no one he knew had ever been to the other side. An overgrown road trailed into the woods somewere north of the village Robert had grow up around. No one know where the road went, and no one much cared.
To the villagers the woods were just a place to wake into and gather some firewood or let some childern explore under close watch on a peacefully afternoon. If any one needed anything they travel east to the city were merchance sold everthing imagiaged.
Robert did not like the city. He loved the woods instead. As far as Robert know he know more about the woods then anyone alive. What he know told him that he did not know more then anyone ever. Some time in the distance past, someone know a great deal more then Robert could ever image about the woods. It was this someone that was leading Robert so deep into the woods tonight.
Posted by
7:50 PM
The MLG, and the Easter Bunny hates you
So USA Network will be airing Major League Gaming, featuring some of the best players for two hit games, Halo 2 and, according to c|net, "Super Smash Bros. Melee World[sic]." Needless to say, I'll probably end up watching it, seeing as how my social life is pretty much shot anyways.
But other than that, my co-workers pointed me to a very funny Easter Bunny video... Do you know what the Easter Bunny is doing the other 364 days of the year? Find out!
Update: Proof-reading the title after I've already posted is a bad idea. Please note that the MLG does not hate you. Probably. I can't back that up. It was an ambiguity, and for that I'm sorry. It's supposed to sound something like "A post about the MLG being broadcast, and included in the post is a link to a video of the Easter Bunny which is also quite good," but that would've been a little long, so I guess I can't win.
Posted by
6:55 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have lost the use of the right side of my body.
No worries, folks. I can, and do, use both sides of my body. I just am very bad at catchy titles, so I have to resort to lies. is a hilarious blog. It took me about three posts to figure out that multiple people were blogging on the thing. I was thinking "Man, this guy sure goes through jobs quickly." That's a warning that you should keep in mind when reading. Again: hilarious. I guess the reason I like it so much is because, well, it's fun to laugh at jerks. And then, I realize, in the act of doing that, I become a jerk myself. The irony dawns on me, and then I feel sad. But it's ok, because I realize that 'sad' spelled backwards is 'das', which is German for 'that', so it's all good.
Music wise, I've found out about a band that does covers of old 8-bitty music called the NESkimos. Mario, Mega Man, Zelda... classic video game music goodness, all around. If you want to listen/download their music (for free), you'll need to create a Sound Click account, which is also free.
I've been playing Tetris DS recently, and am doing pretty well online against the world. I've played well over 100 games and am winning almost 75% of the time. It's so addicting.
However, the game that I'm really excited about for the DS is coming out later this week, called Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day. Apparently, they've already made three of these games in Japan and have sold over 5 million copies collectively. But what is so cool about it is that you get to pay $20 (most DS games are $30) to play SuDoKu and perform simple math problems that anyone can do for free with a pen and paper. However, they miss out on a disembodied head telling them how their brain works. Chumps.
Posted by
7:03 PM
As I was sitting here I recalled how I was trying to include the word righteous in my speak but have not been. So here it goes
In the class mySpeak
#include "righteous.h"
Funny? Most likly not. O yea, and it was me that tried call you the other day Shayne. I liked the message you left me.
Posted by
8:52 AM
Monday, April 17, 2006
I'm back too! Oh wait...
I guess you have to leave in order to come back... Hmm..
OK now I'm back. Lester, I eagerly await your images created by collecting and focusing reflected electromagnetic radiation. Er--photos. I hope everyone had a hoppable Easter filled with eggs and bunnies and candy and ham. I didn't get the eggs or ham, but I did have a baby bunny (very briefly though) and candy. I learned today in Spanish class that the date of Easter is determined by this: it is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. But if that Sunday falls ON the day of the first full moon, its actually the first Sunday after that. Or something like that. At any rate, I need to go do homework. Peace out.
Posted by
6:00 PM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
I'm back
To answer Shayne's question, YEs! I am back from California. It was fun, I have a lot of pictures I'll post later.
Now, you might be asking yourself, why did I make a new post instead of just replying to your comment. The answer is: BECAUSE I CAN! Buahahahahahaha.
Now, back to finding a new job.
Posted by
3:30 PM
Friday, April 14, 2006
I love my job
While I'm still in the blogging mood, I thought I'd point out that CNN Money did an article on the 10 best jobs in these united states.
I'll blow the suspense: Software Engineer was ranked number one. And here I am, a lowly Software Engineer Associate. It must be lowly, because I do not make nearly that much money. But man, it is fun.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Polyphasic Sleeping
As I was crusing through, again, I found this article on a guy who attempted polyphasic sleeping. There's a wikipedia article on the whole thing too.
For those of you who never follow up on my links, for some reason, I'll boil it down. Monophasic sleeping is what most of the normal world does for 8 hours a day: Go to bed at night, wake up in the morning (or at other periods of the day, depending on your job, or jet lag, or you're a freak). Diphasic sleep is where there is a fairly lengthy nap--on the order of one to two hours a day--somewhere in between. Polyphasic sleep, then, just means that a person has 3 or more periods of sleep time in a 24-hour cycle, a.k.a. a day. The benefit of all these naps, supposedly, is that you can cut down the time dedicated to sleep everyday. I guess that, if done right, the polyphasic sleeper can shave 2-5 hours off his sleep times.
If you had read the article, then please nevermind the fact that he ultimately gave up on it because it clashed with his lifestyle of wanting to spend more time with his wife, and resume his life of being vegan, bashing Bush, and, I'm just shooting in the dark here, doing other hippie things like smoking marijuana, living in a tree, and doing things left-handed. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I digress.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being left-handed. Unless you're a hippie. And there's nothing wrong with being a hippie either, except if you're one of those hippies that hates everybody for what they do and spends most of your time picketing and stinking up the place. Why can't you be a more lovable hippie, like one, living in a tree, far away from anywhere I care about?
Anyways, for those of you still reading, I think that this polyphasic thing is a really neat idea that I'd like to research some more and eventually try it out, sometime after May. Of course, by then, I'll have forgotten about it or no longer care. Either way, it'll be a fun ride of apathy.
Posted by
8:10 PM
The weather
Because I have nothing else to talk about, I will go off about the weather. That is one thing almost everyone can have in commom. I guess if you live on the moon you would not have so much in common but I am assuming we all live on earth. Now the weather, it has been great here latly. Warm and low wind. I could not ask for better. Lucky living in the basement has been a good idea because it has been staying cool down here. Well, that is all the weather could take me. You all have a great and happy easter!!!
Posted by
1:04 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Darth Vader vs. Japanese Police Video on Metacafe
Darth Vader vs. Japanese Police Video on Metacafe
Thought it was funny. Check it out.
Posted by
12:43 AM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Happy Easter
It's nice out today....for once there's no wind. We had class outside, it was awesome. Then I saw the Easter Bunny walking around, but he didn't have any candy, the loser. Anyways, I should go porque tengo un examen de espanol hoy. Adios.
Posted by
11:12 AM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Time flys when your having fun. Ever time I get some good stuff figured out in life bads thing pop up just as fast. I guess you must foccus on the good and forget the bad. When your code outputs "good" data you keep and when "bad" data comes along you delete and hope Shayne computer forience people don't find it :). I did find some cool thing about my code today, like it makes cool graphs that I wish it did not. Making numerical solvers is hard. Anyway no one cares so I will just be on my way.
Posted by
9:24 PM
Monday, April 10, 2006
That is a rasdfr
So, what's up with time? It's already April. May is just ahead, and I've realized how much of my life was wasted doing absolutely nothing. It's time I do something, like... watch more tv.
Oh yeah, and here's a quick story about computer forensics. Mentions Dennis Rader, (which, as we all know by now, is the man whose last name was the inspiration for a professional football team name, abit with different spelling. I'll have to check the timeline, but I'm sure it all fits).
Posted by
9:06 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
Great Snooker Shots
Great Snooker Shots is filled with trick shot goodness. Watch it. Enjoy it. I did. (Props go out to a fellow co-worker of mine.
Posted by
5:02 PM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
...Looking for a Home
Exciting news: I got a job today. This summer, I will be starting a promising new career as a grocery bagger at Dillons. Yes, I know: it really is the American Dream. In the meantime, I and my 3 future erstwhile roommates are searching for a place to park our...hondas. Thus far, the apartments are being rented faster than we can call and enquire about utility bills. However, I maintain great hopes that the dumpster behind Agnew will still be empty come May. Consequently, I have designated it as Plan B.
Happy Payday Friday.
Posted by
7:47 PM
So nice
This morning was so nice. I think. I am hopefully going to print your poster today Shayne, and one I made. Lots of fun there. Got a physics club zone meeting this weekend, again lots of fun :).
Posted by
1:29 PM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Have fun in California, Lester!
Well, the title pretty much says it all.
In other news, DOS Box 0.65 and Wine 0.9.something are out. They have been for awhile now, actually. I know you don't care. Don't try to fake like you do. I can see right through you.
And go to, because it is an informative news-type site for computery and sciency stuff, which I like. Good stuff.
Posted by
6:58 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
Here's what I prepose
So today is the first day that I woke up to the new Daylight Savings Time changes. Not yesterday, but that's a different story.
I didn't like it. I could barely see or think anything. More than usual, I mean.
So, I say, when the next DST change happens next year, all businesses, events, and schedules should be pushed back 1 hour. Job starts at 8 during the winter? Now it starts at 9.
Personally, I think it's brilliant: It both socks it to the man and creates a state of pointlessness at the same time. I love it.
And for my link of the post, here it is: The Simpsons Movie Trailer. I'd geek out even more about it, but apparently Satan knows no bounds and requires the user to download QuickTime 7. Luckily, you can download QuickTime Alternative if you like socking it to the man. I like it better, because I know I won't have a window open up everytime I want to watch a movie asking if I want to upgrade to the pro version, that's why. I don't even know if they do that anymore, and I don't care. I love it. Oh yeah, the trailer was OK too.
Posted by
9:55 PM
Insert Witty Title Here
Lester, that sucks about your dad. From now on I'm no longer flipping off truck drivers while I'm on my bike.
So anyways...Warm, sunny days; green grass growing; robins eatin worms--Spring has definitely sprung. You know what that's time for some good clean fun: frisbee golf, barbecues, sand volleyball, more barbecues, soccer, even more barbecues, and swimming. Oh, and barbecues, too. There's nothing like eating a piece of pig straight off the grill in 90+ degrees F while being swarmed by insects. I can hardly wait. In honor of the season, I think we need to get all the former Agnewtions back in Hays again. Lester: I know its quite a drive, but this is imporant. Jon and Shayne: who really needs jobs, anyways? In lieu of your return, I suppose I'll just eat all the brats myself for consolation.
So I had one of the shortest job interviews in history. I'm hoping that doesn't indicate a negative outcome....I didn't get chased out of the store by the Dillon's bouncer--I mean grocery boy--so it wasn't too bad. I guess I'll find out. Until then, those that read the blog: Have a nice day. Those that don't: you are not cool, so don't even ask (which is pointless, because if you don't read it, you wouldn't ask anyways...).
Posted by
7:31 PM
So on the 5th, I'll be flying over to California to visit my sister. I'm kind of excited, but at the same time disappointed/sad. The reason why is because my mom and my grandma was supposed to be there as well, but they no longer can. See, my dad was riding his motorcycle when he was trying to pass this truck. But the truck was hogging the road and wouldn't let my dad pass. My dad, being the short tempered person that he is, decided to flip him off, which angered the truck driver, and drove my dad off the road.
Now my dad is in the hospital. He broke both his legs, and one of his arms. Apparently it was pretty bad, but there's no threat of losing his life, so that's good.
Sorry about the depressing stuff, but thought I'd blog it.
On a brighter note, when I get back from Cali, I'll post pics. It's gonna be awesome.
Posted by
7:10 PM
Spring is Here
The grass is truning green in non-quad areas. The trees are buding and the time just changed. It is cool outside and hot in my room, I just do not understand Agnew heat. SGA elections are much less a thing this year. I can hardly tell they are coming.
Over and Out
Posted by
1:46 PM
Saturday, April 01, 2006
The Couch
Jon's couch came out so much easier then it went it. It took like 10 seconds and it was out. Must have been because Shayne made it so much more flexable on the way in. :)
Looks like it might stroam (sp) here soon. I hope it does it would be nice.
Posted by
2:21 PM
Happy Daylight Savings Time
In honor of this great holiday, I propose everyone set their clocks an hour earlier. That's right, earlier. I know you'll be two hours late for everything, but just say you're running on squirrel time. So I got my first job interview! On Monday, I am hoping to become a proud worker at Dillons. WOO HOO! And if I don't get it then I'll know I REALLY suck at life. Until then...I have a research paper to finish. Enjoy the weekend.
Posted by
9:59 AM
I has been a long time since I was swimming, and I think I am going to go today. Or at least hope I can make it. If it is warm out side, and depending on if Jon comes and when he comes. So chances are I will not make it to swimming, but I want to.
I go now ...
Posted by
8:33 AM