Friday, May 21, 2004

Good woot to everyone.

I'm back, baby!
I've now got the Internet at home. Dial-up. I've forgotten all of the headaches associated with it, but I don't care, I'm not greedy... I've got the Internet!
"Headaches?" You might ask? Here's a refresher to everyone who has forgot and an introduction to everyone who never had dial-up.
You have to actually "Dial-up", which is where they got the name from, I'm supposing. And you MAY or MAY NOT connect, who knows. I've had to retry tres times just to connect.
It also ties up our only phone line, so I've got a handy little box and call-waiting service to keep getting phone calls. Your connection can get dropped at any time, and if it does, then you roll the dice and hope you can connect again. It's slow, so I've been able to do important things, like inventing new words. It is very smorgalpy. IT IS, however, the Internet, and I'm happy.

"How's life back on the farm?"
Well, that's a smorglapilicious question, so I'll save that for another post. The important thing is that I'm alive.

Lester, your posts are weird and leave questions hanging in the air. Did you get hit by a truck? Who knows, I guess. You probably do. Unless you got brain damage and don't remember. Anyways, your posts are becoming more informative than your earlier works. "I'm sleepy?" What were you thinking? "Posty", on the other hand, was sheer brilliance. I don't know how you do it.

Jon, read the comments I left for you in one of your other posts. If I somehow misled you to believe I had the internet at one time, then my regrets. I do hope your brother is back on the way to a full recovery. I'm only guessing, but I guess you and Sam are feeling better now? Last time I saw you, your noses were full of snot, and overall weren't all up to snuff. If it any help, I'm sick too. Sick of all those liberal fatcats in Washington, and also I have a sore throat, and phlem, and once I felt dizzy.

Paul, I hope your desk will hold. I can't really say anything, I've never seen Lester build anything, but I have seen the results of his attempt to "fix" his portable CD player.

Jess, don't let Paul's bragging of his brand spankin' new desk get to you. Also, Sorry about all of those accidental near drownings. I knew that laughter is the best medicine, but I never knew that it could be used for evil. I must learn to control my powers.

Beibs, sorry about reversing your name and calling you Sbieb that one day. Alex and I were cleaning up the room and Lester's sake (say it like Sock-eh, I know you knew that, but it is really annoying to people when you tell them something they already know, you know?) spilt into the heater. I was out of it that whole day. Then I caught fire. Ok, that never happened, but wasn't it interesting?

Alex, I know you can't read this, but I'm typing it anyway. I hope that Alaska will not freeze your left big toe off, and that the giant mosquito mauling are kept to a minimum.

Wow, my posts are long.

1 comment:

Lester said...

Hehehehe, I love ya shayne