Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I'm with you, Lester!

Just got done taking Physics II finals... I got a generally good feeling from it... like I'll pass the class. One more test to go, and I'm done! Then, on to preparations of moving out.

I can tell we are in the throws of finals week. There is a 12 hour time difference between posts!


Lester said...

yeah, I just got back from my statistics final. I answered about half the questions, with means I will have to retake that class. Oh well, second time it should make more sense.

Jessie said...

how'd you like the cat+fish problem? i was tempted to say that from the fish's point of view, the cat was moving far too quickly to say enough hail mary's.

Redsaz said...

I solved that problem three different ways... I eventually gave up. (eenie, meenie, minee, moe)

Now I know why the fishes eyes are so wide all the time... they're so amazed we're going so fast!