Sunday, July 11, 2004

Keep it real

I'm not sure why, but today I feel like a weight has been lifted off the monkey hanging on my back. I'm mellow, I've got a peaceful, easy feeling. Maybe it's because of my dream that I had, which I don't remember. Perhaps it's because I got to wake up later than usual. Maybe because I went to church and got some advice. Who knows, but I like it. I didn't even know I was feeling down (well, not "down", more like below average). It is good to get a reminder every now and again that you shouldn't worry about every little or big thing that happens to you or to someone else, because worrying won't help, and you only complain when you don't want to do anything useful to fix the problem yourself.

Your sense of humor is one of the greatest survival mechanisms you have, whether you are fighting stress, some crisis, or even to calm down someone about to implode your face. Hmm... I guess Roger Rabbit was right all along.