Thursday, September 30, 2004

FHSU Bloggination

FHSU Bloggination is recruiting! You want to join, contact us. Also, we will be asking you through IM and whatnot. So who knows, you might be on the massively bloggy FHSU Blog...thing!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Holy Blogger Batman

Man, no one is blogging. I guess nothing interesting is going on. That and the fact that instead of blogging we can just walk up stairs (or down) and just tell the story in person.
There aren't any comments anymore either! What the crap. OK everyone, you all need to comment to this blog, just for the hell of it, then I can annoy you with more email with comments on them.

Monday, September 27, 2004


my b-day is this weds september 29th ....if you plan on buying me a gift make sure its over $100 thats the only requirment =P im kidding ...i dont need anything just a happy b-day would work

Friday, September 24, 2004

Why I'm Lazy

Lets play musical computers

My computer is musical

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront

oh yes the game of all starwars games i bought this game for my pc it freakin roxors (rocks) i mean come on in what other starwars game can you sit there and snipe off the stupid little ewoks its a black ant its available for all systems PC, XBox, GC, PS2

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Laws of Anime Physics

Laws of Anime Physics
Lester showed me this. Read and enjoy. Or don't.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I swear this is fun (if you like puzzle games)

A very awesome online puzzle game. If you need help, let me know, I'll see if I remember how to get through it all.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Penny Arcade

Penny Arcade

ok penny arcade is hilarious ive been reading this for quite some time now and it only gets better you have to this to part 6 its not done yet but just the first 6 part are hilarious i would also recommend go back a read more of the archive however i need to warn everyone if you are offended by harsh langage but other than that its hilarious

my b-day

i was looking at my schedule for next week and realized that i have to work on my b-day this sux and i had plans for it now i guess i do not have plans now but to work ='(

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Honda (UK)

Honda (UK)

Here's a commercial that took 606 takes to get right, with no CGI whatsoever. Very neat.

Oh, and I almost forgot

The most important thing today (actually yesterday, but that's just details)!


Its too bad you can't drink anymore. No longer sad. But that's ok, you can retain most of the water you need from the food that you eat. Just eat a lot of fruits or something. Good luck with that.
22 years ago, a man named Jon was born.

Weeeeeeee Soccer

Oh man, Soccer was fun. I made 2 goals! Or was it 3? I don't remember. Either way that surprised me (I usually don't score when it comes to soccer...well actually, I usually don't score when it come to anything). We need to do it again. Jess got injured, good job Shayne. Paul kicked a bunch of people, good job Paul. I tripped Shayne, good job me. Other people did awesome stuff, good job other people.
Then I went to the High School Foot Ball game, to meet some chick. Man I felt out of place.
I'm going to be a teacher...and you're trying to hook me up with a high schooler. . . . something about that just doesn't sound right. Oh well, like Shayne once said, "I'll take what I can get." Hahahaha.
No wait, that's not right. eh, whatever. I just need to watch more anime.

Just say no to Pedophilia.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hallway Tennis Ping Pong

Nothing like a good match of knocking around all things ping pongy in the middle of the hallway for a good hour. We would have used the actual ping pong tables downstairs, but it was taken, so we had to improvise. Still fun though.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Wow, so much blogging...

...Oh, wait. I mean absolutely no blogging whatsoever.

And I'm sorry for that. The fact of the matter is, now that I'm here, I have something better than blogging. It's called talking. Face-to-face.

But that's about to change. I just won ten million dollars, and all I had to do was be in it to win it.

Ok, I lied about that. However, I did just saved your life tonight without you knowing it, as well as thousands of others by foiling a huge underground network of smuggling explosive ninjas.

Ok, I lied about that too. But the important thing is that it was more interesting than what really happened.

I've just now figured out why I blog less. Sorry to waste your time.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

One Mad Cow!

One Mad Cow!

this is old but i find it really funny a whole new meaning to mad cow disease


well i looked around and i cant use "applebiebs" for my resturaunt because applebees those bastards so im thinking i should call it "bananabiebs" it has a nice ring to it and its catchy

What a night

that was a wild and crazy night
mr drew had too much to drink and probably won't be hitting the road to get home any time soon. So there will be pasta and homemade sauce tonight. That will be awsome. One slimming it all the way dudes!!!

One Slime - wedgey's homepage

One slime it up Boys and Girls!! See if you can make it to the giant blue boss slime.

One Slime - wedgey's homepage

Friday, September 10, 2004

Switch to Linux

Switch to Linux

This one is dedicated to Paul... and all the other penguin heads out there.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

are there problems with the blog? edit: guess not

ive been trying to post all day this is going to be my 17th try and aparently my comments are not being posted as well so this post isnt actully what im trying to post but just a test to see if i can post

edit: i guess the problem is fixed not sure what and after all this time i dont remember what i was going to post in the first place other than i had bought two new movies one being the punisher and the other well its going to remain unsaid because it goes into my collection under "chick flix" ive figured out one problem i think when trying to impress women ..ive noticed that when i have a girl over and she sees my dvd colection (i have close to 65 dvds now and its still growing) they tend to go through them and get disappointed because most of them are action flix but lately in secret ive been adding a small collection of "chick flix" just for this cause maybe that will help ... i dont mind buying them i just dont watch them alone im a movie buff so i dont mind them that much there isnt much of a genre of movie out there i wont watch except horror i hate horror films i just dont like watching them

Government Health Warning

Government Health warning on beer. Apparently, the government thiks we're so brain dead that we can only understand messages in Shockwave Flash format with weird country music.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

tin can wireless

im gonna try and do this because its a cheap way of getting an antenna for my external wireless card

tin can wireless antenna

Urban Legends Reference Pages: College (Writing Wrongs)

Urban Legends Reference Pages: College (Writing Wrongs)

Hee hee, funny story.

cool graphs

Need to check these two links out. I made some nice grpah. First one looks like when a rock falls in water. And the second one is like two rock.

Monday, September 06, 2004


I need to get me some Bonnie Boom Booms.....and a lovely eye patch.

When I saw her "beauty" I woke up.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

An Interesting look on 9/11

Click here to watch the movie.

At least its interesting

vote 2004

somebody told me they wanted an absentee ballot. here's the goods:

to register for the election (must be done by monday, october 18):
-click on your state of residence
-click on voter registration application
-complete application and mail it to your home county election officer

to obtain absentee ballot:
-click on the "1" by your state of residence
-go to advance voting applicatin
-complete the application form and sent it to:
1st Floor Memorial Hall
120 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612

Have not blogged in a while.

Come on everyone, BLOG!

Today I ran the 5k fun run. Boy that was "fun". I am now dead tired. And hungry. Mmm food, sounds good to me. Free lunch, who's comin' with me?!
I need to start gettin' in shape. At this rate I'll never be buff enough by the time I have to go to Japan. Damn.

Friday, September 03, 2004


now tody looked up after i saw the comics in the leader today since thats about all thats worth reading out of it with the execption of adams reviews he always give great review shane and lester your comic was great i enjoyed it keep it up ill keep reading it and shane ill try and blog more even if nothing happens to me ill blog somthing

Blogginate good times, COME ON!

After months of deciding whether or not to start a comic, and then finally working two days to perfect the comic, Lester and I (Shayne) are proud to introduce "The Same" comic. Needless to say, its so awesome that any Canadian who reads it will automatically have their free health care invalidated. Doctors recommend smoking 3 packs a day over the comic, as it is so full of comic-goodability that you will go blind, and a few seconds later a small star forms inside your large intestine and you explode, ultimately causing your house to catch fire.

To read it:
-Read FHSU's newspaper, the Leader
-Or go to

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Sam told me to do this so I did

href="" target="_blank">

wireless rocks

ok im sitting in class right now writing this blog there is a wireless access point in the area that happens to be open aparently there is a professor who thinks he/she needs to have wireless in their office and they dont have any security its open acess and running DHCP amazing how many ppl dont realize you need to put security on a WAP or anyone can access the network which can be a bad thing im just using it to access the internet because it is so boring listening to this professor (YAWN!!) well i had better get back to taking notes


Wednesday, September 01, 2004


./sakdjflksahjdf;wlefnlskdfjiehgorwjlnflkmflkahseoihfuenognpweohiyrofejsakdfhuisahdfkj askjdfhlkasdkfhlkwau;fyiouasejflkyhnelkfbausgeyoiuwhnjfoiweu83roir4lknflskadfheiouhro nkfjoiaeshfkjneflkawehjfiohoiedhnaokjnfeklnsavkhjsoighfewjnflks dalcnwoiehgfviajnwsflke kehafejhrflkewnjflksehjaoi

whew now that's off my chest i feel better

thanx for listening

love and peace XOOXOOX

Brent's Humor Co. Online

The kind of conversations I used to have with my friends back in Virginia Tech:

brrobin1: Hey Adam this is Brent is Brent there?
brrobin1: this is Brent with the Anime that is, looking for Brent Smith
DinkMeekerv3: yes, he is here
DinkMeekerv3: hehe
DinkMeekerv3: one sec
DinkMeekerv3: yes, this is brent
brrobin1: you doing physics?
DinkMeekerv3: yeah
brrobin1: k, then taste Anwar's wrath
DinkMeekerv3: fuxx0r
brrobin1: what problem are you on
DinkMeekerv3: or something
brrobin1: because it's soon to change to problem number Fatality
DinkMeekerv3: we've done bits and peices
brrobin1: Finish Him!
DinkMeekerv3: OH NO!
DinkMeekerv3: pieces*
brrobin1: Bit's and Pieces of you will be strewn about the room, shortly
DinkMeekerv3: You ass
brrobin1: My mighty engines of war and wrath come forth to smite thee!
brrobin1: Cast down thine weapons and be sav'd from my fury!
DinkMeekerv3: Mine fate alteration engine has been activated... Thine weapons are useless
brrobin1: Surrend'r now, or I shal rape thy women, steal thy daughters and salt thy crops
brrobin1: Let flow the bitter tears of sorrow!
brrobin1: Forward men, to vict'ry!
DinkMeekerv3: NEVER, in the name of the almighty Täuber!
brrobin1: Let a bloodbath of particles reign!
brrobin1: Newtonian Particles!
brrobin1: We shall make hav'c terr'r and werr!
brrobin1: Werr!
brrobin1: WERR!
DinkMeekerv3: ARRR, matey... Ye shall suffer the unfathomable torment of the 3rd Astral Plane!
brrobin1: Narrr, narr, I'll keelhaul the bastards long afore then!
brrobin1: Anwars, 4:19 "And shall the seas flow red with the blood of those hauled upon the length of the keel."
brrobin1: Fly my minions fly
brrobin1: Anwars, 4:20 "Let fly the nanocannons."
DinkMeekerv3: "And so it came to pass that 88 dallons of blood were spilt during the fortnight, and the Demons of Perdition were loosed upon the world"
brrobin1: Anwars 4:21 "Let not liquid measures be taken in Dallons, for it is an abomination."
brrobin1: Dallons shall only be used to measure the quatity of liquid doubloons one posesses
DinkMeekerv3: "And thus began the great 'Unit War' of 102 E.L. which lasted for 14 decades"
brrobin1: NEVER, EONS fool EONS
brrobin1: 14 short eons
DinkMeekerv3: Verily, I say to thee
brrobin1: oh and METRIC must perish from this earth, I shall make it as if this cancer on the human race never existed
brrobin1: My agents are all ready at work
DinkMeekerv3: With this I agree, for METRIC is an abomination forced upon us by the whores of Europe
brrobin1: /jihad on
brrobin1: die evil metric
brrobin1: oh and btw you know that chair you are sitting in?
brrobin1: it has a shiv
DinkMeekerv3: OH NO!
brrobin1: die spy of metric
DinkMeekerv3: The chair had a shiv!
brrobin1: and now you do
brrobin1: 2 inches into your flesh
DinkMeekerv3: Nay, for my flesh is impervious to the shiv
brrobin1: NOOOO, defeat how I loath thee
DinkMeekerv3: MUAHAHA
brrobin1: blast
DinkMeekerv3: oh, Adam watched all the Trigun eps already... He's going to re-watch them if he doesn't get the next 5
brrobin1: ok, well he is going to walk his ass over here and sign away the rights to his screen name if he wants the next CD
brrobin1: cause this is Brent and I am going to post this
brrobin1: damn, how do you see through my attacks so easily
brrobin1: I am like a window to your superior shiv technique
DinkMeekerv3: HAHA! I can transparentize any shiv attack
DinkMeekerv3: Cloak of Apathy (+3 to shiv attacks)
DinkMeekerv3: *shiv attack defense
DinkMeekerv3: ok, he's going back
brrobin1: yes but my shirt of apathy has a plus 6 to not giving a fuck
brrobin1: ok