I've got to get something off my chest. I get really cheesed off when people dis Velveeta, all because it isn't technically a cheese, but instead a "cheese product." Personally, the fact that it is or isn't a real cheese doesn't matter. Taste is the prime factor for me. And brother, it tastes awesome.
So back off, processed cheese haters! I'm taking a stand, here and now!
I also have a thing against people-against-using-microwaves-for-cooking, but I'll save that for another slow news day when I have absolutely nothing to talk about.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Velveeta: Not real cheese, but still delicious
Posted by
5:00 PM
Labels: food
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Ladies' Fair
Last night, I went to the Ladies' Fair. It was insanely crowded with women, and people were pushing and shoving each other over 20% off coupons and free yardsticks. Not to say that those aren't great things, but it was a little scary. Plus, in my hopefulness of winning something, there are now about 20 Mary Kay, Arbonne, Pampered Chef, water softener, home decor, and jewelry salespeople who have my name, e-mail address, and phone number. It's a good thing this only happens once a year!
Posted by
3:34 PM
I know you think that when college is over there aren't anymore tests. But you are wrong. I just sat through a 4 and a half hour test on a Saturday for the international code counsels' reinforced concrete inspector test. There are two parts to the test, first part is on the codes and standards and the second part is on how well you can read plans, you have to score a 75% on both parts. I got an awsome 83% on the codes part and became the first person in Terracon in over a decade to pass that part BUT I only got a 72% on the plans part. The plans part is a 30 question test and by my calculations I missed it by one question. Now I have to wait six months to take it again. SOB. That is all that I got.
Posted by
2:14 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Joys of staying home sick
Yep it is that time of year again where the allergens come out in full battle gear and kick butt. I have been stuck in bed since Saturday staring at the ceiling, with the one eye that was leaking like it needs to be replace, connecting the dots in the Spackle making pictures. I am pretty sure so far I have found Nixon, a car, the Devil, a toaster, a pencil, a gorilla, the efile tower, some gum, a spot that is leaking water, and Waldo. Some of it could have been the benidrill speaking since the devil was talking to me. But on the bright side I have completely bored myself out of my body twice and ate some rather unusual soup. I can't wait to get out of my apartment.
Posted by
6:08 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
Pi Day!
Time to celebrate pi, on this, the day of 3-14. Let's watch a rap video on it, shall we?
Posted by
1:08 PM
Labels: pi
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spring Break
With spring break coming up, it's exciting that the weather is finally more springlike. It's a little sad, though, that this is my last spring break. I'm pretty sure that accountants don't get spring breaks, but hopefully being an accountant is easier than being a student and I won't need a break so badly.
Posted by
12:32 PM
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Delicious Cleaning
I tell ya... this is a great time to be alive. Excitement is what I'm verbally exuding, man! I love it so much.
What I'm talking about is hygiene; smelling good to be specific. It used to be so boring for me, but that was before my life was turned upside-down by what some people call "coordinating." That is, using products with a specific theme throughout. And ladies and gentlemen, I believe I've finally found my coordinating theme for cleaning products: delicious, delicious food. I'm all for it! Let me explain it further so everyone reading this article will be fully weirded out.
It all started with Suave Naturals Vanilla & Sugar Shampoo. I then found out about it's conditioner counterpart. It doesn't stop there! I eventually went looking in the toothpaste deparment, and I found Crest Vanilla Mint, along with some Listerine Vanilla Mint mouthwash! I had been using this combination successfully for quite awhile, it made me happy. I always looked forward to shampooing. But something was missing...
But today, shopping at Wal-Mart, I believe I've finally found the missing puzzle piece! That's right: I found the body soap Body Essence Sweet Vanilla Cream. I can only assume that they put a picture of a woman on the webpage featuring that product because that is what it attracts: Women. It attracts them because they are hungry. It makes sense to me, and you can keep your thoughts to yourself if you think otherwise. In any case, I just purchased the product today, so I remain hopeful that this thing is the answer I've been dreaming for. Wow, I need a life.
Eventually this got me thinking about that one Twilight Zone episode with the cookbook. Then they sort of did the same thing on The Simpsons but not really. So maybe I'm not really getting myself clean at all, but in fact I'm making myself into a tasty treat for our alien overlords who have somehow invaded and taken over the hygiene product world.
Posted by
5:03 PM
Labels: food
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Happy Spring!
OK, so it's not quite Spring (as Sunday's snowstorm indicates), but it's getting close. It's now Chick Days at Orscheln's! They have bunnies, too, which are arguably cuter. The main problem with the chicks is that you have to buy a minimum of 25. What is a person going to do with 25 chicks that grow up into chickens?!? Eat them? Anyways, I was tempted to stuff one in my pocket, but I figured the cheeping would give me away. So I'll just have to get by with a chick flick instead (which is arguably NOT cuter).
In other news, tragedy strikes: somebody ran over the Easter bunny, so Easter is cancelled. Sorry kids.
FYI: don't be an idiot like me and forget to change your clocks FORWARD (not back) an hour next week on March 9th. Daylight Savings Time = Don't Sleep Time. :(
Posted by
6:31 PM