Monday, May 19, 2008


"Congraduations? Surely that is a misspelling," you might think. But make no mistake! Con is a prefix meaning "with, together" and this certainly fits the bill. We've just had three of our fellow bloggers graduate from FHSU last Saturday. I've already expressed this to Clarice, Jessie, and Paul (notice how I put it in alphabetical order there? Brilliant!), but I would like to say GOOD JOB for having done it. So there.

And it is also a play on words. That word I used for the title, "Congraduations," I mean. Most people expect one to say "Congratulations" except this time I didn't and it was so exceptionally hilarious that I had to use an unnecessary amount of adverbs to explain the funniness of it all. Also, it is somewhat late and I'm very tired as I write these words so don't trust me on that assessment.

Anyway. Have many good years of using the skills you learned at FHSU, and look back on those fun times we shared with fondness. I know I did.

Perhaps the joke is lost on you. I mean "Congraduations," man! That is some funny solid GOLD right there! I was afraid to even use the pun, because there happens to be a stitch shortage in the medical industry right now, and if you laughed too hard, as the old saying goes, then indeed you would not be able to seek the medical attention you would so desperately require. They'd have to improvise and use Krazy Glue(tm) or something.
I just wrote all that. Looks like time for bed for me.

In conclusion: WOOO!

1 comment:

paul said...

Thanks Shayne. Not sure what a the congraduations stuff was about. But then I can't read.