Monday, May 12, 2008

Just a quick update

I`m blogging from my aunt`s house right now. I should also mention that her house is located in K0be, Japan. That`s all for now.


Redsaz said...

Lester! Take lots of pictures, ok?

Also, what is the deal with those extra spaces between "quick" and "update," as well as using the grave accent (`) instead of the apostrophe (')?

Have loads of fun sir, and remember to keep looking up when you visit those public baths.

Jessie said...

Japan! That deserves a "Woot!" But yeah, take lots of pictures, and buy something random (but not too creepy) from a vending machine. ;) Have fun!

Lester said...

ok, will do.
also, I am using a japanese keyboard, and some of the keys are in different places, so it makes things really confusing to type.

paul said...

Sweet Japan!

Redsaz said...

Sir! Are you still in Japan?
