Sunday, July 20, 2008

While I am at it ...

Have you ever noticed that places seems bigger when you were smaller. Well I few summers back the family took a trip to the one room school I went too as a grade schooler. While I as there I took the chance to do something I could of never done back then, grab the rim. Note the rim is now bent down so had it not been for that I might of still not been able to grab it. Anyway, I did get it, but I had not planned it out so well as you might see.


Redsaz said...

Haha, I remember this video! Comic mischief ensues.

Why they chose to use two metal rods to hold a backboard when nobody else does that in the world, ever, I have no idea.

Clarice said...

Probably because of people like Paul doing their best to knock it over.