Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Infamous Exploding Whale

The Infamous Exploding Whale

Death by Lava Lamp

This is the story of the man who decided to heat up a lava lamp on a stove top. It is a tragic tale full of mystery and flying glass shards. It is a story that will touch your heart and make you ask....What on earth was he thinking?

A man in Kent, Washington, placed a lava lamp on a hot stovetop. It exploded, and resulted in his death when a glass shard lodged in his heart. He was only 24....death by stupidity. This story brought to you courtesy of CNN.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Anime Cliches

Ever watch anime and wonder what's going on? Or just confused at some of the jokes? Well, this website will explain some of the confusing anime cliches for you, just go here: Right over herre


Thursday, November 25, 2004

hey hay hiy

apparently if you search for our blog on google there is a site that will rate the value of our blog. atleast that is what i thought is was doing. or maybe our blog company is trying to sell us. but right now it is currently valued at $108,351.38

Happy Thanksgving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope everyone has a good meal and gets all fat and stuff!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

break blues

im at work right now while everyone else is prolly at home by now enjoying the relaxation but no i have to be stuck at work ...work sux i hate it but oh well someone has to do it......

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Y'all have a good Thanksgiving ya'hea!!

Even if you get to go home a day before me. Stupid night class. Oh well, I can watch elf all night long cause I now own it.

Monday, November 22, 2004

give happy thanks day

did you know that every year, the President of the United States pardons a turkey? apparently, ever since some dude started doing this years ago, its a traditional way to kick off thanksgiving. they pick out two fat turkeys to be the lucky birds to be pardoned and spared the oven, and then have a little pardoning ceremony. this year's lucky bird is named Liberty, his vice is named Freedom. and then they get petted by kids, and then they get sent to a farm to live out the rest of their numbered days...i say numbered, because they are so fat that apparently they usually die before the next thanksgiving. and all that turkey goes to waste....

Nintendo DS

I was finally able to play the Nintendo DS the other day, it was pretty neat. But they lied though. It only has one screen, and you can't touch it. But it was cheaper than what I thought it would be, and still provides hours upon hours of entertainment. Here, take a look.

Crazy stuff

It is scientifically proven you can swim in maple syrup just as fast as you can in water.

I am giving blood in the Chez Republic next time, In the Chez Republic as an incentive to donate blood they are giving 2 free pints to anyone who volunteers.

more to come...

Sunday, November 21, 2004

In Virginia Safe and Sound

Hey people, this is Lester letting everyone know I arrived in VA save and sound. I got here Sunday, 11:00 am (10:00 am your time), so I made good time.
On the way here I got lost twice, ran over a dead deer, drove off the road and into the ditch, and averaged about 20 miles over the speed limit most of the way here, yet I surrvived. Weeee.
Those energy drinks really work, they got me all awake and stuff. Woo Hoo! And then when I got here, Dan's mom made me real italian pasta! Yay! I'm as happy as can be. You guys take care and have a good Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 19, 2004



Pictures of the place I want to live. Beautiful isn't it?

I should be in bed, so I could go to VA tomorrow

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Lifes Little Games

Lifes Little Games
by Alex Taylor

Twas a midday early
my head did throb
my eyes were said to be pearly
but my mind was quite a job

For the night before this day i sat at a stool
when a woman came in and gave me a rule
she said don't you touch my precious jewel
or i'll show you what is truely cruel

I looked perplexed...
had i touched this womans jewel?
i almost became convexed
to where i almost lost my cool

then my dear friend lest
said to me with much zest
I think if i spew
I could have a few

I looked at him and he at me
I said to him your smashed
now one more round so we may be at three
but to the bathroom he did dash.

Now in the bathroom he found a man
who once he new so well
the man was sam
who once he thought doth smelled

Sam was a man who many called Jon
for you see Jon and Sam were really one as seen
One for two and two for a ton
for a ton will get you far but one will not clean your jeans

When lest returned to the man named Al
He noticed him still staring at that rather large gal
She accused him of touching her jewells as the story already told
But when could he have done such a thing oh so cold

Al's head began to shake
He remembered like a quake
After 5 hours of drinking i finally get a brake
the jewells i did touch i really wanted to take

The crowd Rose as Al Preached on
I am drunk and you lead me on
For you see the moral of the story is
when found in an akward position
Always remember his bright incquisition

Jewells no matter what the cost
Will Always equal boobs when being told off!

What a game life did pay on my drunken heart

The previous statements were an exageration of the truth in no way did the names or characters represent actual people...except AL

On the Origin of Cranium by Means of Persuasion

i was coerced into playing cranium. really. oh, and who is this Alex guy?? ; )

HI Everybody

So,.... i came... i saw... i posted...i shall post again... watch your asses i'll be throwing shit in no time

So How Did We Get Sucked Into That One

Cranium....I'm sure its a fun game, but with the company we had....wow.

So, how did you get sucked into playing, Jess?
Me? I got asked to play by girls...and Shayne.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Massacre of a Machine: Computer Conquest

After one month, the video of the death of a PC is here. It's thirty seconds of joy, but a lifetime of memories. Needless to say, this is an epic movie that will rank up there with the likes of Ben Hur and Star Wars.
Go to http://scatcat.fhsu.edu/~sdriley/ to download and enjoy it.

CNN.com - 'Virgin Mary' sandwich back on eBay - Nov 16, 2004

CNN.com - 'Virgin Mary' sandwich back on eBay - Nov 16, 2004

H A L F - L I F E 2

H A L F - L I F E 2

this game is awesome and this could not have come at a better time with the semester winding down yeah this is just what i need to relieve all of the stress i have

Monday, November 15, 2004


that was some good chicken.


Man Bush won. I didn't like him he looks like an idiot and smells like one to. And his cabinet realizes it also. Even his top cabinet members like Colin Powell are resinging and leaving the country. The term apocolypse has been changed to Bush and we are going to have to leave the planet to get away. I am starting to book my flight with that company that is making civilian spacecraft. D#$% republican squirrels are always trying to take over and destroy the world.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

The sky is gray this day

Someone changed my alarm for me so that it was 7:17 p.m. and not a.m. I thought this was very kind of them. Not wanted me to wake up and all. Lucky for me my internal clock got me up on time, and I felt better waking up more naturally. I felt nice and sore from our little game of BB, but other then that life is great. Got some homework and this gray day, and I am writing on the blog because I am bore. Maybe I will make shyane play me in racketball later today. Well everyone live long and proper. :-)

Saturday, November 13, 2004

I'm sorry

I'm venting a lot right now. I've said a lot of things I didn't mean. I guess I didn't really have any other way of venting other than blogging (which was a stupid idea). So I'm very sorry for all the things I've said. You all are good friends of mine, I'm just being really really stupid right now.


don't you hate when you try to help someone and they go and backstab you on a blog. maybe you should just get the hell out. the feelings can be mutal. if you are going to leave what are you waiting for. so either grow up or get out but quit crying on the blog for attention cause i am about sick of you whinning. go get help or something the world will still go on here wether you are here or not.

You make it sound like its a bad thing if I leave

You should be happy to get rid of me. All I do is cause problems anyway.

Penny Arcade

Penny Arcade

ok i havnt posted in quite some time really busy lately so here you go

By the way Noah

Thank you so very much for talking with me. You totally saved me man. You're an awesome friend. I'm glad I know you. You know, I think you were my first friend when I moved to Virginia. Doesn't that make you proud!
You did in 2 hours no one here did in 2 weeks. You all are crappy friends man. Wait, I take that back. I'm hungry, angry, feel like crap, and you just kind of look at me weird, what the crap. I'm cranky. Damn it. Blarg! Thanks for talking. Virginia, where my good friends are.....I hope.

Ok, change to Math Major

So, I'm gonna change to just a Math Major, that way I should graduate earlier. Then I won't be just a quitter...I guess.

My life = waste of time and money.

Well, my confidence is totally shot.
Man I hate you guys. Go Da Me!

The Incredibles!

Wow, that movie was great. It had everything I like in movies, and now I wish I had super powers, beyond the "Be oblivient to everything going on around me" super power, and that's not really a power.

The movie really taught me something about myself, and I can feel it. Or it might be gas.

Hmm, I should have written this sooner, because I've forgotten everything about the movie, beyond its goodness. Oh well.

Friday, November 12, 2004

No more school for me

My parents are very disapointed. Well, at least my mom was, I talked to her. I'm sure my dad will be pissed.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The PC... the movie... the art.

I had no idea I was going to get this involved. Honestly. What I thought was a simple, done in one weekend thing now spans almost two weeks. Make a movie and move on, that was the plan.

At least, in the beginning.

Now I'm obsessing about it constantly. I've set aside my programming. I've let my hairstyle go. Video games, I play not so much. I used to be able to shoot beams of electric Velveeta from my iron eyelash. I've begun to lose touch with what is reality and what is fantasy. I used to be able to shoot beams of electric Velveeta from my iron eyelash. I've lost my short-term memory and I forget what I talked about only seconds eariler. I'm not shooting beams of electric Velveeta, I forget stuff, and I'm lost on reality, not to mention not shooting beams of electric Velveeta.

Every spare moment I have I research on the minutest of details that one can when it comes to something like this. It's no longer just something I can toss aside. It's consumed me. It IS me. It's a

Now that I've said that: No, Beibs, I still don't have the destruction of the PC done. I'm sorry. Softens the blow, doesn't it?

Honestly, though, I'm learning so much from it. The movie is so short and simple, but doggoneit, it's something I like.

I'm sorry

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'M SORRY! Please don't hate me...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I don't mean to avoid you

its just that me = insane.

I don't know what I'm doing! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!
I think I stepped on a pile of shi.........


I have problems

I'm thinking of quitting school. When I go to Japan this Winter, maybe I won't come back (though I'm sure my parents will kill me).
I wish I could change for the better. I want to be a better person, I wish I could care about my grades and work hard in my classes. I wish I wasn't so lazy. I wish I wasn't so depressed, wish that I didn't have these thoughts of suicide. I wish I were better at talking with people. I wish I didn't act so stupid around girls. I wish I weren't so emotional over the dumbest things. I wish I didn't act so weird...or say things that hurt or offend people. I wish I got along with my father. I wish I knew how to write better.

Man I have problems....
Kelly Center here I come!

.....Maybe I shouldn't have posted this in a public blog...

I'm so lazy...

"I'm so lazy that I fold the corners instead of cutting them." -Jared & Shayne Joint Venture

I'm giving you props for that one Jared, as I feel that it is great words to live by. In fact, I'm going to make it my creedo... or is it motto? Anyways, I probably won't and I'll forget all about it tomorrow. Don't blame me, I wasn't the one bashing my head into various walls and doors through out my teenage years... oh yeah... nevermind.

Oregano: "How do you like my spiffy new outfit, cinnamon?"
Cinnamon: "Is that a new fad?"
Oregano: "Yeah it is, man! Get with the thymes!"

Monday, November 08, 2004


How much caffine does your beverage have? Also: Who cares? Anyway, here's the link:CafFaq-1

Sunday, November 07, 2004

I'm sorry

I apologize for my last post. It was quite crude and indecent. I'm sure no one other than my good friends found it funny (it was kind of an inside joke). Anywho, I'm sorry for what I did.

On that note, I would also like to apologize to Shayne for Tom and my actions after the wine and cheese party. We shouldn't have stripped naked in front of you, and probably shouldn't have done it in front of Jared and Jana as well. Though it was funny when Alex came out of the shower naked, hahahahahaha.

Oh wait.....

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Lesson of the day

Incest is good

Raping dogs = cool!

Friday, November 05, 2004

Fruits Basket

"Before I was even born it was decided, that I would die. It was decided, and they didn't even ask me"

"But you're still alive right now, and that's all that matters."

Was I wrong to think I could make a difference?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

High Voltage Sparks and Arcs, and the incredible coin shrinker

Just ignore the scientific explanations. Look at the pictures and watch the videos!
High Voltage Sparks and Arcs
And the coin site:
Coin Shrinker

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

stalk or be stalked

ive decided im going to stalk myself... i think everyone should stalk theirselves it would be so much fun waiting for yourself to go in that certain room at that certain time..... then try and explain to someone who your waiting for in that bush then all of a sudden you realized you miss you going into that room all becasue of that stupid person who stopped to ask you what you were doing in that bush...... because now your late for your meeting

Bush is President!!!! YAY

I'm ecstatic!!! Bush won!!! He deserves it. I didn't like Kerry at all..... still don't. o well....happy me!!!!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Racketball Rocks!

I never knew how fun racketball is. I want more of it. It's involves everything that's fun: Hitting things off walls, running into people, and possible head trauma. Gotta love it! If you haven't played it, then I highly recommend that you figure out your way towards playing it. The only problem is the fluorescent lights. Watching a ball in 60Hz is weird, but you get used to it. Incandescent is the way to go there, baby.

Corky and the Juice Pigs

Corky and the Juice Pigs
Check that band out, they are really funny (at least the 2 songs I've heard were really funny) and they sound really good. They sang that I'm the only Gay Eskimo song. And the Dolphin Boy song. Good stuff, I'm telling you, if I can I'll see if I can download some more songs and spread the goodness around

A new game for your amuzement

hey, this is a fun game, try it!!!


Monday, November 01, 2004

Have someone tell you who to vote for

www.presidentialguidester.com If you can't decide who you want to vote for, let this baby be your guide. Answer simple questions, and you'll find out who would be your ideal president. Luckily for me, I got mine right (hint: It's not Nader). It was somewhat fun, anyways.