well i cant leave home yet one my car wont start two i left my blank dvdrs at my friends house and hes not awake yet why does this happen to me grrr......... i can never get done what i want done
Friday, December 31, 2004
Working on the House
Me and Jessie have been working on the house the last few days. We are work on what was once and will be again my bedroom. We painted it yesterday and I have by cutting wood for the closit (sp). Hopefully it will be done in a couple of days.
On one other note. We does the libery check books out with due date on a day that are closed? I have a book due and I can't recheck it becaue they are closed. Makes me mad.
On two other notes. We need to build an army of robots. I came up with the plan last night.
Have a happy new year.
Posted by paul at 9:20 AM 0 comments
heading back
ill be back in hays later this day cant wait to get back im tired of being stuck here at my parents it not like i have to fly half way across the planet to see my parents i dont even get to leave the state of kansas it just a two and a half hour drive it sux nothing but flat land and fields with the occasional cow here and there ..... i dont even get the leave the state to see any of my relatives ='( my family must have been cursed several times because now i can think of two any way the first one is the child curse it is a know fact in my family that the gender of your first born child will fore tell what the rest of your children will be and also my brother and i ..one of us when we have children must have boys because we are the last men of the family that bare our last name ive only three guy cousins and they dont bare the family name ...all the rest of my cousins are females so the chances of me even having a male child and very slim to none ..... second curse is that im doomed to never live in any other state than kansas all my relative live in kansas and have never moved any futher ....
Posted by Anonymous at 1:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Maybe because I ate too much.
I'm sick. I threw up this morning, and I feel really bad. I hope I feel better tomorrow, we leave for the Hot Spring Resort tomorrow. I don't want to be sick (this from the guy who never gets sick). Oh well
Posted by Lester at 10:41 PM 0 comments
4|23 y0o l33t.... |)0 u \/\/4/\/t 7o b3 1337 ...|234|) t|-|i5
B3c0m3 1337
Posted by Anonymous at 1:55 PM 0 comments
I was supposed to eat sushi today, but ended up not
I have no luck with sushi. I've yet to eat sushi since I got here. Every time I try, something comes up that prevents me from eating sushi.
The other day my Grandma yelled at me for being taller than her. So I'm not allowed to be taller than my Grandma...she's a weirdo. I guess I get it from her. She's so funny....and short. She's one of those grummpy old ladies you see sometimes, she gets mad about everything. And we just laugh at her, cause its funny. Hahahahaha.
Posted by Lester at 5:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
So i went to see the docotor today, because the antibiotics the student health center gave me apparently didn't work and my sinus infection came back. So there i was, back in another doctors' office, getting another prescription for another set of antiobiotics. And then, I take my first pill. Thirty minutes later, I begin to regret it. Apparently, one of the "slight" side affects is abdominal pain. It says so on the side of the box. What it doesn't say, though, is that if you take these pills, you will soon feel like your stomach is receiving electric shock therapy from little sadistic men that live in your digestive system. Sinus infection, nay, even death, would have been preferable to this. And then, guess what: mom decides i had better take all of the antibiotics. for being my mother, she sure wants to see me die for some reason.
Posted by Jessie at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Newton was the man. That is all I have to say.
Have a happy new year
Posted by paul at 11:58 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 27, 2004
Hahahaha, I don't think anyone here except for Shayne (and maybe Paul) really knows what you're talking about, but its interesting none the less. Happy Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Lester at 7:23 PM 2 comments
Nintendo DS internet advancement
well ive made some really cool discoveries about the Nintendo DS WiFi this first pic id from netstumbler its a program used to pick up WiFi hot spots and/or APs the number that is not scatched out is my DS sending out a WiFi signal and is being picked up by netstumbler
this next pic is what i get when i tell netstumbler to look up the DS ap mac heres the info
now i know my ds will be able to communticate with my computer step one now its time for step two learning the tunneling software
Posted by Anonymous at 4:58 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the penguin we got you. It was quite easy to pick out a gift for you, hahahahaha. For other people, on the other hand, was not as easy, oh well.
I fixed my parent's computer! I found over 1000 viruses. McAfee does nothing to protect the computer, so I got them Symantec Anti-virus. I got it for free from the Virginia Tech website. You have to be a student to get it, and appearantly they think I'm still a student there. Hey, as long as they're not charging me, I'm not complaining, hahahaha.
Enjoy the rest of the break, ya'll.
Posted by Lester at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2004
the new dvd player Santa's gift
ok i think santa has given me the best gift of all ...a new dvd player no only does it play dvds but it also plays mpeg-4 and divx movies so all the anime ive got i can now play in my dvd player without having to convert it to dvd =D ...also by the end of this week im going to have my Nintendo DS playable over the internet for those of you wondering how im going to acomplish go here... Xlink ...this is how =P thanx to my gaming friend in the UK
Posted by Anonymous at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Feliz Navidad
Despite the lack of the proverbial Jolly Ol' St. Nick, and a serious lack of White Christmas that would drive Bing Crosby to tears...or laryngitis, whichever proceeds first...another Chirstmas passes by. No matter how many grammer rules I broke in that first sentence, no matter how many friends and family are absent at the dinner table, and no matter how bored we get, there is still that warm feeling in your tummy that the holidays always bring. Oh yes, that warm feeling can also come from drinking too much cocoa.
But, anyways, to proceed on with my lengthy monologue...I would like to take a moment and quote the eternal Charlie Brown: "Christmas is too commercialized!" And as I sit beneath my fiber optic tree I wholeheartedly agree.
And that brings me to my final thought as I prepare for the Christmas dinner - what, exactly, are Cornish hens? Some sort of stunted chickens? Some traditional repast of Hobbits? Or do they, in the words of my wise mother, just have asthma?
Another pointless essay, brought to you by a vacation-crazed soul, starved for contact with the outside world.
Posted by Jessie at 3:19 PM 0 comments
A ?
I was wandering what the graph of
z(x,y) = [y^(ix)-y^(-ix)]/2
looks like.
I know for z(x,e) the graph is sin(x) and I think z(x,0) is 1 for all x and z(x,1) is 0 for all x. But I don't know how to find it for all y. The problem is the imaginary numbers. If anyone knows how to create this graph just let me know.
Posted by paul at 11:05 AM 1 comments
Three peguins to rule them all. One peguin to crush them all. One peguin to watch them all. One peguin to bring them all and in the snowball bind them.
That is what christmas left me with. The cutest and fatest was from shayne and lester. Thanks!!!!! It was so cool open your persent, I was told it a cool pillow, but it was much cooler! See the factorial on the cooler. Nice A. Well I got other cool gift, but the peguin family was the best. Hope you are all having a good christmas.
And a Happy New Year!!!!!!!
Posted by paul at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 24, 2004
WOO hoo
well it looks like i picked the correct gift to open tonight i received a Nintendo DS so Shayne we we get back to school we are going to check out the wifi on these babies and see what the multiplayer is like now just gotta wait to see whats in store for me tomarrow morning =P
Posted by Anonymous at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Merry Christmas to all
Went to town today and got a last minute gift. Plus a new movie for to night. Have not done much this break and still planning to do nothing. Hope you are all having a good time, and eating lots of good food. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Posted by paul at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Well, it will be in like 2 hours (in Japan anyways). I hope you all have a merry Christmas, and enjoy the new year. Have fun with family and friends, and don't eat too much to where you become sick. Good job keeping the blog alive, by the way. Woot!
Posted by Lester at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 23, 2004
made it home
well i made it back home today after driving in the snow for two and half hours the roads really sucked but i made it ok
Posted by Anonymous at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Finally, I can get back on line
I have been gone for a while but I'm back. My Grandma has no internet, so I could not get on, but I'm back at my parents house.
....so far, that's all I can say about this trip back home. I miss my sister, and I wish my parents would stop arguing all the time, but oh well, I shall try to enjoy what I got.
Posted by Lester at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Pick-up Line for the nerds
ok for all you science nerds out there i have the perfect pick-up line for you and low-and-behold i watched this one in action and it WORKED!! provided the gal was prolly alittle drunk but hey its always worth a try
"Heat is a form of energy capable of being transmitted through empty space by radiation, and baby, transmission received."
Posted by Anonymous at 10:47 AM 3 comments
EverQuest II Players
EverQuest II Players
here is a glimpse of my badass wood elf character
Posted by Anonymous at 10:35 AM 0 comments
the page
The webpage is not done, but you can take a look here. Any ideas how to make it better are welcome if you a bore. Other then that I have not done much. Been sleeping about 12 hours a night and wacthed a NOVA show about string theory, which end badly in my opiniton (how ever you spell that). That is it. Have a merry chirimas.
Posted by paul at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
more christmas vacation
i'm sneaking online to post this blog. seeing as paul's computer is on the internet, and he's always glued in front of it working on his web page, i never get to be online! i'm undergoing serious withdrawal here. so that's all i had to say. oh, and i broke another mixer making divinity yesterday. and i'm almost out of juiceboxes. it's tough, but i'll try and keep posting...
Posted by Jessie at 11:24 AM 1 comments
i havnt posted for a while ...... ive been busy working and playing Everquest 2 man when the said it was addicting i didnt think it was as addicting as crack i guess that why they call it "evercrack" in the past three days ive been living in a world called Qeynos (key-nose) training my skills i started out as a scout and now im a Lvl 10 predator watch out hopfully by the end of break ill be a full fledged ranger but that 10 Lvls away well i need to go rid the city of the verman maybe ill take on the R.O.U.S.'s
biebs aka Arithiel Lvl 10 predator wood elf
Posted by Anonymous at 1:33 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Not bathing for 2 days makes Lester a stinky man....
....but no longer do I smell, for my parents DO love me and came to pick me up at the bus station after I took the first bus to Sasebo. Well, my mom did, my dad had to go work. Turns out he was asleep though the whole ordeal, he didn't know I didn't make it till this morrning, hahahaha. I AM ALIVE! Yes!!!!
Posted by Lester at 9:23 PM 1 comments
hum dee dum dee dum hummy hum
haha, now i'm keeping the blog alive! so what's new paul? i haven't seen you in a while....at least not for about a second now - weird, isn't it? oh look, there you are again. well, i'm going to make a trip to fridge and see if there are any juiceboxes left. nice seeing you. no! you don't get any! put that juicebox down! ok, i have to go defend my territory.
Posted by Jessie at 5:15 PM 1 comments
I am keeping the blog alive
So till lester posted, I have been the only one posting this break. This tells you that I don't have anything to do. Well, I have things to do, I am just not doing them because I don't have to. Well that is all for today.
Live long and proper
Posted by paul at 2:03 PM 1 comments
Holy crap I`m in Japan
I`m lost and stuck at this one place cause my parents didn`t come to pick me up, and since I arrived late (and since it was sunday) there were no longer any buses going to Sasebo (my home town). I was this close to sleeping outside in the streets, but the police people told me there`s this one place open 24 hours a day, and that I could just go there (and they have internet). So I`m here, though its a bit expensive (I have to pay for every hour I`m here) but cheaper than a motel, and better than sleeping on the streets.
I couldn`t get a hold of my parents either, for some reason the phone number was not working. Don`t know why....so my parents have no idea where I am either. Hahahaha, this is great. I hope I don`t get yelled at for this...
Posted by Lester at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 17, 2004
The new look
Worked on the new wedpage today. Did not get much done but check this out The title
Posted by paul at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Home of the break
We got home, and some good food. Got the computer hooked up and even got the internet working after getting the Mac address changed with provider. It is all good now. Hope everyone is having a good time.
Posted by paul at 10:18 PM 0 comments
UT 2004 demo
Yea we wasted 3 hours of our lives right after finals playing the UT demo. O what fun. We should do it again someday.
Posted by paul at 9:10 AM 1 comments
Leaving Today
Well, I leave today, and on Sat. I leave for Japan. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Don't drink too much egg nog!
By the way, don't know if any of you care, but I won't be able to e-mail comments anymore because Juno is being gay. Just thought you should know, so go check on comments on your own, thank you.
Posted by Lester at 9:04 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
What's This Life For (The Meaning of Life)
Last night Lester and I discovered the meaning of life. Sadly, I can not share the meaning of life with the world because I am still working on getting it copyrighted. I can say it includes ants and seagulls.
On a lighter note, you should wacth this clip for DK2. It was produce by ShayneCo.tk and the starting actors are Dixie & Diddy. Notice, as you wacth how the hot balloons are never used all the way to the halfway barrel. Additionly, the bonus level is still played.
Red Hot Ride
Posted by paul at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 13, 2004
Mystery Bad Fish Smell
One of our rooms has come down with a case of rotten fish smell. These are the facts as we know them so far:
1. This smell has happened once before, a little less than a month ago.
2. It smells like rotten fish.
3. The smell comes in waves; it is not persistent.
4. It has no known source: We've sniffed around the room: Refrigerators, microwaves, food stuffs, trash cans, electrical equipment, the heater, furnature, etc.
5. Other standard means of finding the source also fail, such as sniffing towards the more powerful odor.
6. It is not coming from the window.
6. It is not coming from either Lester or myself.
7. I repeated the number 6 twice.
That's about it. I would appreciate any theories and solutions to the problem.
...short of cleaning the room.
Posted by Redsaz at 12:41 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Ultimate Boot CD
Check out the Ultimate Boot CD. It helps diagnose hardware problems and fix other problems when your computer isn't acting right. Get it today!
Posted by Redsaz at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Random thought
I guess there is one good thing when republicans are in power, folk music makes a huge comeback.
Posted by Jon at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Agnew got Fire Alarmed!
At approx. 10:15, Agnew reported their second fire alarm in this fall semester. Allegedly, the fire alarm in the South third floor girls wing was pulled, which caused the Agnew residents to evacuate and the fire and police departments to dispatch.
Residents of the girls third floor was questioned, but no one was found to have done it.
More on this story as it is revealed.
Again with those third floor girls. Yeesh. So rowdy.
Jessie didn't do it, she was studying. And she's sick.
Posted by Redsaz at 10:50 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 10, 2004
The Night Before Startup
Seeing as how Christmas Eve is right around the corner, I thought this would be a nice story for the people that use computers... and if you're reading this right now, then it applies to you.
Annoyances.org - The Night Before Startup
Gather 'round all the nerd children and read it to them, they'll love it.
Posted by Redsaz at 2:14 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Still lost on what to get your girlfriend for Christmas? Well, try getting her THIS. Spice things up with the Spiky Bra!
Posted by Lester at 6:36 PM 2 comments
RIP Dimebag
Holy Crap
I wasn't a fan of Damageplan, but I did like Pantera. Man...
Posted by Lester at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Addams Family
Wouldn't be awesome to have been born into that family (and yes, I realize they are not real people).
Posted by Lester at 11:29 PM 1 comments
BB4Win - Blackbox for Windows: News
BB4Win - Blackbox for Windows
EDIT: ok i need to start proof reading my post
for those of you who are tired of windows and the way it looks and would like to free your machine up well here you go Black box for windows it a shell replacement for explorer.exe it also allows you to customize your desktop to the way you like it check out my desktop and sorry for the small pic click here to see the larger version...... this is what my windows desktop now looks like now
Posted by Anonymous at 7:16 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
A tip from postive paul on what it is to be a friend
friend -- a person you know well and regard with affection and trust
Friends forgive and forget each other. Friends help each when needed. Friends postively support each. Friends have fun together. Friends get along.
Posted by paul at 10:02 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 06, 2004
Thank you Jon, thank you. I hope you choke on shit and die too.
Edit: I forgive you. I apologize for being mean.
Posted by Lester at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Dir En Grey = Japanese marilyn manson
Its a bit disturbing but I love this song:
"A summer morning in 1983, always at the side of my beloved Mama
please smile at me like you always do, the morning light shining on you, distorting your face.
Mama's strangled neck, she hangs lifelessly from the heavens, I guess it's bye bye Mother.
unable to bear the silent tears and deep pain the flower dies, I am alone.
Without a face gasping voice
Without a face distorted voice
come, rape me, until you get it out of your system I'm yours Papa.
But you know, Mama's looking down on us from up there.
My Sweet Mother smile, cause my heart's about to tear apart laughing.
Deadly Sweet Mother the hate spreads with the nausea,
but i'll be patient and hold it in, while he loves me.
Now it's a winter night in 1992, always at the side of the Papa I despise.
well, today, like always he's making love to me again,
I keep my eyes open to remember the look in Papa's eyes.
I fiercely plunge what I had hidden straight and deep into the back of his neck bye bye Father
Naked. The deep-red flowers blooming in the winter scenery, blossoming as a sea of blood,
I am alone.
My Sweet Mother smile, cause my heart's about to tear apart laughing
Deadly Sweet Mother with the hate the tears running down my cheek dry up, the season dries up
My Sweet Mother smile, cause my heart's about to tear apart laughing
Deadly Sweet Mother The child I'm pregant with is crying, but I'll hold down the vomit."
Posted by Lester at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 03, 2004
I don't remember if I've told you about pricelessware.com before, but it a good site, all of the software is mostly for Windows and is free, so go there again if you've been there before... (what?)... Anyway, you should wander over to the Unzipper section and get a (free) program known as IZArc.
"But Shayne, I have the standard decompressor that comes with every Windows installation with Windows 98 SE Plus! and up!" You might say. That's all well and good if all you work with are zips. But life isn't always so simple, and there are many compressed file formats on the Internet that it can't open, like RAR, 7-ZIP, TAR, JAR, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MIM, PAK, PK3, RPM, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, and ZOO, that IZArc is able to extract.
"But I have WinZIP (or WinRAR). It's good enough, and everyone uses it." Here's a lesson for you: The general public is a chump, don't do what everybody else is doing just becuase they're doing it. IZArc is freeware, but WinZip and WinRAR are shareware, meaning you have to pay for it to get rid of the nag screens. And while it might have some compatibility issues with some of the extra Strong Encryption of WinZip, it has so many other advance features that WinZip doesn't have (like the extra format compressions).
Posted by Redsaz at 1:33 AM 3 comments