The group shot: From left to right: Shayne, Paul, Lester, Jon, Logan, and guitar.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Posted by Redsaz at 1:13 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 28, 2005
It has been good
Today was one of those days we don't like to have often. It has been along time in the waiting for our good friend Lester to have moved on. I personally never thought this day would actually come to pass but in the back of my mind I knew it would. I know there were other doubters that thought he might not actually leave and in the end we were all surprized in the end. I knew Lester since he came here to Kansas pretty much from the beginning and went through a lot of good times with him and his crazy antics. There were times where he had pissed everyone off and times where he could bring everyone one together with his passion for anime. In short, I am going to miss him. We all know that eventually we will all have to move on and Lester has taken the first steps to doing so...
Best of Luck and Happy Travels,
Posted by Jon at 4:56 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 25, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Hair Cut
I cut my hair today (with some help from Paul!). Its awesome, I look totally sexy (even though no one else really agrees.....). I swear I'm not gay.
Posted by Lester at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 22, 2005
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows Vista
the offical site
Posted by Anonymous at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Windows Vista
Windows Vista
the offical name of "longhorn" Windows Vista to come out 2006. well i personally thought longhorn was a cool name but iguess i i could go with winVI (windows 6) its kinda cool but not as cool as longhorn
Posted by Anonymous at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 21, 2005
non-eventful days
Well not much has happened in the last few days. I still havn't gotten my car window fixed and its been hot as hell outside this week.
Good news has come my way I was interviewed yesturday for a new position in the computing center. I can't tell you what I will be doing in this new position because im not allowed to talk about it. It's a hush hush thing... very important..(I'm not joking). I'll become very dangerous with the info ill be working with. (insert devil type grin here)
Just a few more weeks an I'll get to start building my new computer. I'm getting everything researched and learning alot about building computers. I've never actually built a machine this one will be my first. Out of everything I know about computers hardware is not my strong point. I'm more of an expert with software. its alot easier to understand for me.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:17 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Nine days left?!?!
Ok: physics presentation Friday at 1:30, rm 216 Cardwell Hall. It's gonna suck. Anyways, if you guys come up, I'll have my cell phone on so you can call if you get lost or something.
this is a map of campus.
Some places of interest if you want to go around campus taking pics: North of Claflin on Denison St. is the K-State gardens. Can't miss them. The Beach Art Museum should be open - its on the south east edge of campus, near Aggieville. I think there is a giant fork near King Hall - thats on Mid-Campus drive. There's also some buildings that look like castles, and Hale library is pretty cool too. And if you get bored, you can TP the Presidents residence.
Posted by Jessie at 10:30 PM 0 comments
My third nipple
Oh no! I've begun to grow a thrid nipple! The horror!
Oh wait, its just a mosquito bite....but man, it was a hell of a bite.
Posted by Lester at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
So my dorm is without hot water today, so we got Pizza Hut for supper! And, they raided Kwik Cats and gave us all the candy bars...I smuggled a bag of Oreo's and Hershey's back to my room. I wish Moore could be without hot water more often.
I have under two weeks left at K-State...crazy! I'll be glad to go, I guess, but I'll miss Manhattan. Scary thing is - I give my first presentation to a bunch of physicists on Friday. How do you spell physicists? Hm. Anyways, I need to go work on my powerpoint.
May the Force be with you. And me...
Posted by Jessie at 7:02 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Ten year-old becomes Microsoft engineer
Ten year-old becomes Microsoft engineer
=-O ........
Posted by Anonymous at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2005
Leaving sooner than I thought
So it turns out I will be getting out of here sooner than I planned. I need to leave by the 29th of this month, or else I will be paying 90 dollars every week. Also, I need to be moved out before Anwar gets a chance to drive over here....
So the plan is on the 29th I will have half my stuff packed and I will drive to VA and stay with Anwar for a few weeks. Then the two of us will drive back here and get the other half of my things. And then drive back. Its a wonderful plan! Woot woot.
Posted by Lester at 8:34 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Those are the most awesome stuff. Oh yeah, fudge popsicles.....mmmmm. Just thinking of them makes my mouth water. Mmm Mmmmm Mmm........
Posted by Lester at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Read the full story here.
Nintendo goes wireless.
Think Nintendo isn't serious about getting a large percentage of it's players online? Well they've just released info on a plug and play wireless router for the less computer savvy.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
im a deviant
my deviations at deviantART
here is my deviantART gallery this is where im gonna post all of my digital art work....
Posted by Anonymous at 1:41 PM 0 comments
once again ...parents have to point the finger some where
Debate intensifies over Hot Coffee sex in GTA - PC News at GameSpot
ok this game is rated "M" for a reason, if parents dont want their children to view this content dont buy it for them! I understand that the code came from some where whether it was Rockstar or the modder iether way it shouldnt have been there.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 11, 2005
Who da man?
Oh that man would be me thats right i am da man.... i figured out how to bypass the TMP proxy oh yes awesome im back into the broadband world!
Posted by Anonymous at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Yay for KS City
I hope everyone's weekend was as fun as mine. Thanks to Jon, Sam, and Jon's mom for giving me a good time!
And happy b-day to the crazy Mase-siblings.
Posted by Lester at 3:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
speaking of weird
i found this today not sure what it is .......
Posted by Anonymous at 11:08 PM 0 comments
I was looking up ELF radation tonight and found some strange things here is one of them
ok then
Posted by paul at 7:17 PM 2 comments
New look, same great taste, less fillling!
In order to fix the problem of the old blog, I found and modified another template from "de Internestos". Easy.
Also, it is now easier to publish photos to Just go to the link provided, log in, and then create a new post (make sure you're not clicking on something that says "Blog this!"... it won't work. Look at the list of features availiable, like different fonts and such, and you will also find something that looks like an image. Click on it, and you're good to go! (I'm not sure, but IE might be needed.)
So go forth and blog! Go!
Posted by Redsaz at 12:02 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
today i almost died
ok here i am riding my bike on campus heading to work from my class im in the middle of the cross walk ...clearly i have the right-of-way ..apparently not in hays. there is this girl (surprise surprise a woman driver is involved) driving toward me at a higher speed than is posted she is not stopping i hit my break on my bike the break cable breaks..(ill take pictures later of my broken cable)...I leap from my bike finally she comes to a screeching hault inches from my poor bike. and she sits in her car giving me this die and go to hell look and doesnt even get out and appologize for almost killing me! Today i confirmed there is someone watching over me and i do have a guardian angel.
Posted by Anonymous at 4:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 04, 2005
a slice of life ...
ok here is a bit of what going on in my life ....
last week i went camping on my vaction i returned to hays last weds. and i've been hangin out ever since friday i went to eat at Gella's the new resturant here in Hays. It was good however there was an hour wait before we got seated. so we took a stroll down to the Semolino coffee shop where i had a strawberry smoothie and played speed ( a card game at which I really suck at).
after about 45 mins we headed back to Gella's which we had to wait 15 more mins to get seated we were finally seated i must say even though the prices are a lil expensive the food is great.
Dinner was great after we were full we took the car through one of the automatic car washes. I love those things. After the car was clean we headed down to Wild West Fest where we went to go watch the Phil Vassar concert it was fun. He had sang about 4 songs when a storm decided to come in everybody was leaving NOT us! we stayed until the end we got soaked.
while the crew was putting up the electric equipment Phil was playing around on his piano and singing different stuff and signing autographs. out 5000 ppl think there was about 50 or 60 that stayed to the end. when we left the park we decided that on our way back to the car we had to jump in every puddle on the way back. Lots of fun! My shoes are still wet!
that about all thats gone on, but tune in next time for exciting conclusion to.... a slice of life!
Posted by Anonymous at 12:39 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 03, 2005
CAMPING FEVER - slightly less flammable than Wheat Harvest Fever
I love 3 Amigos!
Anyways, I bought a tent and a sleeping bag today! The tent is very cute - I think I might have to move into it for a while and pretend I'm in the Rockies. With a tv.
I'm going camping in less than two weeks!!!!
Happy 4th everybody
Shayne: do NOT burn down Hays! I will be very disappointed in you if you do. ;)
Posted by Jessie at 11:11 PM 1 comments
Wheat Harvest Fever: Catch it!
Exciting times... At approximately 11 o'clock last night (mountain time, Saturday, July second), lightning struck close to the farm, causing one of our fields to come to life and wreck downtown Tokyo.
... No, wait. It caused the field to catch fire. Damage was limited to between two to three acres of burned wheat (of 125 acres) located at one of the corners of the irrigated crop circle. It's a shame because it's our last field to be harvested! What's the deal?!
Luckily it was detected in its early stages (by Grandma!), and, with the authorities notified, Dad and uncle Larry took to the field to prevent the flames from spreading. Armed with sweeps, the threat was quelled quickly. Surprisingly, the winds were low at the time of the incident, and the light rains (8/100 of an inch) helped to kill the raging king-sized campfire. Our thanks goes out to the local fire department and police.
Incidently, I was nowhere near the farm as all this was going on. Nope, I was over at my cousin Jay's, watching ¡Three Amigos!, along with my cousin Candi. Good movie. It will be turning twenty next year; I'm betting they will have the special DVD version for it by then. Just a guess.
Despite the bad weather last night, it didn't rain enough to severely delay harvest today. I didn't participate though: I had the day off while uncle Larry and cousin Sky completed most of the field. And, because the harvest is essentially wrapped up anyway, I will betraveling to Hays Monday. Independence Day, baby! Woo!
Also, I'm well aware that not many readers of this post know the people related to me. That stuff takes time, man, and being so formal as to say Mr. La-dee-dah just seems over-the-top. Time is something that I have very little of, between work and lazing around, and I'm not good at formalities, idiot.
I kid, I kid. I love you all. Except for you communist hippies. You know who you are.
Posted by Redsaz at 10:20 PM 1 comments
Today, I have fixed some more problems with my gentoo linux install. One of these days it is going to be all fixed up hahaha. I should do something productive, but o well. The weather is somewhat nice. At least it is cooler (like me). Well that is all I got. Live long and prosper.
Posted by paul at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Some Days
Some days a really hot shower in the middle of the day just feels right. Today was one of those days. Man it felt good. You can see the sunlight coming in through the window, bunch of bugs in the shower with you (OK, that part was not so cool), and the burning hot water hitting your was just right (except for the bugs thing). I just wish I could have looked out the window while taking the shower (of course then people would be able to see in as well).
Posted by Lester at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 01, 2005
I had a (comparatively) bloggable day yesterday.
A: the Maseberg Mobile now has air now it's as cool as possible. Maybe even cooler than me... Plus, I had to kill a man to do it.
Not quite kill a man - just pay the same amount of money it would take to kill a man (that's assuming the going contract these days is what I used to work for).
B: I was caught in a severe cloudburst on my way back to Cardwell Hall from lunch. It was very unfortunate, as I'm not used to showering in sneakers and jeans. Oh, and I witnessed a very close lightning strike. VERY close (across-the-parking-lot-close). No Shayne, I did not go deaf or blind...stop spreading those myths! But I did smell the ozone - just like one of those cheesy Twilight Zone episodes right before the aliens land. Oh wait, that's not ozone... OK, how about this one: just like a photocopier. Hm. The first one sounded less lame. That's the price of journalistic integrity, I suppose.
C: I made brownies. Peanut butter cup brownies. Need I say more?
Posted by Jessie at 4:18 PM 2 comments
Does this date a book?
I was reading "Boundary value problems of heat conduction" and read this line taking about some convolution and the book says "they are most appropriately solved with an analog computer". Yea, and analog computer that is what I want. Jessie can you make me one so I can do this problem? You know all about op amps right. I found it funny, hoped you might to.
Posted by paul at 2:33 PM 1 comments