Thursday, July 21, 2005

non-eventful days

Well not much has happened in the last few days. I still havn't gotten my car window fixed and its been hot as hell outside this week.

Good news has come my way I was interviewed yesturday for a new position in the computing center. I can't tell you what I will be doing in this new position because im not allowed to talk about it. It's a hush hush thing... very important..(I'm not joking). I'll become very dangerous with the info ill be working with. (insert devil type grin here)

Just a few more weeks an I'll get to start building my new computer. I'm getting everything researched and learning alot about building computers. I've never actually built a machine this one will be my first. Out of everything I know about computers hardware is not my strong point. I'm more of an expert with software. its alot easier to understand for me.

1 comment:

Redsaz said...

So this is your computer building first, eh? It's probably not that tough, from what I hear.

Just remember: Anytime your plan involves using a hammer, rethink it.

...or rethink it so that it does if you don't have a hammer. I don't remember which.