Wednesday, July 06, 2005

New look, same great taste, less fillling!

In order to fix the problem of the old blog, I found and modified another template from "de Internestos". Easy.

Also, it is now easier to publish photos to Just go to the link provided, log in, and then create a new post (make sure you're not clicking on something that says "Blog this!"... it won't work. Look at the list of features availiable, like different fonts and such, and you will also find something that looks like an image. Click on it, and you're good to go! (I'm not sure, but IE might be needed.)

So go forth and blog! Go!


Lester said...

I love the new look! Of course I helped (a very small amount) you make your decisions on some stuff. Now, the only thing you need now is dancing naked women on the margin of the blog. Then this blog would be perfect! And I'm sure everyone would agree with me.

Jessie said...

i'm so confused..everythings yellow!!!!