Wednesday, April 23, 2008

M-O-O-N, that spells Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia!

So maybe you have a fear of long words. Perhaps you have a fear of long games too? If so, then you should give You Have to Burn the Rope a shot. Make sure you have the speakers turned up for the ending song, because it is very much worth it. Good stuff indeed. Its been stuck in my head for days. A big shout out to fellow FHSU homie Adam for letting me know about it.

If you have problems beating the game, they also have a text walkthough in addition to a YouTube video walkthrough listed on the site. There is no reason not to play!... Unless for some reason the game doesn't load properly. That would probably be a good reason I suppose.


Lester said...

I would just like to say that that was the most awesome game ever!

Also, the new Mario Kart is awesome too.

Adam said...

Yeah seriously, Lester is dead on with that statement. I couldn't talk that game up more if I'd written it myself! Absolutely a great time, and it's even family friendly! You can't lose!!!

Redsaz said...

You have access to the new Mario Kart Wii? Me too! We should let Paul and my brother, who also have the game, know about this so we can get some multiplayer action going!