Thursday, June 05, 2008

Shayne's Link-Happy Post #257

Since I have nothing creative of my own to say, here is a collection of someone else's funniness.

  • First, we have a comic strip for all you rabbit lovers out there.
  • Next up is a collection of Calvin's dad's answers to common kids' questions like why does the sun set. (Too bad the guy didn't just show the actual comics themselves. Man alive!)
  • Last but not least is a technical discussion of computer device communication. Thanks to my comp sci background I was able to understand a little bit of what was going on at least.

Hey, I still have some time. How about a rant?

Thanks to Wikipedia, I no longer need to use my brain for knowledge. It has nearly everything I already know. Ever since I came to this realization I now only keep a list of words in my brain that will point me to the various pages of my hive mind knowledge.

And look at me now! I have many more free synapses for use. I can now just focus on using my mind only for creativity purposes.... hey, wait, that sounds familiar. What was it I said at the beginning of the post again? Oh well.


paul said...

The printer things was great. I like how the sun set also.

Clarice said...

I like the rabbit cartoon. I only wish my rabbit liked me more.

Redsaz said...

Now if only someone would make a comic about sunsetting rabbit printers.

Lester said...

Sun setting rabbit printers, got it! I'll start working on it as soon as I return to the states (which is tomorrow).

Redsaz said...

Alright! Lester's back!

Man, you remember that time that you came back to the dorms from Japan that one year, and all of us were so glad to have you back that we eventually stopped playing UT2004 to welcome you back? Those were good times.

In fact, I have the transforming robot cigarette lighter souvenir you gave me from that trip with me in my cubicle right now!

Lester said...

hahahaha, that's awesome!