Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Requiem for big, snooty words.

My life is so unbloggable right now. You want to know what I'm doing this summer? Boring stuff. Plus, I'm finding out, that thanks to a nice mid-May freeze, we have many wheat fields of straw: There is little to no seed in the head. Thankfully we have insurance.
See, that's the best I've got. I'd like to start programming again, but I'm working more hours and sleeping the rest of the time, and the rest of the time I'm blogging about how I don't have enough time to do stuff. It's a vicious circle.
Did you know that I write poetry? Here's a taste:

I'm so Bored I Could Barf
As I'm sitting here, writing a poem,
Thinking of rhymes, thinking of Golem,
That Yoda reject from LOTR.
I think of hair, I think of lard,
I think of the road that just got retarred.
Since you have stopped reading this by now,
I think I will insult you, you are a cow.
You smell like a French skunk,
Your car is junk.
Enticement is a weird word,
and so is Gjerde.

You think that's dumb? Guess what, Michael Moore has gotten awards for worse. I've also been listening to 850 KOA, the 50,000 Watt blowtorch of the Rockies, which has mostly conservative political view talk-shows like Mike Rosen (Check out his website, most of it is pretty good, but make sure to also read "A Scene at City Hall in San Francisco", good stuff.) and Rush Limbaugh, and it really gets my blood boiling (I just hate those liberals so much), but it doesn't last for long though, I don't remember what they say and I can't really comprehend what they talk about, but at least it's not lies propagated by the mainstream liberal media (I thought I'd throw in a little sarcasm). It's weird, I get so political during the summer, but during the school year I manage to cool back down. Oh well. What am I saying? I have no idea what I just did.

1 comment:

Lester said...

I liked your was beautiful.