Tuesday, August 03, 2004

the village

have you ever been in a theater, and the reel breaks at the very most suspenseful, scary part of the movie? that's what happened to me last night while watching the blind girl being stalked by one of the creatures in the woods... but in retrospect, it wasn't a scary movie at all; more like a romantic comedy embedded with an anti-war message...


Lester said...

so...was the movie any good?

Jon said...

There is nothing more that I hate than a mushy war film.

Redsaz said...

I heard the critics say it wasn't all that good. Which probably isn't right, because these are the same people that said that the Super Mario Bros. movie and UHF weren't all that great and... oh wait, they're right.

Jessie said...

ok, so maybe i exaggerated when i said 'romantic comedy.' i liked it, it was pretty crazy, but i won't tell you why because then there is no point in watching it. and, it's not a war movie, but it does have sheep.