well i cant leave home yet one my car wont start two i left my blank dvdrs at my friends house and hes not awake yet why does this happen to me grrr......... i can never get done what i want done
Friday, December 31, 2004
Working on the House
Me and Jessie have been working on the house the last few days. We are work on what was once and will be again my bedroom. We painted it yesterday and I have by cutting wood for the closit (sp). Hopefully it will be done in a couple of days.
On one other note. We does the libery check books out with due date on a day that are closed? I have a book due and I can't recheck it becaue they are closed. Makes me mad.
On two other notes. We need to build an army of robots. I came up with the plan last night.
Have a happy new year.
Posted by
9:20 AM
heading back
ill be back in hays later this day cant wait to get back im tired of being stuck here at my parents it not like i have to fly half way across the planet to see my parents i dont even get to leave the state of kansas it just a two and a half hour drive it sux nothing but flat land and fields with the occasional cow here and there ..... i dont even get the leave the state to see any of my relatives ='( my family must have been cursed several times because now i can think of two any way the first one is the child curse it is a know fact in my family that the gender of your first born child will fore tell what the rest of your children will be and also my brother and i ..one of us when we have children must have boys because we are the last men of the family that bare our last name ive only three guy cousins and they dont bare the family name ...all the rest of my cousins are females so the chances of me even having a male child and very slim to none ..... second curse is that im doomed to never live in any other state than kansas all my relative live in kansas and have never moved any futher ....
Posted by
1:07 AM
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Maybe because I ate too much.
I'm sick. I threw up this morning, and I feel really bad. I hope I feel better tomorrow, we leave for the Hot Spring Resort tomorrow. I don't want to be sick (this from the guy who never gets sick). Oh well
Posted by
10:41 PM
4|23 y0o l33t.... |)0 u \/\/4/\/t 7o b3 1337 ...|234|) t|-|i5
B3c0m3 1337
Posted by
1:55 PM
I was supposed to eat sushi today, but ended up not
I have no luck with sushi. I've yet to eat sushi since I got here. Every time I try, something comes up that prevents me from eating sushi.
The other day my Grandma yelled at me for being taller than her. So I'm not allowed to be taller than my Grandma...she's a weirdo. I guess I get it from her. She's so funny....and short. She's one of those grummpy old ladies you see sometimes, she gets mad about everything. And we just laugh at her, cause its funny. Hahahahaha.
Posted by
5:52 AM
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
So i went to see the docotor today, because the antibiotics the student health center gave me apparently didn't work and my sinus infection came back. So there i was, back in another doctors' office, getting another prescription for another set of antiobiotics. And then, I take my first pill. Thirty minutes later, I begin to regret it. Apparently, one of the "slight" side affects is abdominal pain. It says so on the side of the box. What it doesn't say, though, is that if you take these pills, you will soon feel like your stomach is receiving electric shock therapy from little sadistic men that live in your digestive system. Sinus infection, nay, even death, would have been preferable to this. And then, guess what: mom decides i had better take all of the antibiotics. for being my mother, she sure wants to see me die for some reason.
Posted by
5:39 PM
Newton was the man. That is all I have to say.
Have a happy new year
Posted by
11:58 AM
Monday, December 27, 2004
Hahahaha, I don't think anyone here except for Shayne (and maybe Paul) really knows what you're talking about, but its interesting none the less. Happy Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
7:23 PM
Nintendo DS internet advancement
well ive made some really cool discoveries about the Nintendo DS WiFi this first pic id from netstumbler its a program used to pick up WiFi hot spots and/or APs the number that is not scatched out is my DS sending out a WiFi signal and is being picked up by netstumbler
this next pic is what i get when i tell netstumbler to look up the DS ap mac heres the info
now i know my ds will be able to communticate with my computer step one now its time for step two learning the tunneling software
Posted by
4:58 PM
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the penguin we got you. It was quite easy to pick out a gift for you, hahahahaha. For other people, on the other hand, was not as easy, oh well.
I fixed my parent's computer! I found over 1000 viruses. McAfee does nothing to protect the computer, so I got them Symantec Anti-virus. I got it for free from the Virginia Tech website. You have to be a student to get it, and appearantly they think I'm still a student there. Hey, as long as they're not charging me, I'm not complaining, hahahaha.
Enjoy the rest of the break, ya'll.
Posted by
6:24 PM
Saturday, December 25, 2004
the new dvd player Santa's gift
ok i think santa has given me the best gift of all ...a new dvd player no only does it play dvds but it also plays mpeg-4 and divx movies so all the anime ive got i can now play in my dvd player without having to convert it to dvd =D ...also by the end of this week im going to have my Nintendo DS playable over the internet for those of you wondering how im going to acomplish go here... Xlink ...this is how =P thanx to my gaming friend in the UK
Posted by
3:42 PM
Feliz Navidad
Despite the lack of the proverbial Jolly Ol' St. Nick, and a serious lack of White Christmas that would drive Bing Crosby to tears...or laryngitis, whichever proceeds first...another Chirstmas passes by. No matter how many grammer rules I broke in that first sentence, no matter how many friends and family are absent at the dinner table, and no matter how bored we get, there is still that warm feeling in your tummy that the holidays always bring. Oh yes, that warm feeling can also come from drinking too much cocoa.
But, anyways, to proceed on with my lengthy monologue...I would like to take a moment and quote the eternal Charlie Brown: "Christmas is too commercialized!" And as I sit beneath my fiber optic tree I wholeheartedly agree.
And that brings me to my final thought as I prepare for the Christmas dinner - what, exactly, are Cornish hens? Some sort of stunted chickens? Some traditional repast of Hobbits? Or do they, in the words of my wise mother, just have asthma?
Another pointless essay, brought to you by a vacation-crazed soul, starved for contact with the outside world.
Posted by
3:19 PM
A ?
I was wandering what the graph of
z(x,y) = [y^(ix)-y^(-ix)]/2
looks like.
I know for z(x,e) the graph is sin(x) and I think z(x,0) is 1 for all x and z(x,1) is 0 for all x. But I don't know how to find it for all y. The problem is the imaginary numbers. If anyone knows how to create this graph just let me know.
Posted by
11:05 AM
Three peguins to rule them all. One peguin to crush them all. One peguin to watch them all. One peguin to bring them all and in the snowball bind them.
That is what christmas left me with. The cutest and fatest was from shayne and lester. Thanks!!!!! It was so cool open your persent, I was told it a cool pillow, but it was much cooler! See the factorial on the cooler. Nice A. Well I got other cool gift, but the peguin family was the best. Hope you are all having a good christmas.
And a Happy New Year!!!!!!!
Posted by
8:47 AM
Friday, December 24, 2004
WOO hoo
well it looks like i picked the correct gift to open tonight i received a Nintendo DS so Shayne we we get back to school we are going to check out the wifi on these babies and see what the multiplayer is like now just gotta wait to see whats in store for me tomarrow morning =P
Posted by
9:57 PM
Merry Christmas to all
Went to town today and got a last minute gift. Plus a new movie for to night. Have not done much this break and still planning to do nothing. Hope you are all having a good time, and eating lots of good food. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Posted by
2:04 PM
Well, it will be in like 2 hours (in Japan anyways). I hope you all have a merry Christmas, and enjoy the new year. Have fun with family and friends, and don't eat too much to where you become sick. Good job keeping the blog alive, by the way. Woot!
Posted by
6:36 AM
Thursday, December 23, 2004
made it home
well i made it back home today after driving in the snow for two and half hours the roads really sucked but i made it ok
Posted by
3:19 PM
Finally, I can get back on line
I have been gone for a while but I'm back. My Grandma has no internet, so I could not get on, but I'm back at my parents house.
....so far, that's all I can say about this trip back home. I miss my sister, and I wish my parents would stop arguing all the time, but oh well, I shall try to enjoy what I got.
Posted by
6:01 AM
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Pick-up Line for the nerds
ok for all you science nerds out there i have the perfect pick-up line for you and low-and-behold i watched this one in action and it WORKED!! provided the gal was prolly alittle drunk but hey its always worth a try
"Heat is a form of energy capable of being transmitted through empty space by radiation, and baby, transmission received."
Posted by
10:47 AM
EverQuest II Players
EverQuest II Players
here is a glimpse of my badass wood elf character
Posted by
10:35 AM
the page
The webpage is not done, but you can take a look here. Any ideas how to make it better are welcome if you a bore. Other then that I have not done much. Been sleeping about 12 hours a night and wacthed a NOVA show about string theory, which end badly in my opiniton (how ever you spell that). That is it. Have a merry chirimas.
Posted by
10:09 AM
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
more christmas vacation
i'm sneaking online to post this blog. seeing as paul's computer is on the internet, and he's always glued in front of it working on his web page, i never get to be online! i'm undergoing serious withdrawal here. so that's all i had to say. oh, and i broke another mixer making divinity yesterday. and i'm almost out of juiceboxes. it's tough, but i'll try and keep posting...
Posted by
11:24 AM
i havnt posted for a while ...... ive been busy working and playing Everquest 2 man when the said it was addicting i didnt think it was as addicting as crack i guess that why they call it "evercrack" in the past three days ive been living in a world called Qeynos (key-nose) training my skills i started out as a scout and now im a Lvl 10 predator watch out hopfully by the end of break ill be a full fledged ranger but that 10 Lvls away well i need to go rid the city of the verman maybe ill take on the R.O.U.S.'s
biebs aka Arithiel Lvl 10 predator wood elf
Posted by
1:33 AM
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Not bathing for 2 days makes Lester a stinky man....
....but no longer do I smell, for my parents DO love me and came to pick me up at the bus station after I took the first bus to Sasebo. Well, my mom did, my dad had to go work. Turns out he was asleep though the whole ordeal, he didn't know I didn't make it till this morrning, hahahaha. I AM ALIVE! Yes!!!!
Posted by
9:23 PM
hum dee dum dee dum hummy hum
haha, now i'm keeping the blog alive! so what's new paul? i haven't seen you in a while....at least not for about a second now - weird, isn't it? oh look, there you are again. well, i'm going to make a trip to fridge and see if there are any juiceboxes left. nice seeing you. no! you don't get any! put that juicebox down! ok, i have to go defend my territory.
Posted by
5:15 PM
I am keeping the blog alive
So till lester posted, I have been the only one posting this break. This tells you that I don't have anything to do. Well, I have things to do, I am just not doing them because I don't have to. Well that is all for today.
Live long and proper
Posted by
2:03 PM
Holy crap I`m in Japan
I`m lost and stuck at this one place cause my parents didn`t come to pick me up, and since I arrived late (and since it was sunday) there were no longer any buses going to Sasebo (my home town). I was this close to sleeping outside in the streets, but the police people told me there`s this one place open 24 hours a day, and that I could just go there (and they have internet). So I`m here, though its a bit expensive (I have to pay for every hour I`m here) but cheaper than a motel, and better than sleeping on the streets.
I couldn`t get a hold of my parents either, for some reason the phone number was not working. Don`t know why....so my parents have no idea where I am either. Hahahaha, this is great. I hope I don`t get yelled at for this...
Posted by
11:47 AM
Friday, December 17, 2004
The new look
Worked on the new wedpage today. Did not get much done but check this out The title
Posted by
9:07 PM
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Home of the break
We got home, and some good food. Got the computer hooked up and even got the internet working after getting the Mac address changed with provider. It is all good now. Hope everyone is having a good time.
Posted by
10:18 PM
UT 2004 demo
Yea we wasted 3 hours of our lives right after finals playing the UT demo. O what fun. We should do it again someday.
Posted by
9:10 AM
Leaving Today
Well, I leave today, and on Sat. I leave for Japan. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Don't drink too much egg nog!
By the way, don't know if any of you care, but I won't be able to e-mail comments anymore because Juno is being gay. Just thought you should know, so go check on comments on your own, thank you.
Posted by
9:04 AM
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
What's This Life For (The Meaning of Life)
Last night Lester and I discovered the meaning of life. Sadly, I can not share the meaning of life with the world because I am still working on getting it copyrighted. I can say it includes ants and seagulls.
On a lighter note, you should wacth this clip for DK2. It was produce by ShayneCo.tk and the starting actors are Dixie & Diddy. Notice, as you wacth how the hot balloons are never used all the way to the halfway barrel. Additionly, the bonus level is still played.
Red Hot Ride
Posted by
9:57 AM
Monday, December 13, 2004
Mystery Bad Fish Smell
One of our rooms has come down with a case of rotten fish smell. These are the facts as we know them so far:
1. This smell has happened once before, a little less than a month ago.
2. It smells like rotten fish.
3. The smell comes in waves; it is not persistent.
4. It has no known source: We've sniffed around the room: Refrigerators, microwaves, food stuffs, trash cans, electrical equipment, the heater, furnature, etc.
5. Other standard means of finding the source also fail, such as sniffing towards the more powerful odor.
6. It is not coming from the window.
6. It is not coming from either Lester or myself.
7. I repeated the number 6 twice.
That's about it. I would appreciate any theories and solutions to the problem.
...short of cleaning the room.
Posted by
12:41 AM
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Ultimate Boot CD
Check out the Ultimate Boot CD. It helps diagnose hardware problems and fix other problems when your computer isn't acting right. Get it today!
Posted by
7:34 PM
Random thought
I guess there is one good thing when republicans are in power, folk music makes a huge comeback.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Agnew got Fire Alarmed!
At approx. 10:15, Agnew reported their second fire alarm in this fall semester. Allegedly, the fire alarm in the South third floor girls wing was pulled, which caused the Agnew residents to evacuate and the fire and police departments to dispatch.
Residents of the girls third floor was questioned, but no one was found to have done it.
More on this story as it is revealed.
Again with those third floor girls. Yeesh. So rowdy.
Jessie didn't do it, she was studying. And she's sick.
Posted by
10:50 PM
Friday, December 10, 2004
The Night Before Startup
Seeing as how Christmas Eve is right around the corner, I thought this would be a nice story for the people that use computers... and if you're reading this right now, then it applies to you.
Annoyances.org - The Night Before Startup
Gather 'round all the nerd children and read it to them, they'll love it.
Posted by
2:14 AM
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Still lost on what to get your girlfriend for Christmas? Well, try getting her THIS. Spice things up with the Spiky Bra!
Posted by
6:36 PM
RIP Dimebag
Holy Crap
I wasn't a fan of Damageplan, but I did like Pantera. Man...
Posted by
11:34 AM
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Addams Family
Wouldn't be awesome to have been born into that family (and yes, I realize they are not real people).
Posted by
11:29 PM
BB4Win - Blackbox for Windows: News
BB4Win - Blackbox for Windows
EDIT: ok i need to start proof reading my post
for those of you who are tired of windows and the way it looks and would like to free your machine up well here you go Black box for windows it a shell replacement for explorer.exe it also allows you to customize your desktop to the way you like it check out my desktop and sorry for the small pic click here to see the larger version...... this is what my windows desktop now looks like now
Posted by
7:16 PM
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
A tip from postive paul on what it is to be a friend
friend -- a person you know well and regard with affection and trust
Friends forgive and forget each other. Friends help each when needed. Friends postively support each. Friends have fun together. Friends get along.
Posted by
10:02 AM
Monday, December 06, 2004
Thank you Jon, thank you. I hope you choke on shit and die too.
Edit: I forgive you. I apologize for being mean.
Posted by
9:40 AM
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Dir En Grey = Japanese marilyn manson
Its a bit disturbing but I love this song:
"A summer morning in 1983, always at the side of my beloved Mama
please smile at me like you always do, the morning light shining on you, distorting your face.
Mama's strangled neck, she hangs lifelessly from the heavens, I guess it's bye bye Mother.
unable to bear the silent tears and deep pain the flower dies, I am alone.
Without a face gasping voice
Without a face distorted voice
come, rape me, until you get it out of your system I'm yours Papa.
But you know, Mama's looking down on us from up there.
My Sweet Mother smile, cause my heart's about to tear apart laughing.
Deadly Sweet Mother the hate spreads with the nausea,
but i'll be patient and hold it in, while he loves me.
Now it's a winter night in 1992, always at the side of the Papa I despise.
well, today, like always he's making love to me again,
I keep my eyes open to remember the look in Papa's eyes.
I fiercely plunge what I had hidden straight and deep into the back of his neck bye bye Father
Naked. The deep-red flowers blooming in the winter scenery, blossoming as a sea of blood,
I am alone.
My Sweet Mother smile, cause my heart's about to tear apart laughing
Deadly Sweet Mother with the hate the tears running down my cheek dry up, the season dries up
My Sweet Mother smile, cause my heart's about to tear apart laughing
Deadly Sweet Mother The child I'm pregant with is crying, but I'll hold down the vomit."
Posted by
7:26 PM
Friday, December 03, 2004
I don't remember if I've told you about pricelessware.com before, but it a good site, all of the software is mostly for Windows and is free, so go there again if you've been there before... (what?)... Anyway, you should wander over to the Unzipper section and get a (free) program known as IZArc.
"But Shayne, I have the standard decompressor that comes with every Windows installation with Windows 98 SE Plus! and up!" You might say. That's all well and good if all you work with are zips. But life isn't always so simple, and there are many compressed file formats on the Internet that it can't open, like RAR, 7-ZIP, TAR, JAR, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MIM, PAK, PK3, RPM, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, and ZOO, that IZArc is able to extract.
"But I have WinZIP (or WinRAR). It's good enough, and everyone uses it." Here's a lesson for you: The general public is a chump, don't do what everybody else is doing just becuase they're doing it. IZArc is freeware, but WinZip and WinRAR are shareware, meaning you have to pay for it to get rid of the nag screens. And while it might have some compatibility issues with some of the extra Strong Encryption of WinZip, it has so many other advance features that WinZip doesn't have (like the extra format compressions).
Posted by
1:33 AM
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Death by Lava Lamp
This is the story of the man who decided to heat up a lava lamp on a stove top. It is a tragic tale full of mystery and flying glass shards. It is a story that will touch your heart and make you ask....What on earth was he thinking?
A man in Kent, Washington, placed a lava lamp on a hot stovetop. It exploded, and resulted in his death when a glass shard lodged in his heart. He was only 24....death by stupidity. This story brought to you courtesy of CNN.
Posted by
1:33 PM
Monday, November 29, 2004
Anime Cliches
Ever watch anime and wonder what's going on? Or just confused at some of the jokes? Well, this website will explain some of the confusing anime cliches for you, just go here: Right over herre
Posted by
11:38 PM
Thursday, November 25, 2004
hey hay hiy
apparently if you search for our blog on google there is a site that will rate the value of our blog. atleast that is what i thought is was doing. or maybe our blog company is trying to sell us. but right now it is currently valued at $108,351.38
Posted by
9:54 PM
Happy Thanksgving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope everyone has a good meal and gets all fat and stuff!
Posted by
11:05 AM
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
break blues
im at work right now while everyone else is prolly at home by now enjoying the relaxation but no i have to be stuck at work ...work sux i hate it but oh well someone has to do it......
Posted by
10:36 AM
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Y'all have a good Thanksgiving ya'hea!!
Even if you get to go home a day before me. Stupid night class. Oh well, I can watch elf all night long cause I now own it.
Posted by
9:27 AM
Monday, November 22, 2004
give happy thanks day
did you know that every year, the President of the United States pardons a turkey? apparently, ever since some dude started doing this years ago, its a traditional way to kick off thanksgiving. they pick out two fat turkeys to be the lucky birds to be pardoned and spared the oven, and then have a little pardoning ceremony. this year's lucky bird is named Liberty, his vice is named Freedom. and then they get petted by kids, and then they get sent to a farm to live out the rest of their numbered days...i say numbered, because they are so fat that apparently they usually die before the next thanksgiving. and all that turkey goes to waste....
Posted by
5:06 PM
Nintendo DS
I was finally able to play the Nintendo DS the other day, it was pretty neat. But they lied though. It only has one screen, and you can't touch it. But it was cheaper than what I thought it would be, and still provides hours upon hours of entertainment. Here, take a look.
Posted by
10:03 AM
Crazy stuff
It is scientifically proven you can swim in maple syrup just as fast as you can in water.
I am giving blood in the Chez Republic next time, In the Chez Republic as an incentive to donate blood they are giving 2 free pints to anyone who volunteers.
more to come...
Posted by
9:28 AM
Sunday, November 21, 2004
In Virginia Safe and Sound
Hey people, this is Lester letting everyone know I arrived in VA save and sound. I got here Sunday, 11:00 am (10:00 am your time), so I made good time.
On the way here I got lost twice, ran over a dead deer, drove off the road and into the ditch, and averaged about 20 miles over the speed limit most of the way here, yet I surrvived. Weeee.
Those energy drinks really work, they got me all awake and stuff. Woo Hoo! And then when I got here, Dan's mom made me real italian pasta! Yay! I'm as happy as can be. You guys take care and have a good Thanksgiving.
Posted by
1:01 PM
Friday, November 19, 2004
Pictures of the place I want to live. Beautiful isn't it?
I should be in bed, so I could go to VA tomorrow
Posted by
10:41 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Lifes Little Games
Lifes Little Games
by Alex Taylor
Twas a midday early
my head did throb
my eyes were said to be pearly
but my mind was quite a job
For the night before this day i sat at a stool
when a woman came in and gave me a rule
she said don't you touch my precious jewel
or i'll show you what is truely cruel
I looked perplexed...
had i touched this womans jewel?
i almost became convexed
to where i almost lost my cool
then my dear friend lest
said to me with much zest
I think if i spew
I could have a few
I looked at him and he at me
I said to him your smashed
now one more round so we may be at three
but to the bathroom he did dash.
Now in the bathroom he found a man
who once he new so well
the man was sam
who once he thought doth smelled
Sam was a man who many called Jon
for you see Jon and Sam were really one as seen
One for two and two for a ton
for a ton will get you far but one will not clean your jeans
When lest returned to the man named Al
He noticed him still staring at that rather large gal
She accused him of touching her jewells as the story already told
But when could he have done such a thing oh so cold
Al's head began to shake
He remembered like a quake
After 5 hours of drinking i finally get a brake
the jewells i did touch i really wanted to take
The crowd Rose as Al Preached on
I am drunk and you lead me on
For you see the moral of the story is
when found in an akward position
Always remember his bright incquisition
Jewells no matter what the cost
Will Always equal boobs when being told off!
What a game life did pay on my drunken heart
The previous statements were an exageration of the truth in no way did the names or characters represent actual people...except AL
Posted by
1:39 PM
On the Origin of Cranium by Means of Persuasion
i was coerced into playing cranium. really. oh, and who is this Alex guy?? ; )
Posted by
10:50 AM
HI Everybody
So,.... i came... i saw... i posted...i shall post again... watch your asses i'll be throwing shit in no time
Posted by
1:28 AM
So How Did We Get Sucked Into That One
Cranium....I'm sure its a fun game, but with the company we had....wow.
So, how did you get sucked into playing, Jess?
Me? I got asked to play by girls...and Shayne.
Posted by
12:50 AM
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Massacre of a Machine: Computer Conquest
After one month, the video of the death of a PC is here. It's thirty seconds of joy, but a lifetime of memories. Needless to say, this is an epic movie that will rank up there with the likes of Ben Hur and Star Wars.
Go to http://scatcat.fhsu.edu/~sdriley/ to download and enjoy it.
Posted by
1:52 PM
H A L F - L I F E 2
H A L F - L I F E 2
this game is awesome and this could not have come at a better time with the semester winding down yeah this is just what i need to relieve all of the stress i have
Posted by
1:26 AM
Monday, November 15, 2004
Man Bush won. I didn't like him he looks like an idiot and smells like one to. And his cabinet realizes it also. Even his top cabinet members like Colin Powell are resinging and leaving the country. The term apocolypse has been changed to Bush and we are going to have to leave the planet to get away. I am starting to book my flight with that company that is making civilian spacecraft. D#$% republican squirrels are always trying to take over and destroy the world.
Posted by
9:35 AM
Sunday, November 14, 2004
The sky is gray this day
Someone changed my alarm for me so that it was 7:17 p.m. and not a.m. I thought this was very kind of them. Not wanted me to wake up and all. Lucky for me my internal clock got me up on time, and I felt better waking up more naturally. I felt nice and sore from our little game of BB, but other then that life is great. Got some homework and this gray day, and I am writing on the blog because I am bore. Maybe I will make shyane play me in racketball later today. Well everyone live long and proper. :-)
Posted by
10:45 AM
Saturday, November 13, 2004
I'm sorry
I'm venting a lot right now. I've said a lot of things I didn't mean. I guess I didn't really have any other way of venting other than blogging (which was a stupid idea). So I'm very sorry for all the things I've said. You all are good friends of mine, I'm just being really really stupid right now.
Posted by
9:57 PM
don't you hate when you try to help someone and they go and backstab you on a blog. maybe you should just get the hell out. the feelings can be mutal. if you are going to leave what are you waiting for. so either grow up or get out but quit crying on the blog for attention cause i am about sick of you whinning. go get help or something the world will still go on here wether you are here or not.
Posted by
9:16 PM
You make it sound like its a bad thing if I leave
You should be happy to get rid of me. All I do is cause problems anyway.
Posted by
6:11 PM
Penny Arcade
Penny Arcade
ok i havnt posted in quite some time really busy lately so here you go
Posted by
3:22 PM
By the way Noah
Thank you so very much for talking with me. You totally saved me man. You're an awesome friend. I'm glad I know you. You know, I think you were my first friend when I moved to Virginia. Doesn't that make you proud!
You did in 2 hours no one here did in 2 weeks. You all are crappy friends man. Wait, I take that back. I'm hungry, angry, feel like crap, and you just kind of look at me weird, what the crap. I'm cranky. Damn it. Blarg! Thanks for talking. Virginia, where my good friends are.....I hope.
Posted by
11:41 AM
Ok, change to Math Major
So, I'm gonna change to just a Math Major, that way I should graduate earlier. Then I won't be just a quitter...I guess.
My life = waste of time and money.
Well, my confidence is totally shot.
Man I hate you guys. Go Da Me!
Posted by
11:20 AM
The Incredibles!
Wow, that movie was great. It had everything I like in movies, and now I wish I had super powers, beyond the "Be oblivient to everything going on around me" super power, and that's not really a power.
The movie really taught me something about myself, and I can feel it. Or it might be gas.
Hmm, I should have written this sooner, because I've forgotten everything about the movie, beyond its goodness. Oh well.
Posted by
1:50 AM
Friday, November 12, 2004
No more school for me
My parents are very disapointed. Well, at least my mom was, I talked to her. I'm sure my dad will be pissed.
Posted by
1:02 AM
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
The PC... the movie... the art.
I had no idea I was going to get this involved. Honestly. What I thought was a simple, done in one weekend thing now spans almost two weeks. Make a movie and move on, that was the plan.
At least, in the beginning.
Now I'm obsessing about it constantly. I've set aside my programming. I've let my hairstyle go. Video games, I play not so much. I used to be able to shoot beams of electric Velveeta from my iron eyelash. I've begun to lose touch with what is reality and what is fantasy. I used to be able to shoot beams of electric Velveeta from my iron eyelash. I've lost my short-term memory and I forget what I talked about only seconds eariler. I'm not shooting beams of electric Velveeta, I forget stuff, and I'm lost on reality, not to mention not shooting beams of electric Velveeta.
Every spare moment I have I research on the minutest of details that one can when it comes to something like this. It's no longer just something I can toss aside. It's consumed me. It IS me. It's a
Now that I've said that: No, Beibs, I still don't have the destruction of the PC done. I'm sorry. Softens the blow, doesn't it?
Honestly, though, I'm learning so much from it. The movie is so short and simple, but doggoneit, it's something I like.
Posted by
11:27 PM
I'm sorry
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'M SORRY! Please don't hate me...
Posted by
5:32 PM
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
I don't mean to avoid you
its just that me = insane.
I don't know what I'm doing! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!
I think I stepped on a pile of shi.........
Posted by
4:14 PM
I have problems
I'm thinking of quitting school. When I go to Japan this Winter, maybe I won't come back (though I'm sure my parents will kill me).
I wish I could change for the better. I want to be a better person, I wish I could care about my grades and work hard in my classes. I wish I wasn't so lazy. I wish I wasn't so depressed, wish that I didn't have these thoughts of suicide. I wish I were better at talking with people. I wish I didn't act so stupid around girls. I wish I weren't so emotional over the dumbest things. I wish I didn't act so weird...or say things that hurt or offend people. I wish I got along with my father. I wish I knew how to write better.
Man I have problems....
Kelly Center here I come!
.....Maybe I shouldn't have posted this in a public blog...
Posted by
10:03 AM
I'm so lazy...
"I'm so lazy that I fold the corners instead of cutting them." -Jared & Shayne Joint Venture
I'm giving you props for that one Jared, as I feel that it is great words to live by. In fact, I'm going to make it my creedo... or is it motto? Anyways, I probably won't and I'll forget all about it tomorrow. Don't blame me, I wasn't the one bashing my head into various walls and doors through out my teenage years... oh yeah... nevermind.
Oregano: "How do you like my spiffy new outfit, cinnamon?"
Cinnamon: "Is that a new fad?"
Oregano: "Yeah it is, man! Get with the thymes!"
Posted by
12:50 AM
Monday, November 08, 2004
How much caffine does your beverage have? Also: Who cares? Anyway, here's the link:CafFaq-1
Posted by
12:35 PM
Sunday, November 07, 2004
I'm sorry
I apologize for my last post. It was quite crude and indecent. I'm sure no one other than my good friends found it funny (it was kind of an inside joke). Anywho, I'm sorry for what I did.
On that note, I would also like to apologize to Shayne for Tom and my actions after the wine and cheese party. We shouldn't have stripped naked in front of you, and probably shouldn't have done it in front of Jared and Jana as well. Though it was funny when Alex came out of the shower naked, hahahahahaha.
Oh wait.....
Posted by
1:20 AM
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Friday, November 05, 2004
Fruits Basket
"Before I was even born it was decided, that I would die. It was decided, and they didn't even ask me"
"But you're still alive right now, and that's all that matters."
Was I wrong to think I could make a difference?
Posted by
8:20 AM
Thursday, November 04, 2004
High Voltage Sparks and Arcs, and the incredible coin shrinker
Just ignore the scientific explanations. Look at the pictures and watch the videos!
High Voltage Sparks and Arcs
And the coin site:
Coin Shrinker
Posted by
11:08 PM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
stalk or be stalked
ive decided im going to stalk myself... i think everyone should stalk theirselves it would be so much fun waiting for yourself to go in that certain room at that certain time..... then try and explain to someone who your waiting for in that bush then all of a sudden you realized you miss you going into that room all becasue of that stupid person who stopped to ask you what you were doing in that bush...... because now your late for your meeting
Posted by
3:57 PM
Bush is President!!!! YAY
I'm ecstatic!!! Bush won!!! He deserves it. I didn't like Kerry at all..... still don't. o well....happy me!!!!
Posted by
11:31 AM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Racketball Rocks!
I never knew how fun racketball is. I want more of it. It's involves everything that's fun: Hitting things off walls, running into people, and possible head trauma. Gotta love it! If you haven't played it, then I highly recommend that you figure out your way towards playing it. The only problem is the fluorescent lights. Watching a ball in 60Hz is weird, but you get used to it. Incandescent is the way to go there, baby.
Posted by
8:22 PM
Corky and the Juice Pigs
Corky and the Juice Pigs
Check that band out, they are really funny (at least the 2 songs I've heard were really funny) and they sound really good. They sang that I'm the only Gay Eskimo song. And the Dolphin Boy song. Good stuff, I'm telling you, if I can I'll see if I can download some more songs and spread the goodness around
Posted by
7:26 PM
A new game for your amuzement
hey, this is a fun game, try it!!!
Posted by
1:28 PM
Monday, November 01, 2004
Have someone tell you who to vote for
www.presidentialguidester.com If you can't decide who you want to vote for, let this baby be your guide. Answer simple questions, and you'll find out who would be your ideal president. Luckily for me, I got mine right (hint: It's not Nader). It was somewhat fun, anyways.
Posted by
5:17 PM
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Happy Halloween!
I went to the dance on friday, that was cool cause I won the limbo contest. Oh yeah baby, I can take it down real low.
I was all bloody and nice. It was fun.
Should have told me how strong the drink was, darn it.
Santa! Give me some lovin'!
I love Halloween
-limbo king........I can see up your pants!
Posted by
8:09 AM
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Its a love song....
If, when I say I may fade like a sigh if I stay,
You minimize my movement anyway,
I must persuade you another way.
There's no love in fear.
Staring down the hole again.
Hands upon my back again.
Survival is my only friend.
Terrified of what may come.
Just remember I will always love you,
Even as I tear your fucking throat away.
But it will end no other way.
Posted by
11:16 PM
Beyond Thunderdorm
So we captured a few minutes of a computer getting smashed to bits, I should have a little film about this up within 30 days, or so. I don't want to give anything away about the movie, but it turns out the butler did it. But the butler wasn't really a butler: The butler was really a robotic orange (imitating an apple) that represented our human, primal fear of envelope glue toxins. Oh yeah, and the butler was also the narrator of the movie.
In other news, Did you hear the new Playstation Portable news? As it turns out, the thing might retail in the State for about $185, coming out in early 2005. Insane!
Posted by
11:13 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Studentfilms.com - "Korobeiniki" - Broadband Version
This is the silly video that has the song form that popular video game. Detailed description, huh?
Studentfilms.com - "Korobeiniki" - Broadband Version
Posted by
11:48 AM
VGMix.com - View Release - Gang Plank Metalleon
Remember Donkey Kong Country? Then download this song. Otherwise stay away, this doesn't concern you. Well, I suppose you can, but it wouldn't have as much meaning.
VGMix.com - View Release - Gang Plank Metalleon
Posted by
11:18 AM
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
never lose control
stick death icescream
take notes if this ever happens to you
Posted by
9:50 AM
Monday, October 25, 2004
cute and cuddly, boys!
ok, i admit that i have too much time on my hands
Posted by
4:27 PM
Addicting Games
Addicting Games.com - Flash games
if you ever get bored visit this page you will be entertained for hours
Posted by
12:08 AM
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Mr. Bungle is awesome
Mr. Bungle lyrics.
Behold the awesomeness that is Mr. Bungle. One of the greatest bands there ever was.
Posted by
11:55 AM
Saturday, October 23, 2004
chemistry is stupid
chemistry is not just stupid, it's freakin worthless. the only thing worse than doing a chemistry lab would be pulling my own teeth out of their sockets. thank you dalton, for such a wonderful gift to the world. you must really hate us.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Friday, October 22, 2004
I feel kind of bad about it
Now I know how they felt. Man I'm sorry.
Posted by
11:28 PM
When we are done, Your flesh will be ours
Halloween is getting closer and closer. Weeee! Can't wait, Halloween is so awesome. I love it love it love it.
Posted by
10:04 AM
I just bought new towels so I have nicer towels. Never thought that if someone else got into the other shower and hung thier towel up to mine that I have a panic attack to find my towel.
Posted by
8:08 AM
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Sexy Commando rocks, no matter what other people say.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm being judged. That's why I have a hard time being myself. I need to stop that, if you don't like me for who I am, if you think I'm annoying or that I'm mean or blah blah blah, you don't have to hang out with me.
I'm tired, and in kind of a bad mood, I'm going to sleep.
Stupid emotions!
Posted by
12:50 AM
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Skype - Free Internet telephony that just works
Skype - Free Internet telephony that just works
ok this is my third post for today i think everyone should use this program its free and its an awesome program much better than any voice chat over msn or yahoo or aim its much clearer its like talking on the phone its call voice over ip Voip wonderful networking term so those of you who knows what that mean give yourself a pat on the back well anyways gotta get back to work peace out
Posted by
6:42 PM
i just dont get it at all ..........i just dont get it ......why ..........no i dont think like that .............ok what ever you win
my innner conflicts ......
Posted by
4:29 PM
biebs' daily comic pane
heres todays comic pane from
Posted by
4:24 PM
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
jess rocks
guess who's not last on the nfl picks this week! 12/14, oh yeah!
Posted by
4:16 PM
Monday, October 18, 2004
Kansas City Star | 10/17/2004 | Caron Shipley, 47
Kansas City Star | 10/17/2004 | Caron Shipley, 47
Thats my mommy!
Posted by
2:16 PM
biebs' daily comic pane
here is one from player vs. player
Posted by
1:02 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
If I drank, I'd be drunk right now.
Man I feel like an idiot. A total loser. Stupid stupid stupid.
Hey look, a spider!
Ooops, I got distracted. I guess I wasn't really talking about anything anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
Posted by
1:57 PM
Friday, October 15, 2004
Try it out...
One of my friends here in the dorms told me to do this....
go into Microsoft Word and type in
...its weird...
Posted by
4:19 PM
biebs' daily comic pane
here's one from our friends penny arcade
penny arcade
Posted by
1:32 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Bad-Candy.com: The Ultimate Bad Candy Website!
Bad-Candy.com: The Ultimate Bad Candy Website! This site reviews several candies from around the world, but in a comical fashion. I recommend reading about Rebanadas first... funny stuff. From there, let your heart take you where ever you want... as long as its still on the site.
Posted by
8:05 PM
Finals Exam Schedule
FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE 2004 - Want to know how classes are organized? Well too bad... oh wait, I already gave you the link. Curses!
Posted by
5:12 PM
biebs' daily comic pane
heres todays comic pane you going to have to read the whole comic to get it so follow the link to read it its well worth it
Queen of Wands
Posted by
1:27 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
biebs' daily comic pane
im going to start posting a daily comic pane from some of my favorite webcomics so here is my first one
Posted by
2:45 PM
MajorGeeks.com - Download Freeware and Shareware Computer Utilities.
MajorGeeks.com - Download Freeware and Shareware Computer Utilities. Now you can become a geek. All you need to do is get the Google toolbar, and type "freeware" in the text box, and then click the button that appears to the right to search for all of the freeware that the site has, and it appears to has some neat ones. Check it out!
Posted by
10:52 AM
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Alexander Leon's official Mario Brothers Page
Alexander Leon's official Mario Brothers Page
I've blogged about this website before, but I'm betting dollars to carrots (lower carb count, don't you know) that you didn't know that a preview release of Part V is out.
And every time I see this post, I realize just how much of a nerd I really am. Well, that's all going to change, I'm going to do the
least nerd thing possible... I'm going to put academics and learning ahead of my physical well-being and social status.
Oh... wait. Nevermind.
Posted by
8:34 AM
Live in my parent's basement
or maybe be homeless. Wouldn't that be great?
Posted by
2:04 AM
MegaTokyo - relax, we understand j00
MegaTokyo - relax, we understand j00
here is a wonderful webcomic i think everyone should know and read megatokyo it roxors and if you read this you will understand my current msn messenger SN
Posted by
12:58 AM
Monday, October 11, 2004
Happy Birthday, Shayne
Happy Birthday, Mr. Riley!!! It's my first blog....and its all for you!!!
Posted by
11:19 PM
The new webpage
I updated my webpage today while I should of been doing homework. See if you like it. Paul's page And look at the searchs one is cool.
Posted by
3:26 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Thank you
Thank you so much for this weekend Shayne! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm gonna have to do something for you tomorrow. Take you out or something man.
I really enjoyed your family. You have an awesome house. And I loved your dogs, they really reminded me of my old dog, Tama. It brought a tear to my eye.
Being at your house also reminded me of how much I miss my own family. I really wish I could pay you back (as well as everyone else that has let me stay at their house) by taking you back home with me. If I had a lot of money, man I'd pay for all your tickets to Japan. I wish I could share with you the things I grew up with, just so you could better understand where I come from. And maybe why I'm so freakin' weird.
I love you all, and have a good night!
Posted by
11:53 PM
At bar...................................................... saw walrus and enthusiastic guy......................................... must gouge eyes out...................................................
Posted by
1:02 PM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
I love bees
I love bees. Why is this site here? Who knows. Just click around... and prepare to be weirded out.
Also, if you check the person's blog, you'll begin to see the reason why: This person has way to much free time on his/her hands.
Posted by
3:25 PM
Ock-not-sober-fest 2004
Remember to eat brots... Mmm, them things is good. So good I can't use correct English.
Also, try to use the word "Wootilicious" at least once today. Bonus points if you don't get beat up for saying that. I mean c'mon, even a nerd wouldn't say that.
On another topic: Lester, I think I ate one of your socks.
Jon: "You threw up a sock?"
I'll be home this weekend, spend a little time with the parents, its been forever since I've seen them. It'll be great, I'll get some good home cooking, country air, and I get to work on computers.
I'll get absolutely nothing done.
Posted by
3:17 PM
Sexy Thang
Mmmm baby, it ain't no thang. Keep on bloggin' like you makin' love baby. Real nice and slow, sexy thang.
Yay for people!
Posted by
11:55 AM
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
guest-starring Brent Spiner
Enterprise season premiere: October 8th, 7:00pm, only on UPN! Why did Oktoberfest have to be on Friday???
Posted by
1:25 PM
Monday, October 04, 2004
dvd burner
i got a dvd burner now its pretty sweet now i can back up all my anime on my 30 gig hd that full so i can put a better use to it however i cant think of a better use other than put anime on it.
Posted by
1:46 PM
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Great news everyone! I survive work last night but oh man was it crazy with all the drunks. But there is one event that I don't think I will ever forget ever. When I take a pizza to a house and see the front door open I don't expect to see two girls laying in front of the door having sex. I am very serious. The guy wouldn't pay me until they were done. When they were done
Posted by
11:55 AM
Thursday, September 30, 2004
FHSU Bloggination
FHSU Bloggination is recruiting! You want to join, contact us. Also, we will be asking you through IM and whatnot. So who knows, you might be on the massively bloggy FHSU Blog...thing!
Posted by
11:59 AM
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Holy Blogger Batman
Man, no one is blogging. I guess nothing interesting is going on. That and the fact that instead of blogging we can just walk up stairs (or down) and just tell the story in person.
There aren't any comments anymore either! What the crap. OK everyone, you all need to comment to this blog, just for the hell of it, then I can annoy you with more email with comments on them.
Posted by
8:54 PM
Monday, September 27, 2004
my b-day is this weds september 29th ....if you plan on buying me a gift make sure its over $100 thats the only requirment =P ...no im kidding ...i dont need anything just a happy b-day would work
Posted by
3:41 PM
Friday, September 24, 2004
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars Battlefront
oh yes the game of all starwars games i bought this game for my pc it freakin roxors (rocks) i mean come on in what other starwars game can you sit there and snipe off the stupid little ewoks its a black ant its available for all systems PC, XBox, GC, PS2
Posted by
4:19 PM
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Laws of Anime Physics
Laws of Anime Physics
Lester showed me this. Read and enjoy. Or don't.
Posted by
11:50 PM
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
I swear this is fun (if you like puzzle games)
A very awesome online puzzle game. If you need help, let me know, I'll see if I remember how to get through it all.
Posted by
9:57 PM
Monday, September 20, 2004
Penny Arcade
Penny Arcade
ok penny arcade is hilarious ive been reading this for quite some time now and it only gets better you have to this to part 6 its not done yet but just the first 6 part are hilarious i would also recommend go back a read more of the archive however i need to warn everyone if you are offended by harsh langage but other than that its hilarious
Posted by
4:00 PM
my b-day
i was looking at my schedule for next week and realized that i have to work on my b-day this sux and i had plans for it now i guess i do not have plans now but to work ='(
Posted by
3:51 PM
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Honda (UK)
Honda (UK)
Here's a commercial that took 606 takes to get right, with no CGI whatsoever. Very neat.
Posted by
6:16 PM
Oh, and I almost forgot
The most important thing today (actually yesterday, but that's just details)!
Its too bad you can't drink anymore. No longer 21...how sad. But that's ok, you can retain most of the water you need from the food that you eat. Just eat a lot of fruits or something. Good luck with that.
22 years ago, a man named Jon was born.
Posted by
1:24 AM
Weeeeeeee Soccer
Oh man, Soccer was fun. I made 2 goals! Or was it 3? I don't remember. Either way that surprised me (I usually don't score when it comes to soccer...well actually, I usually don't score when it come to anything). We need to do it again. Jess got injured, good job Shayne. Paul kicked a bunch of people, good job Paul. I tripped Shayne, good job me. Other people did awesome stuff, good job other people.
Then I went to the High School Foot Ball game, to meet some chick. Man I felt out of place.
I'm going to be a teacher...and you're trying to hook me up with a high schooler. . . . something about that just doesn't sound right. Oh well, like Shayne once said, "I'll take what I can get." Hahahaha.
No wait, that's not right. eh, whatever. I just need to watch more anime.
Just say no to Pedophilia.
Posted by
1:06 AM
Thursday, September 16, 2004
20 Qestions
20 Qestions
Go there and try it out, I'm tellling you its awesome!
Posted by
11:36 PM
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Hallway Tennis Ping Pong
Nothing like a good match of knocking around all things ping pongy in the middle of the hallway for a good hour. We would have used the actual ping pong tables downstairs, but it was taken, so we had to improvise. Still fun though.
Posted by
10:47 AM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Wow, so much blogging...
...Oh, wait. I mean absolutely no blogging whatsoever.
And I'm sorry for that. The fact of the matter is, now that I'm here, I have something better than blogging. It's called talking. Face-to-face.
But that's about to change. I just won ten million dollars, and all I had to do was be in it to win it.
Ok, I lied about that. However, I did just saved your life tonight without you knowing it, as well as thousands of others by foiling a huge underground network of smuggling explosive ninjas.
Ok, I lied about that too. But the important thing is that it was more interesting than what really happened.
I've just now figured out why I blog less. Sorry to waste your time.
Posted by
9:17 PM
Sunday, September 12, 2004
One Mad Cow!
One Mad Cow!
this is old but i find it really funny a whole new meaning to mad cow disease
Posted by
1:54 PM
well i looked around and i cant use "applebiebs" for my resturaunt because applebees those bastards so im thinking i should call it "bananabiebs" it has a nice ring to it and its catchy
Posted by
11:44 AM
What a night
that was a wild and crazy night
mr drew had too much to drink and probably won't be hitting the road to get home any time soon. So there will be pasta and homemade sauce tonight. That will be awsome. One slimming it all the way dudes!!!
Posted by
10:00 AM
One Slime - wedgey's homepage
One slime it up Boys and Girls!! See if you can make it to the giant blue boss slime.
One Slime - wedgey's homepage
Posted by
9:43 AM
Friday, September 10, 2004
Switch to Linux
Switch to Linux
This one is dedicated to Paul... and all the other penguin heads out there.
Posted by
3:29 PM
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
are there problems with the blog? edit: guess not
ive been trying to post all day this is going to be my 17th try and aparently my comments are not being posted as well so this post isnt actully what im trying to post but just a test to see if i can post
edit: i guess the problem is fixed not sure what and after all this time i dont remember what i was going to post in the first place other than i had bought two new movies one being the punisher and the other well its going to remain unsaid because it goes into my collection under "chick flix" ive figured out one problem i think when trying to impress women ..ive noticed that when i have a girl over and she sees my dvd colection (i have close to 65 dvds now and its still growing) they tend to go through them and get disappointed because most of them are action flix but lately in secret ive been adding a small collection of "chick flix" just for this cause maybe that will help ... i dont mind buying them i just dont watch them alone im a movie buff so i dont mind them that much there isnt much of a genre of movie out there i wont watch except horror i hate horror films i just dont like watching them
Posted by
7:57 PM
Government Health Warning
Government Health warning on beer. Apparently, the government thiks we're so brain dead that we can only understand messages in Shockwave Flash format with weird country music.
Posted by
9:27 AM
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
tin can wireless
im gonna try and do this because its a cheap way of getting an antenna for my external wireless card
tin can wireless antenna
Posted by
6:18 PM
Urban Legends Reference Pages: College (Writing Wrongs)
Urban Legends Reference Pages: College (Writing Wrongs)
Hee hee, funny story.
Posted by
2:57 PM
cool graphs
Need to check these two links out. I made some nice grpah. First one looks like when a rock falls in water. And the second one is like two rock.
Posted by
8:14 AM
Monday, September 06, 2004
I need to get me some Bonnie Boom Booms.....and a lovely eye patch.
When I saw her "beauty" I woke up.
Posted by
11:34 PM
Saturday, September 04, 2004
An Interesting look on 9/11
Click here to watch the movie.
At least its interesting
Posted by
6:01 PM
vote 2004
somebody told me they wanted an absentee ballot. here's the goods:
to register for the election (must be done by monday, october 18):
-click on your state of residence
-click on voter registration application
-complete application and mail it to your home county election officer
to obtain absentee ballot:
-click on the "1" by your state of residence
-go to advance voting applicatin
-complete the application form and sent it to:
1st Floor Memorial Hall
120 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612
Posted by
3:09 PM
Have not blogged in a while.
Come on everyone, BLOG!
Today I ran the 5k fun run. Boy that was "fun". I am now dead tired. And hungry. Mmm food, sounds good to me. Free lunch, who's comin' with me?!
I need to start gettin' in shape. At this rate I'll never be buff enough by the time I have to go to Japan. Damn.
Posted by
10:00 AM
Friday, September 03, 2004
now tody looked up after i saw the comics in the leader today since thats about all thats worth reading out of it with the execption of adams reviews he always give great review shane and lester your comic was great i enjoyed it keep it up ill keep reading it and shane ill try and blog more even if nothing happens to me ill blog somthing
Posted by
1:57 PM
Blogginate good times, COME ON!
After months of deciding whether or not to start a comic, and then finally working two days to perfect the comic, Lester and I (Shayne) are proud to introduce "The Same" comic. Needless to say, its so awesome that any Canadian who reads it will automatically have their free health care invalidated. Doctors recommend smoking 3 packs a day over the comic, as it is so full of comic-goodability that you will go blind, and a few seconds later a small star forms inside your large intestine and you explode, ultimately causing your house to catch fire.
To read it:
-Read FHSU's newspaper, the Leader
-Read http://www.fhsu.edu/leader/
-Or go to thesamecomic.tk.
Posted by
12:35 AM
Thursday, September 02, 2004
wireless rocks
ok im sitting in class right now writing this blog there is a wireless access point in the area that happens to be open aparently there is a professor who thinks he/she needs to have wireless in their office and they dont have any security its open acess and running DHCP amazing how many ppl dont realize you need to put security on a WAP or anyone can access the network which can be a bad thing im just using it to access the internet because it is so boring listening to this professor (YAWN!!) well i had better get back to taking notes
Posted by
11:19 AM
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
./sakdjflksahjdf;wlefnlskdfjiehgorwjlnflkmflkahseoihfuenognpweohiyrofejsakdfhuisahdfkj askjdfhlkasdkfhlkwau;fyiouasejflkyhnelkfbausgeyoiuwhnjfoiweu83roir4lknflskadfheiouhro nkfjoiaeshfkjneflkawehjfiohoiedhnaokjnfeklnsavkhjsoighfewjnflks dalcnwoiehgfviajnwsflke kehafejhrflkewnjflksehjaoi
whew now that's off my chest i feel better
thanx for listening
love and peace XOOXOOX
Posted by
11:43 PM
Monday, August 30, 2004
ok i have 6 invites for anyone who may be interested in one just IM me on msn Biebs_91@hotmail.com ive got six to give away
Posted by
10:30 PM
wanted: semi-professional hitman
target: any student in biology lab, section c. means: anyway you want to; preferably something a little unobtrusive, say a knock on the head and a long permanent swim in big creek. fee: $0. (hey, you're a semi-professional, you need the experience). oh, and please do it soon; i really want to add this class...stupid thing is FULL! but yeah, that's your job. oh, and if anyone asks, this never existed.
ps...if you're any kind of law enforcement official, i'm just kidding. obviously. i mean, why else would i put it on the internet? how stupid is that?
Posted by
3:13 PM
Sunday, August 29, 2004
USGS - Water Resources in Kansas
here is the water tables for kansas you can see big creek in hays and yocemnto. yocemento has been having some ten foot waves going through. we should go out there and surf some time. COWABUNGA DUDES!!!
USGS - Water Resources in Kansas
Posted by
9:55 PM
J-Track 3D
This website is awsome, with all the orbiting satellites around the earth.
J-Track 3D
Posted by
9:46 PM
Magical mystery Boor
"Alright, Rinchetti. We know you were the key man in the whole operation. We know you set up the plan to smuggle in the illegal merchandise. We also know that you used the money to buy the number 6 from Sesame Street, who worked as your wheelman in last weeks heist. But there's one thing we still don't know."
"Oh yeah? What's that?"
"Why in the world did Shayne post this?"
Posted by
9:26 PM
My Life
"Ok Lester, which is it going to be? Me or anime?"
"Hey, that reminds me of an anime"
"Wait, that wasn't my answer! .....good bye"
So, what's important to you?
Posted by
1:55 AM
Saturday, August 28, 2004
home trip
i drove two and a half hours to come and visit my parents since i hadnt seen them for a couple of months somwhere between 7 or 8 months i lost track after awhile well any ways back to my story i got home went a visited my grandma for a while then came home and ate dinner after dinner i started going through all my mail that had cluttered up over these last few months as i was going through i came apon a letter from my classmates that there was going to be a class reunion and that i was suppose to respond yes or no if i were to be attending i chose no and in the space provided i precceded to let them know why
and i quote this is what i said for the reason for declining (edited for younger viewers)
"[i am "sorry" to say that i must decline the offer to attend this event for 5 simple reasons
1. i dont want too
2. because you all are a bunch of @%$@%#$@$@## losers
3. why should i for the #$%#^$% you put me through for those 13 years
4. i dont like any of you
5. beside you so-called "friends" cannot stand up to the wonderful ppl i call my friends at FHSU and im proud to call them that because they dont treat me like dirt like all of you did
yours truly
Joshua "Biebs" Bieber]"
any i know that was harsh but if any of you knew my classmates you would know what i was talking about i like you all better anyway id much rather hang out with you guys than go to a stupid class reunion that i wouldnt enjoy being at you guys are more a friend to me than they ever will be
Posted by
1:47 AM
Friday, August 27, 2004
Pizza Night! woot!
What a fun night. Pizzas, and a little Memento movie to watch. It was great. Although one of the pizza's was wrong (Nooo!) but the delivery guy was very nice and polite.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my house is on fire.
Posted by
11:25 PM
Math is fun
In case you all did not know math is very fun. All my fun classes use math and the not fun classes don't. Math has nice rules that can never be broken, unlike in englishs and other soft sciences. Well that is all I have to say. So live long and proper.
Posted by
2:42 PM
What the dealy-O?
This blog used to be a swarming mass of shared thoughts and weird ideas. Now look at it! Nobody blogs like they did back in the day!
Maybe its because we are all right here and we can now just say "Hey, I did something," instead of chronicling it in the blog. Well, it's time to stand up and fight. Its time to resist the machines!... Oh wait, wrong speech. It's time for us to sit down and blog. It's time to resist non-bloggivness!
I guess I still have nothing to talk about. Oh wait! I did just... oh, that's boring too. Yep, I'm tapped out on bloggies now.
Posted by
9:04 AM
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Say hello to my little blog
Well, all-bloggy then!
So far, most of my classes are not living up to my expectations.
If you've just now noticed, I have nothing to blog about.
I'll leave.
Posted by
8:46 AM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
third day of classes and the homework starts to pile up im still working on labs from monday good thing they are not do untill the end of the semester and i have my first test monday which sux now that classes have started ive became invisible because i go to work class back to my room do homework and then go to bed this semester i dont even have time to watch tv let along blogging right now i should be doing homework but im not
ps if anyone can decipher the title you win a pat on the back
Posted by
7:36 PM
Stoopid People
Physics Prof. "And that makes x=10."
Old Lady, "No x is the 24 letter of the alphabet."
Posted by
10:06 AM
Can't help the way I feel
So, since no one is blogging about what's going on, I thought I write a few things about what's been going on.
Well, Shayne moved in and now my room is totally awesome. I'm not lonely anymore, yay! People come over all the time now, maybe it was Shayne that was the popular guy, not Alex (can't be me cause people didn't come over to my room as much last semester).
I've been working at the front desk, its been really fun. Though most of the time I'm just sitting there doing nothing. At least that gives me time to do my homework. All I need to do now is buy my books.
Jon was out giving out pickles the other day, that was pretty funny. Um....lets see, what else has been going on? Oh yeah, I've been learning a lot of new songs on the guitar, that means I'll be annoying you people more with my singing/playing. Consider yourselves lucky, BUAHAHAHAHA.
Well, live long and PROPER!
oh no my house caught on fire!
Posted by
12:42 AM
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Shayne - I'm back in Ag!
So, I've noticed the INTENSE pouring in of posts lately... Oh wait, I mean hardly any posts at all. I'm to blame myself.
But then again, I have the excuse of not having a computer set up for four days. But now, nearly everything is fully functional, so that means more blogging, baby!
,,, Blog.
Posted by
7:30 PM
Jon the pickle man?
I personally don't like pickles all that much.
Posted by
8:14 AM
Sunday, August 22, 2004
last day of freedom
sunday aug 22 last day of summer break i was up at 5:30 this morning i had to go take care of a friends cat that i have been taking care of and that lil punk bit me of course i deserved it i made him made but still he bit me then after i got done there i had to go to work then i work untill noon now im just sitting here blogging away =P
also after surfing the web this site leo's legos designs brought back some good ole memories and i just want to break out the legos
Posted by
2:32 PM
Friday, August 20, 2004
Movement is not a flavor of gum.
So the big move finally took place, everybody is moved, but haven't settled in yet. [Note to Lester: I am SO sorry. I didn't think it was possible to progress the disorder to the level it is now.] While everyone might be anxious about their new surroundings or roommates, where everything is different and completely unexpected, sometimes to the point of uncomfortable, keep this thought in mind:
Adapt to change or die.
I think Darwin's theory still holds in how you live your life. In the short motivational book "Who Moved the Cheese?" (or at least I think it was called that, and I never read the book, I've only been given a description of it), if you are the lab mouse that has become used to where the cheese has been placed in the maze, and one day it was moved, you cannot dwell on the past of where the cheese has been. The mouse is puzzled at first, and the panics, but ultimately it comes to the conclusion that it must continue to hunt for the cheese, or else it will die of starvation. It doesn't like it, but it has to do it anyway. Then, once he gets used to the new position of the cheese after several more maze tests, the cheese stays, but a new, more delicious object is placed in a part of the maze that the mouse has never been before. He can smell it, and knows that it is better than the cheese, but he has to make a choice: Does he go after the new food, or does he stay back with what he has been given for all this time? (Keep in mind he can't eat the cheese and then go after the new object, that would defeat the whole purpose of the explanation. The scientists take him out and move him back to his cage after the choice is made).
Actually, I'm not sure if that last part was in the book. Please read it and then give me the gist of it.
The college life has been great for me. I've seen and learned so much. Somethings I know will irritate me, and others will make me look at things in different perspectives. Through wear and tear, I will have become a better man for it, and I hope I'm doing the same for everyone else around me.
*Sniff* I love you guys! This is going to be a great year, I can feel it. I can feel it like a rash... a rash of hope... a contagious rash.
... and if the rash is a rash of hope, I guess the ointment would be the ointment of distress. You probably don't want to apply that. But you don't need to worry anyway, neither the rash nor the ointment exist. It was a metaphor. But that would be cool to have, like Fry's worms in that Futurama episode. I loved that one.
Posted by
10:38 PM
Thursday, August 19, 2004
dont move your vehicles
starting tomarrow everyone will be moving back in so if you have a good parking spot dont move your vehicle because you will never get it back ever again ....
Posted by
12:02 AM
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Hey Shayne
Tomorrow, I'll be working at the front desk from 9:30am to 1:00pm. After that, if they don't have me working at the front desk still, I have to go work at my other job, so in other words, I'm pretty much busy tomorrow. I'll be gone all day (or at the front desk all day). I won't be able to help you move in...hopefully the way I have the room set up won't get in the way with all your stuff and everything. If you need to move stuff around go right ahead. Have fun.
Sorry I can't help (or maybe I can, won't know for sure till tomorrow)
Posted by
5:29 PM
another addition
ok as an INT major its required to have more than one computer right now i have three two with windows xp pro and one with 98se and i guess ill be getting a new one ..well not a brand new one just another one for 15 dollars just becuase it has a 17in flat-screen monitor not flat-panel... flat-screen so i figure sure ill take it just for the monitor i can prolly sell the tower some where down the line but for now it will prolly collect dust like my win98se machine
Posted by
10:46 AM
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Levi Strauss %26 Co. %7C History of Denim
Levi Strauss %26 Co. %7C History of Denim
I'd like to thank Lester for his emailing to us the comments that are written. It's very handy.
That's right. It's a slow blog day. You'd think that I'd have figured out that my life is so boring, and that I bring nothing of interest to anybody, that I shouldn't be blogging. Just thought I'd mention it.
In other news, I've not packed ANYTHING yet for college, as a result I'll be heading to FHSU on Thursday. Sorry Lester. I was busy saving the world from evil nuns, and... not really. I was finishing up my computer reinstalls yesterday. The result: I have 3 computers on Windows 98 (one of them on SE) and 1 computer on FreeDOS Beta8, which isn't the latest of FD, but it was the latest one with floppy disk installation capabilities. All computers are fully functional and ready for sale, and this is a great accomplishment for me because..... zzzzzzzz.
I just now read the link I provided. It is really boring. Don't go there.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Monday, August 16, 2004
My very compy day
Today, I completely wiped the hard drives of 4 computers and reinstalled the OS (Windows 98 (non-SE)) on three of them. the 4th computer is weird and has (er, had) some SCO Unix operating system on it. Since I have no idea how to use Unix, I figure I'd try a legal, slightly more user friendly OS, and I hope I find it in a little known OS called FreeDOS. Check it out at freedos.org, It's not finished yet (not that they didn't have enough time, it's been 10 years, man!), but does support many of the olden time programs.
...Uh, yeah. I just read over what I said and, I slipped into a mini-coma. I guess its too late to warn you now. Of couse, I could just cut and paste this before the paragraph, but then you wouldn't get this extra sentence then, would you?
Posted by
11:53 PM
my story
well i had a great and wonderful story for all of you to read but then i remembered that i didnt have a story for all of you to read so there went my blog ....
how ever you need to check out www.stickdeath.com i love this site you need to check out the 2004 auto anti-theif devices they are hilarious
WARNING: this site has lots of animated violence please be sure you have your parents permission to venture into the fun of watching animated stick ppl killing each other
Posted by
11:50 PM
Japan Rail Pass
Nippon Travel Agency
$280 to tour all of Japn for a week. Weee, who's comin' with me! I'll just take you all.
Posted by
10:31 PM
Sunday, August 15, 2004
You've got to ayordalize more.
As I'm walking down the street one night, I'm ganged up by... a gang. Of kids. Punk Kids.
They called themselves the Punk Kids Gang.
They form a circle around me. The head kid walks up and wields his switchblade menacingly at me.
"Your money or your life," he demanded.
"Very well," I said. "Here you go." I then proceeded to tell him that I was born to a nice Christian family. We weren't rich in money, but we were rich in love.
I continued through my child and teen years, picking through every mistake and interesting anecdote I produced in my life. The first time I found out about snakes, my first playground fight, the zits, when I first noticed that cutie in the front row, everything.
When I eventually came to the end of my life story, every one of the punk kids were in tears.
"Thank you, sir," said the head kid, fighting back his tears. "Here's five bucks for your trouble."
The moral of the story is that when you think your life can't get any lower, punk kids feel sorry for you.
Posted by
11:49 PM
reason to never use windows 98
today i had a big reminder why i switch all my machines to windows xp ..i was working on a computer for one of my clients today they had bought a new video card and wanted me to put it in along with a ethernet card so i said sure and went to work because this machine was going to go to the children they wanted the machine wiped clean so i started with a reformat and reinstall of windows 98 se everything went well no problems not one thing then next i installed the new video card this also went with out a hitch the last thing i did was install.... the ethernet card ...from hell after i installed it the computer reconized the new hardware and asked for the driver to be installed i inserted the driver disk and it searches and tells me that it cannot find the drive i have it search again still cannot find it i point to the exact file it need still cannot find the driver so i go ahead with the installation and boot to windows i went online with my laptop downloaded the drivers that i need put it on a floppy with back to the computer inserted my floppy and i tried to reinstall the driver low and behold it worked so i restart and even before i get rebooted into windows i get an error in the bios saying that there were four files corrpt and it couldnt load a dll file so back to my laptop i spend three hour researching what these files are for and surprise surprise they are use for microsoft clients for networking so i have to go in and uninstall that and reinstall ok once more i have reboot i believe that at this time ive rebooted the machine about a million times by now afte the reboot the errors go away and everything seems to work i go to run the internet connection wizard and for some reason it brings up msn dialup sign up why me why me as im hitting my head on the desk so i find my way to the actual internet connection wizard and was able to finally get the machine on the internet and was able to finally get every thing working right and no more rebooting
...once again i hate windows 98
Posted by
9:49 PM
Ludology is derived from the Latin word Ludus, which means game. That's right, there are becoming an increasing amount of colleges offering courses dedicated to the study of video games, which is about time. Electronic Gaming Monthly lists a few of the courses these two are my favorite:
LUD 101-Introduction to American and Japanese video games.
LUD 204(I think)-Lara Croft: Feminist Icon or Bimbo -- Requires to watch both stinkaroo Lara Croft movies, so this is a harder course than you might think.
And other class involves lab work using an Xbox with the Ninja Gaiden game, it involves looking into the competitive nature of games.
All I can say is, I can't wait for this to become standard for the majority of colleges. Video games include literature, art, and motion picture, so it seems only natural that it should be open to study as art. Play on!
Posted by
3:36 PM
Saturday, August 14, 2004
So how about them Summer Olympics? They sure aren't what they used to be. Every competitor naked and men only.
Seriously though, I'm watching the men's gymnastics portion of the show right now, and the rules that these people have is crazy. Elonzo Boden (of Last Comic Standing fame) was right: If you bounce when you land, you lose!
My question to the people that make the rules of gymnastics: Doesn't it show how pointless gymnatics is when you have to add weird rules that nobody understands except the people that are in gymnastics? Same question goes for the figure skating in the winter Olymps.
Case in point: You can watch an entire gymnastic set with the volume off, and be amazed at all of those flip-de-loops and twirls they do on the bars, the horses, and the beams. You turn up the volume to hear all of the rules and mistakes they're making, and you just want to barf out of puzzlement: "Why does that matter?"
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching this stuff (I just saw a guy dislocate his finger, it was almost sticking all the way up! Gross!) but you wonder how it fits into the grand scheme of things. When you think about it, gymnastics (along with sync swimming) is a freak event in the overall scheme of things.
to illustrate the point, look at all the normal events. Who can run/swim the fastest? Who can jump the highest/farthest? Who can throw a really heavy object the farthest?
Now to Gymnastics: Who can twirl around really quick while keeping his legs together and unbent and then land in one spot without bouncing? My answer: Who cares?
Before I continue, let me state this: gymnastics is hard. If I tried to run and do those flip and handstands on the mat, I would've needed a skin graft for my whole body, if I didn't break my neck and kill myself.
However, just because something is hard doesn't mean I should care. Driving a pick ax through your head and walkng away living is hard, but in the end it isn't a good skill to have.
Just because someone can play guitar while having a dynamic time scale and playing notes fast doesn't mean I should like it. I do appriciate it, that is a really neat skill, however, if it doesn't actually sound good, then forget it. Whoopee.
The ultimate point I'm trying to make is this: Yes, it IS true that anything worth doing is hard. However, something that is hard to do isn't always worth doing.
Posted by
10:57 PM
i bought way of the samurai 2 today im gonna play it today all day at work its going to be great one of the best things about working on the weekend i can watch movies and play video games !!!
oh yeah AvP rocked but like lester said if there were better battle scenes it would have rocked even more
Posted by
11:32 AM
Friday, August 13, 2004
I have decided, I want to live in Hokkaido. Such a beautiful place. Of course I have never been there so I would not know first hand. I'm just going by what people told me. I was talking to my Mom about this and she said that my dad wants to live in Hokkaido as well, before he dies. Along with a lot of other Americans living in Japan. How dare they steal my dream! Hokkaido, I want to live in the country side of Japan. Supposedly one of the more beautiful part of Japan, the most undeveloped island, lots and lots of nature to enjoy. Weee (I like nature, its wonderful).
On a completely different note, I went and saw Elian Varsurs Praydator today. It was totally awesome! Except for the fact that it wasn't THAT awesome. Don't get me wrong, I totally loved it, but I thought it was rather short. There needed to be a lot more Alien ass kicking. Also, the plot could have been fleshed out a bit better. It started out so awesome, but I didn't like the way they explained the relationship between the aliens and the predators. And again, MORE BATTLE SCENES! More death! The Predators kick way more ass than that!
The 12 girls band is awesome, check them out, they're from China, really good stuff.
Posted by
11:52 PM
I'm so dizzy...
I've been feeling dizzy for about the past 5 days or so. It really hit me hard just the past 30 minutes. It's really annoying.
The same thing happened last year at the exact time of year, just before college started. Except it started with really bad nausea, and then dizziness for about a month. Ugh, I don't want that.
Posted by
9:37 PM
this morning
i awoke to sirens and flashing lights and this anoying buzzing that wouldn't go away i ran outside to only to find half of campus destroyed and this stupid buzzing wouldnt go away it was this buzz buzz buzz like an alarm clock would make... oh it sucked as i wondered outside reporters came rushing in asking how was it possible that i survived the blast aparently campus was bombarded by some unknown army with super weapons i guess because all i could decipher what any one was saying was.... dark army....super weapons next thing i knew was i was being thrown into a van they aparently were government agents i couldnt tell what they were saying because of that damn buzzing next they were showing me maps and plans and outfitting me with these freaking awesome weapons then i was shown the airship i was to pilot after this dark army so i did and engaged them in fighting to the end all this time that stupid buzzing ..i infiltrated the enemy base and made my way to the evil emperor's chamber and he challeged me to a samurai battle with katanas low and behold some how i knew how to fight with a katana except i threw down his sword he threw to me i reached up and grabbed my necklace which had a katana on it i spoke out the enchantment "i call you muramasa sword of the divine wind" and the the charm grew into a sword much to my liking and as the evil emperor saw this his eyes grew full of fear and he charged me and we battled it out until i defeated him i went to unmask this villian and then .... buzz buzz buzz my friggin alarm clock woke me up from this really weird dream
i have a few things to thank for this dream ... anime and crack ...although i dont remember being on crack ..its the only explaination for me having this dream
Posted by
10:48 AM
Thursday, August 12, 2004
I expected my plan of the bloggers to blog more on the blog to work (BLOG! blog blog blog), but not THIS well. Nine posts? That's almost insulting, but then I remembered that I didn't really want to write a play anyway.
Or maybe it was all a big, funny coincidence.
In any case, it's great to hear from the staff. Even I have been diminishing in blogging the past week or two, but I was on vacation, so I have an excuse.
But that does bring up an interesting question. Who blogs more of our group? Ok, it's not that interesting, shut up.
Answer: Lester has written 81, I have written 76 (Including this one.) Lester has written 5,148 words, I have written under 14,000. Divide that out, you get 64 words per post for Lester, and 184 words per post for Shayne, the guy that refers to himself in the third person.
What this all means is that the universe will collapse in on itself the moment that the rate of expansion of the universe equals the speed of light.
... Oh, wait, it doesn't mean a thing.
On a parting note, I hope that nobody just visiting this site reads this first and realize that we have no idea what to blog about or captivate an audience. But then again, it's not about the ratings, is it? It's about the ladies. And just to let you (pretty) ladies know, I'm available. I have strong brown eyes, and a pumpernickel. Thats right ladies, I have a German goblin that breaks wind. So if you get a busy signal, then just keep dialing the number and hope I pick up.
Posted by
11:16 PM
here we go part two
ok ill start of where i left off
about 5 pm i got off work
5:15 i ate dinner
6pm went to walmart and bought a computer desk and helped my roommate get it up to the room
8pm my friend heather called she came over and hung out for a while
9:30 pm heather and i went to go get ice cream on the way there my driver side window shatter for no reason at all pissed me off alot now its prolly gonna cost me an arm and a leg to get it fix
11:15 pm wrote part two of my blog
Posted by
11:11 PM
A young boy spits on the Berlin Wall, even if he breaks it down nothing can change
When I remembered I shut myself off tightly.
Singing is the only thing that keeps me going... how weak I am.
I donn't wanna be Edward H. Gein
Sid Vicious and Nancy
Where can I meet them?
There's no voice in my heart,
Even in my heart the song is gone
I wait quietly for you.
I can't reach you, I can't reach you
I can't find your voice.
I don't wanna be Edward H. Gein
Sid Vicious and Nancy
Where can I meet them?
When you gently offer your hand to me, I can't just accept it.
There's no voice in my heart
Even in my heart the song is gone
I wait quietly for you.
Madly in love,
Loving for the sake of loving
Dreams end. Sid's dream.
Posted by
9:28 PM
My Child Problem
When thinking about the conversation I had with my sister, I had totally forgotten about Grant. My friend Grant (from Va Beach) is pregnant with my child (in fact, he's been pregnant with my child for about 4 years now, I think). I'd like to thank Grant for always being there for me, he's a great friend, and there is no one else I would rather have to mother (father?) my child. Grant, you're awesome. If I were gay (and according to this I am) I would marry you, if it were legal (damn you Bush! Even though I'm still voting for you!). Woot.
Four years....wonder when it'll be born.
Posted by
9:12 PM
"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, and the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese."-Chris Rock
"Football combines the two worst features of American life: violence and committe meetings."-George Will
"I just recently had my Visa card stolen. Now it's everywhere I want to be."-Scott Wood
"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typrewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."-Robert Wilensky
"The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass."-Martin Mull
"I don't consider myself bald. I'm simply taller than my hair."-Thom Sharp
"Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry."-Rita Rudner
Posted by
1:17 PM
here we go
today ive decided to post blogs on every account of my being today
11am i got up and showered and got ready for work turn on our newly installed ac and rounded up my computer to go to work
noon i arived at work and now im surfing the web because i have nothing better to do
tune in this evening to read the conclusion of the eventful day !!!
Posted by
12:38 PM
Greyhounds bring lots of joy, or atleast they used to.
Hey everybody! Greyhounds are so awesome and here is why. I have, as you all know, been trying to get people to come out and visit mainly cause I am too lazy to drive to you. Only a few of you responded and of those that came you only stayed for like 5 hours. Well I called in reinforcements. Thats right, I bought my little brother a Greyhound bus ticket and had him shipped out here. So now I don't need any of you people to help me plan to destroy the squirrel empire. I have home grown reinforcements. Losers!
Posted by
11:30 AM
aliens versus predator opens tomorrow!!!!! all the gore and animatronics you could ever want, plus lots of dying humans. what could be better? all right, it could be better if leonard nimoy and william shatner and the entire cast and crew of the N.C.C. Enterprise showed up, but that is asking rather a lot.
Posted by
10:52 AM
ok fine
i try to blog as much as i can but the last two dyz ive been busy moving and so i had to unhook all four of my computers thats right i said four two laptops and two towers but i have finally gotten moved in ...another reason i havnt been blogging is taht over the last few weeks this is all that entailed ....get up at 10am go to work from noon to 5pm get home at about 5:30pm eat dinner at 6pm sit on my couch for about 2 hours then at 8pm i ride my bike for an hour and a half get back home at 9:30pm take shower and watch adult swim ...after adult swim i go to bed ....thats pretty much all ive done all summer i th0ught if i blogged this everyday you all would get bored of it ..so therefore i blogged only exciting things
Posted by
10:17 AM
Hey Now
I blog a good amount. I think I blog just about the same amount as you! Maybe not, I don't know. I just figured most people don't even want to read what I write. I guess I can talk about what's been going on.
Um, I've been working, kind of cleaning room, and watching a lot of anime and now playing Mega-man with Jon.
Paul and Jess came to visit Dan on Monday. Unfortunatly I had to work when they got here so I only saw them for an hour (kind of sucked too cause we didn't really do anything and it felt kind of weird). I was hoping Dan would hang out a bit longer since I won't be seeing him for a while...but no, he had to leave as well. So I won't see him for a really long time and I never got a chance to really hang out. Blarg. Oh well.
I'm really obssesed over Ranma right now. Must...Watch...More...Ranma......
Posted by
12:00 AM
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Pepperoni and Beef Sticks
Sometimes the world is flat. Sometimes it rains on sunny days. Sometimes someone rips you off when you buy dvds online and then you just want to go to Tennessee and bring lots of pain to that person. Then you think that the person is in Tennessee so how can you hurt them anymore. Oh yeah, bring the to Arkansas. Vengeance will be mine. My squirrel army will make him pay the full price.
Posted by
11:55 PM
It's Hard to Kiss the Lips at Night that Chews Your Grass Out from the Lawn
Wow, look at the blog dropoff in the past few days. If the rest of the gang doesn't pull it together, then I'm threatening to write and post a play. And to show I'm not bluffing, here's a little sample (It's a musical):
Bernadine: [walks to center stage, slaps Bob in the face with a lunkfish]
Bob: What? Never!
[Background music group groups in the background to start music, sings "Fish Slap" to "Love Shack" Lyrics.]
Bob [After song conclusion]: Ugh, I don't feel so good. [Bob explodes, fake guts splatter out to crowd]
[End Scene]
There you go. Just a little sample. And that wasn't even the rough draft! That all fits into a magical, wonderful, convoluted musical.
So C'mon bloggers. Blogging is good. If there aren't any more blog posts the rest of this week (from someone else besides me), expect to see the full play. You've been warned. Just do it. It doesn't even have to make sense or be interesting! It could be about gum, or even that goat that looked at you funny... The possibilities are endless.
...Oh, wait, I guess I do have some stuff to talk about.
How about them rains this week? Crazy. We got a little under an inch, which is decent for this region. Over the weekend, I went with my parents up (and over) to Brush, Colorado for ye grande olde familye reunionne.
The 19th is only 7 days and 1 hour away, Also known as "The Big FHSU Parking Grab", where you can scarcely find a parking spot for blocks. The parking is taken up by lousy worthless Freshmen, which ruins the parking for 3 months. I calculate the "lousy worthless" portion of the Freshmen population to be about 1 of every 10 Freshmen, but that is pure speculation. They are an annoying waste of space, and eventually they will realize it and go back home as bitter failures.
Posted by
11:23 PM
I want this t-shirt. Why? Because I hate myself and I want to die. . . . but in a happy, lovely way.
Posted by
7:10 PM
Monday, August 09, 2004
My Family
Advice from the wise sister of mine
"Lester, our parents are getting old. You know what's missing from their lives?"
"Since I'm not planning on having children, its all up to you Lester. Hurry up and go get some chick pregnant."
"Hmm, sounds interesting, but I think that's skipping a few steps. You know, like first GETTING A GIRLFRIEND. Not to mention having a good relationship, and then getting married, and all that. Plus I'm still in school"
"Tha's ok, you can live with me, I make enough money. Papa and Mama needs grandchildren, QUICK!"
So...anyone out there interested in baring my child? Hmmm?
Didn't think so....
Posted by
10:14 PM
New short video released
Click your way over to my website to download the latest in video technology (for us... we finally have a camcorder!). Make sure to note the absolutely stunning fluid motion and digital crispness that the video has. You'll agree: motion pictures have come along way since their beginnings in the early 1900's.
Posted by
2:11 PM
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Looks like someone dropped the ball.
I finally got a Firewire PCI card to connect my camcorder to my computer. What this means to those who speak English: I can record video from the camcorder to the PC, which is a great boon to the whole video process.
So expect to see a (short) video in the coming days!... And I should tell you now, its probably not worth your time to download it if you have dial up.
Posted by
10:21 PM